
Chapter 1912: Three Talents

Chapter 1912 Three Talents
Facing the combination of Hallyu and Ji Xuanyuan, Yi Tian was not afraid at all, even when he saw Ji Xuanyuan's Li Yan coming, Yi Tian resorted to the space magic power 'Close to the End of the World' to suck Li Yan into the alien space.

Ji Xuanyuan is also a well-informed person, and he directly explained the origin of the trick after his eyes passed.After the two made their moves, Zeng Shun in the distance seemed not to be outdone, he took out two pieces of Leiyang Token from his hands, made a white ignorant flame, attached them to them, and then let go.

Suddenly, two bright white scorching suns seemed to appear above the forbidden area of ​​Lihuo Palace, mixed with the sound of wind, covering Yi Tian's position.Putting away the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword and flicked the fingertips of a white spark to ignite the Spirit Sword.After quickly making seals with his hands on his chest, he waved his hand and said, "Change."

The Taiyuan wooden sword disintegrated into thousands of filaments in the air, and then carried the ignorant flame to meet the two flames in front of it.

"This is Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Lingyaohua Qianshu. I didn't expect you, little brother, to gather the specialties of the three schools, and indeed you could enter the Master's Dharma Eye," Ji Xuanyuan, who was in the distance, praised this situation.

There was a sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping' in the air, it was the crisp sound of Lingyao Huaqian's sword silk hitting Leiyang Ling.

The tricks performed by Zeng Shun's natal Lingbao were extremely sharp, but this momentum was blocked by Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread.It wasn't that the spirit weapon was dominant, but that Yi Tian took advantage of the kung fu, and the ignorant flames gathered on a large number of sword threads quickly assimilated the same flames on the flywheel.Seeing something bad, Zeng Shun hurriedly linked to Yin and wanted to take back the spirit weapon, but after a large amount of ignorance flames were assimilated, his control over Leiyang Ling continued to weaken.

In the end, it was Ji Xuanyuan who made the move, sacrificing Zixiaozhan across the wall of fire in the air to forcibly intercept the two entangled flames of ignorance.

Shaoqing only listened to Ji Xuanyuan's opening and said: "You two junior brothers can't keep your hands anymore, otherwise it would be embarrassing for the master to make the younger junior look down on us."

Zeng Shun and Han Liu's complexion changed slightly when they heard the words, and they hurriedly said, "I respect you, senior brother."

"Then let the younger brother see our three talented Lihuo formations in the Lihuo Palace," after speaking, his figure flashed a hundred feet away in front of Yi Tian.

And Han Liu and Zeng Shun also flashed behind Yi Tian with a teleportation, and the three of them each took out their spiritual weapons and formed a corner with each other.Suddenly, the three of them fled rapidly in one direction, and at the same time gradually narrowed the encirclement.

Yi Tian asked himself that the formation is quite familiar, and the formation of three talents can be regarded as a relatively basic formation.However, the three-talent formation formed by the three integrated monks is different.

Don't look at the emptiness of the upper and lower roads, but Yi Tian knows that if he wants to break through from these two directions, he will definitely usher in a joint blow from the three of them.

And if you want to get out of trouble, you can't simply break through all the way. With the three of you working together, you are facing three real bodies of Ji Xuanyuan at the same time.Attacking any one of the Lihuo elders will be transferred to Ji Xuanyuan, and Ji Xuanyuan's supernatural powers can also be used by the Lihuo elders. Speaking of which, this formation is based on the supernatural powers of the strongest. The offensive and defensive capabilities of the weak.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his hands anymore, and called out under the seal of his hands, "Now," four white lotus-like arms are deep under the double ribs, and two heads protrude from the back of the head and neck. .This asura transformation's supernatural powers and secrets were also used publicly for the first time in the spirit world.

The six arms are paired in pairs, and the two hands on both sides hold the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, the Leiyang Token, and the Dragon Tortoise Armor Shield, and the front hands hold a three-inch oil lamp with A wisp of blue-purple flames was there.

"It seems that you have become serious, little brother. I don't know how much of your skill can be raised by this Asura transformation technique," said Ji Xuanyuan's voice from the rapidly approaching Sancai formation.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down," said Yi Tian. Asura, who had three heads and six arms in a seal with one hand, faintly glowed with golden light, as if his skin was covered with a layer of golden brilliance. The back of his head There is a round of corona rising, but the soles of the feet are stepping on the phantom of a white lotus.

"Junior brother's kung fu is really complicated enough that he can even perform the secret arts of the Buddhist sect. It seems that you have put in a lot of hard work here," Han Liu exclaimed after seeing it.

"Keep you brothers waiting for a long time," Yi Tian said with a twitch of his mouth: "Let's start the second round now."

Without waiting for their reply, Yi Tian took the lead, and the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan, Lei Yangling and Taiyuan Wooden Sword were sacrificed respectively and greeted Ji Xuanyuan, Zeng Shun and Han Liu.

Since the attack will be passed on to Ji Xuanyuan at a certain point, but if attacking three people at the same time, Ji Xuanyuan must have no time to clone.

Within a short radius of three miles, the six magical powers suddenly attacked each other. The scene must have been unheard of by these low-level monks in the distance.

I saw that many people stopped the magical powers in their hands one after another, turned their heads hastily, and fled towards the distance.Although it was hundreds of miles away, the spiritual pressure wind that appeared after the supernatural attack formed three tornadoes and spread out in all directions.Wherever the wind went, it left a ten-foot-deep gully on the ground, which stretched for hundreds of miles before ending.

Now the low-level monks around hurriedly abandoned the opponents in front of them and fled towards the distance. This is no longer something they can participate in. Speaking of which, they have to wait for the high-level monks to decide the winner before dealing with these trivial matters in front of them.

On the contrary, Jian Shaoqing stood alone in the air and stared at Yi Tian in the distance from time to time in a one-on-one-three confrontation position, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth inadvertently, completely forgetting the pain of teeth biting his lips.

Naturally, the four people in the center of the storm were also uncomfortable. Zeng Shun and Han Liu were obviously inferior in strength, and after being broken, they were pushed several miles away to adjust their interest rates first.

Only Ji Xuanyuan stopped in the air with the Zixiao lamp in his hand and stared at the front from time to time, but his forehead was deeply wrinkled and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Suddenly a gap opened in the void, and Yi Tian jumped out of it. He didn't seem to have received any damage, but his aura was not as strong as before.

"Junior brother is easy to calculate, but it's a pity that such a powerful technique as yours also has weaknesses, and it's not easy to maintain it for a long time," Ji Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Eldest brother is really powerful, you can see the strangeness at a glance," Yi Tian also replied with a wry smile. Speaking of which, the spiritual power required to perform the three secret arts at the same time has also doubled.Fortunately, my background is still there, so it shouldn't be a problem to consume it a few times.

Surrounded by the actual combat formation of three people carelessly before, Yi Tianxin secretly thought that this kind of thing must not happen again.

(End of this chapter)

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