
Chapter 1909 Invasion

Chapter 1909 Invasion
The location of Lihuo Palace can be regarded as the area with the strongest spiritual veins in the current spirit world, almost comparable to the unpolluted Qingfeng Old City.

But Lihuo Palace did not accept disciples as widely as the other two sects, and there were actually not many monks left in the huge sect territory.Almost all the disciples in the stage of transforming gods can be assigned to practice with spiritual veins within a radius of five hundred miles.It is precisely because of this that the monks of Lihuo Palace rely on the strongest skills and sufficient resources to be able to disdain the disciples of the same level from the other two schools.

Near the mountain gate of Lihuo Palace, only monks above the distraction stage can fly, and the guards of the mountain gate are also monks at the distraction stage.On that day, a transport ship bearing the flag of Taiqing Pavilion flew towards the gate of Lihuo Palace.

A monk in charge of security has long called out from a distance: "Whoever comes, stop quickly and accept interrogation. It is not easy for you to break into the important place from the Palace of Fire."

But the transport ship didn't seem to pay attention to these words at all, and was still sailing at full speed towards the mountain gate.

For thousands of years, the Lihuo Palace has always been in a dominant position in the spirit world, and these mountain gate locations should all be equipped with large formations to protect the mountain.But there has been no war for such a long time, so that the garrison at the foot of the mountain immediately forgot that someone dared to trespass the mountain gate, and did not open the mountain protection formation in time.

Hua Yulin, who was in charge of the pilot in the cabin, was full of complacency at this moment, he never thought that he could come to the inner gate of Lihuo Palace so unscrupulously.

As for Xiang Donghui and Jian Shaoqing, strange expressions appeared on their faces. They had visited here before.But every time, you can only enter after passing through the foot of the mountain, and you have never felt as comfortable as this time.

Soon there were disciples from Lihuo Palace who came to stop him, but those who shot were all disciples in the early stage of distraction.They escaped quickly and quickly caught up with the transport ship. After repeated warnings, they found that the invading enemy seemed to ignore them, and then sacrificed their spiritual weapons to prepare to attack.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people stepped out from the deck of the transport ship, and the leader was only a late-stage cultivator.After a crisp phoenix cry sounded, dozens of people on board maintained the transport ship and flew straight towards the forbidden area of ​​Lihuo Palace.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, continuous bells were suddenly ringing continuously. For thousands of years, it was only ringing at the most critical moment of the last evil disaster.Those Lihuo Palace disciples who were in retreat all woke up from their trance when they heard the sound of the bell, opened the cave door and flew directly towards the forbidden area of ​​the sect.

Soon, hundreds of light spots appeared sparsely in the space.Unexpectedly, all the inner disciples of Lihuo Palace came out in full force, and there were only a hundred of them.

No wonder the black-clothed Wuye Patriarch asked the two factions to help, but he only sent a ten-man team to help.

The layers of restrictions in the Lihuo Palace were like paper in front of the transport ship, and they were directly broken through the restrictions and broke in at once.

It didn't stop until it flew to the main entrance of the Zongmen forbidden area. At this time, two figures flew out of the cabin and stabilized in the air.Then Heiyi Wuye said: "I'm back, Ji Xuanyuan, Huolian, Zeng Shun, and Han Liu haven't come out yet to meet you."

The voice was silent but everyone in the sect with a radius of ten thousand miles could hear it clearly, as if the words were spoken in the ear.

With a sound of '嗖', he lifted his hands directly from the prohibition outside the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Palace, and saw Zeng Shun, Han Liu and Huolian flying out, confronting the two of them in the air.

Huolian stared at the person in front of him in surprise, sized him up, and asked, "Aren't you in retreat in the forbidden area, ancestor? Why did you suddenly say you're going back to the sect?"

"Master, I haven't seen you for thousands of years, but how did you notice that your aura is different from the last time we met?" Zeng Shun also asked.

On the contrary, Han Liu sized him up and then shifted his gaze to Yi Tian, ​​who suddenly froze his eyes and pupils as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Yi Tian bowed his hands slowly and said: "Brother Yi Tian has met three senior brothers."

"Aren't you a monk from the Taiqing Pavilion? Why are you with the Patriarch?" Huo Lian asked with a slight frown.

On the contrary, Han Liu Jishou saluted and said: "I have seen my junior brother, but I did not expect that your cultivation base is so advanced, it is several times stronger than when you were in the demon world hundreds of years ago."

"Senior Brother Han still has eyesight. After all, he is a person who has cultivated the seventh layer of Lihuo Nine Transformations, but your progress over the years has been much slower than I expected," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

"What do you know about our sect's kung fu?" Zeng Shun asked in surprise.

"It's not just that I know that my junior brother's practice of Liyan Kung Fu is far superior to mine," Han Liu said.

Hearing what he said, Huo Lian and Zeng Shun were frightened and didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, a ray of aura flew out of the restriction, and it was Ji Xuanyuan.It's just that Yi Tian looked at it and was surprised to find that it was still the clone he had seen before.Frowning slightly, he asked, "Senior Brother Ji, don't come to the demon world, don't you be safe, but why is your lifespan passing by so fast?"

When the words came out, the three people beside them all looked shocked, but none of them noticed it.Huo Lian's expression turned serious and he asked, "Young brother's statement is true?"

Zeng Shun also asked anxiously: "Why did senior brother become like this? Is there a mistake in the cultivation technique?"

Only Han Liu seemed to have noticed something and said: "Senior brother taught me the exercises thousands of years ago, did you foresee this day long ago?"

Ji Xuanyuan didn't answer directly, but turned around and bowed to Wuye in black, "Master, Xuanyuan is polite."

Sighing softly, Wuye in black said, "It's really made you suffer all these years, Wuye, are you still hiding in the restriction and refuse to come out to meet each other? Don't you want your disciples to cover you up?" When is it?"

"Bastard, you shouldn't be here in the first place," a sharp voice resounded through the world.Then two lights and shadows flew out of the restriction and landed in front of the six people.

When the light faded, Patriarch Wuye appeared in front of everyone in white clothes, and behind him was the old Ji Xuanyuan himself.

A little later, Ji Xuanyuan's avatar flew back and merged with the main body before disappearing without a trace.But the deity became stronger and turned towards Wuye in black and Yi Tianji and said: "I have seen the ancestor in black and the younger brother."

In this way, Yi Tian's identity was confirmed, and the eyes of Li Huo and Huo Lian who were present were also full of suspicion, not knowing what was going on.

Bai Yi Wuye said: "I imprisoned you in Tianlan Continent, the lower realm, but I didn't expect you to be able to escape from it. It was far beyond my expectation."

(End of this chapter)

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