
Chapter 1910 Confrontation

Chapter 1910 Confrontation
Outside the forbidden area deep in Lihuo Palace, a group of high-ranking monks from Lihuo Palace gathered here.The two Wuye Patriarchs in black and white each led their disciples to confront each other.Huolian, Zeng Shun, and Han Liu in front of them looked slightly suspicious when they saw Yi Tian, ​​but under Ji Xuanyuan's explanation, they naturally understood the twists and turns.

Heiyi Wuye sneered and said: "What is beyond your expectations, you and I are both good and evil, but we are just practicing with the help of the monk's skills to break through the bottleneck and reach the next level. It's a pity that you have forgotten your original intention, even if the original good intentions have turned into evil thoughts at this time, and it also caused Xuanyuan to protect you for thousands of years, wasting his lifespan, making him trapped in this state and unable to advance an inch until his lifespan was exhausted .”

"Rong Bing, the black-clothed patriarch, this matter was forced by me willingly or not by the white-clothed patriarch," Ji Xuanyuan explained.

Wuye in Heiyi interrupted Ji Xuanyuan with a gesture of his hand, and then said: "These are indisputable facts. All the disciples and disciples are here, so we can confront them face to face."

As soon as this remark came out, Zeng Shun, Han Liu's complexion changed, and he turned his head to look at the big brother Ji Xuanyuan in front of him, his mouth moved slightly, as if he was transmitting a voice in private.After a few breaths, both of them showed some sadness on their faces, but Ji Xuanyuan's calm appearance did not show any depression at all.

But Baiyi Wuye said: "Even so, you have heard Xuanyuan say that this is something he is willing to do."

"Don't be obsessed with it anymore. We are one. Unfortunately, we seem to have been misled by good and evil thoughts for thousands of years after we separated. Now it's time to overcorrect and return to oneness."

"You're right, it's time to return to one body, but it's your avatar returning to my main body," Bai Yi Wuye said disdainfully: "After nearly thousands of years, I didn't expect your cultivation to have regressed to such an extent. It seems that the sequelae left by the lack of spiritual nourishment after trapping you in the lower realm have not yet been eradicated."

But Wuye in black said with a twitch of his mouth: "You are still obsessed with who is the main body and who is the clone. No wonder you haven't comprehended the true meaning of Zen of good and evil for thousands of years."

"Nonsense, can you comprehend the mystery of this?" Bai Yi Wuye shouted angrily.

"Don't be angry, although when you and I separated back then, we were based on good intentions and evil thoughts, but have you forgotten the first sentence in the Zen of Good and Evil, 'One thought of Buddha and demons is born from the heart', look at yourself. Originally Wuye's kind thoughts, but now he is showing evil for his own selfish desires," Wuye in black replied without the slightest fear.

"So what?" Bai Yi Wuye said disdainfully: "Even so, I am still the patriarch Wuye of Lihuo Palace, and you are just my shadow, living under my shadow for the rest of my life."

"Oh, that's right," Heiyi Wuye replied, "But now who is hiding in the forbidden area of ​​the sect and needs the protection of disciples all day long, I'm afraid it's the evil thoughts in your kind heart that torture you all day long." You might as well die."

"Stop talking nonsense, I know very well what you want to come here rashly today, all the disciples are ordered to take down the person in front of me for me," Bai Yi Wuye shouted.

It's just that no one around him dared to make a move. You must know that the person in front of you is also the true deity of Patriarch Wuye, and even if it is a clone, you should not easily offend him.

Seeing that no one responded, Bai Yi Wuye shouted angrily: "Xuanyuan, you are a senior brother, why don't you set an example."

Ji Xuanyuan showed distress and said: "Master is happy and angry. The person in front of you is also your real deity. It is really disrespectful to commit such a crime. Please forgive me for not daring to commit such a crime."

"Huolian, Zeng Shun, and Han Liu, are you also planning to disobey the order of the teacher?" Bai Yi Wuye asked.

Here, Li Huo's elders are only juniors, so they naturally dare not refuse directly, but they chose to remain silent because of scruples.Only the chain of fire has been with Wuye for a long time, but when he saw this situation, he said: "My lord has made a huge mistake this time, the person in front of me is also you, so why don't you ask me to wait?"

"Okay, one or two of you are bewitched by him, it seems that I have no choice but to do this," Bai Yi Wuye said after making a seal with both hands and offering a white spiritual light on his chest.Immediately after the aura flew out, it was divided into four and directly sank into the hearts of the four of them. Immediately, the four of them exuded a sense of righteousness, as if deliberately inspired by Bai Yi Wuye.

Yi Tian suddenly found that the eyes of the four people in front of him had changed, and his heart was not good.This kind of exercise is very similar to the "Vicissitudes of the Righteous Way" in the Zen of Good and Evil exercises, which draws out all the righteousness in the heart.Doing so will create a great sense of hostility to the black-clothed Wuye Patriarch who is an evil thought, thus making them firm in their hearts and waiting for an opportunity to take action.

Heiyi Wuye sighed and said, "I didn't expect you to use the Zen method of good and evil in such a way to draw out the righteous thoughts in the four people's hearts to hate me, this disgusting Wuye."

"That's right, today you want to beat the crowd with the few, but you made the wrong calculation." Bai Yi Wuye said with a cold face: "I want to see if the disciple you have trained can stop me from sitting down and away from the fire." The joint attack of the four major disciples of the palace."

Heiyi Wuye shook his head and said, "I didn't want to involve you disciples, but unfortunately you don't mind making matters worse."

"You still have the guts to say that Lihuo Palace will completely embarrass you for having people from Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect come to assist you," Baiyi Wuye said in a confrontation.

"It's useless to say more, let's see the real chapter under our hands, and the disciples will be implicated here. Let's go one-on-one at a high place. I haven't seen you in 5000 years. I also want to see how much you have grown up with kind thoughts," said Wuye in black turned into a black light and flew directly into the sky.

Wuye in Baiyi was not to be outdone and flew up after him, leaving only Yi Tian and the four disciples of the Lihuo Sect at the fusion stage remaining on the scene.

Looking around, I saw four people slowly swarming up, looking like they were trying to catch a turtle, but Ji Xuanyuan who was the leader said: "Junior Brother offended, and we are also ordered by Master, as long as you arrest me with your hands tied, I can guarantee that I won't hurt your life. "

The same look flickered in the eyes while speaking, Yi Tian knew that it was Ji Xuanyuan's kindness at work. Although he was inspired by Baiyi Wuye's Zen of Good and Evil, he had infinite righteousness, but the conscience in his heart was still there. At this moment, Ji Xuanyuan There must be a fierce struggle in the heart.As for Zeng Shun and Han Liu, they also showed more or less sorrowful expressions on their faces, obviously they were also fighting fiercely in their hearts at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the Zen of Good and Evil created by Master Jie Ding would have such a miraculous effect. Yi Tian knew that even if the four of them worked together in such a situation, they might not be able to do their best.However, in the face of the siege of the four major fusion stage monks, I had to treat it with caution. I patted the beast sac on my waist and said: "Fellow Daoist Yishun, please show up and help."

(End of this chapter)

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