
Chapter 1913 Counterattack

Chapter 1913 Counterattack
The fierce fighting over the forbidden area of ​​Lihuo Palace was still going on, but those low-level disciples of the sect had already hid far away.This level of confrontation is by no means something that can be seen on weekdays. Although the power of supernatural powers and spells is controlled within a certain range, the situation caused by those inadvertently leaked supernatural powers spread to four weeks really made these people secretly I was amazed.

After the reinforcements from Taiqing Pavilion and Feiyu Jianzong gave up, they flew to a distant place in the sky and stopped there to watch.Although they were not familiar with Lihuo Palace's tricks, they all became extremely serious after seeing Yi Angel's tricks of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and Taiqing Pavilion.Especially Xiang Donghui and Jian Shaoqing, who were the leaders, originally thought that their sect's supernatural powers were slightly inferior to Lihuo Palace, but now it seems that it may not be so.

At least in Yi Tian's hands, both the space supernatural power of Taiqing Pavilion and the Lingyaohua Qianshu of Feiyu Jianzong have been used to the extreme.Facing the pincer attack of Lihuo's two elders, he was not weak at all, and what's more, the Taiqing Pavilion's spatial power 'close to the horizon' could defuse Lihuo's lord Ji Xuanyuan's offensive into nothingness.

In this way, the rumor that the Lihuo Palace is the only one among the three sects in the spiritual world is naturally self-defeating.After all, all the supernatural powers at the bottom of the box of various factions can be combined and used to faintly restrain the supernatural powers of Lihuo Palace.

Yi Tian, ​​who is in the battle formation, really knows himself at this time, although he can temporarily maintain the battle situation under one-on-three with the diversity of supernatural powers and spells.But it would be difficult to continue like this for a long time, even with a steady stream of pills to supplement his spiritual power, he still felt a little uneasy.

Looking up at the sky with his divine thoughts, Yi Tian's eyes flashed purple and found that the two patriarchs in the sky also started to fight.Fortunately, they are located thousands of miles away, even if they use powerful moves, they can precisely control the power within a certain range, so people on the ground may not be able to feel the aftermath.

It just seemed that Wuye in black was suppressed as soon as he made a move, but Yi Tian was quite helpless about it.It's no wonder that Wuye in black has been suppressed in Tianlan Continent for thousands of years. Even if he returns to the spirit world and cultivates in some blessed places for thousands of years, it may not be able to make up for the lost cultivation.

Knowing this is the situation, why did the black-clothed Wuye patriarch resolutely come to Lihuo Palace? Yi Tian would not think that the master came here to die because of a fool.The good and evil Zen that I asked him to practice before divides the body into two. Although he is formed by the condensation of evil thoughts, according to the profound meaning of the Zen method and the Taoist Tai Chi principle, the prosperity must decline, and the decline to the end is the prosperity. the beginning.

Although Patriarch Wuye in white was transformed by good thoughts, the evil thoughts deep in his heart cannot be eradicated.Needless to say, Wuye in Heiyi must have acted based on this principle.

Looking around, Yi Tian's face turned serious, the Zen of Good and Evil performed by Patriarch Baiyi has deeply affected the four senior brothers.At this moment, they can no longer control themselves, and unless they can alleviate the influence of the Zen of Good and Evil, their situation will become worse and worse.

After thinking about it, he took out the Brahma golden bell, shook it rapidly in his hand, and at the same time, he kept chanting the eight-tone secret technique of heavenly thunder.After rounds of golden broadcasts scattered and swept over the three of them, Yi Tian suddenly found that there seemed to be a hint of hesitation on the faces of the three senior brothers.

It seems that the eight sounds of thunder played a little role this day, but after three breaths, I saw that their hands did not stop and continued to urge the spell to attack them.

Facing the three people's attack again, Yi Tian was not afraid at all, the Brahma golden bell in his hand continued to shake, and then he kept chanting the eight sounds of thunder.Under the continuous passing of the golden light waves, the tricks in the hands of the three senior brothers did not seem to be as smooth and free as before.

Faced with such a god-given opportunity, Yi Tian would still miss it. In the Asura transformation that appeared, except for the one holding the Brahma golden bell, he held Zixiaozhan with one hand, and the other four hands formed seals in pairs at the same time. Law.

According to what the black-clothed Wuye Patriarch said, he has now cultivated the Lihuo Nine Changes to the point where he can barely enter the eighth-level early stage.Facing the three brothers who have cultivated to the middle and late stages of the seventh floor, they are also capable of fighting.

The key still depends on how to adapt to the situation on the battlefield. Thinking of this, Yi Tian's four arms passed over the lights on the Zixiao lamp one by one, and extracted a ray of Li Yan from them.

Afterwards, the four ray of flames followed by the four sparks were fired towards the three of them. Among them, Ji Xuanyuan, who was the senior brother, was taken care of, and the two sparks were divided into two ways to attack from the left and right sides.

The spiritual thoughts of the monks in the integration stage are so keen, Ji Xuanyuandang even noticed the clues when Yi Tian made a move like this.Then he shouted in a deep voice: "It's the strongest attack move 'Li Yan Xin' on the seventh floor of the Lihuo Nine Transformations. You can't force it in the zone defense."

Having said that, Zeng Shun and Han Liu's expressions tightened, they gave up the encirclement and teleported to Ji Xuanyuan's left and right sides.The three of them shot at the same time and respectively sacrificed their own true flames to the Zixiao Zhan in Ji Xuanyuan's palm.

With a sound of 'Hula', a red flame burst out from the Zixiao lamp and directly turned into a fireball defense to protect the three of them in the middle.

Three beeps of 'bang bang bang' sparked countless sparks in the air, and the three-point 'liyanxin' hit the fireball accurately and knocked it back several miles away alive.

With a "click", the fireball defense also cracked. Obviously, the attack just now had a great impact on them. At least after being shocked, the complexions of the three of them were slightly different from before, even Ji Xuanyuan's complexion All moved by it.He sighed and said: "Junior Brother, I didn't expect that your cultivation level will come from behind, and you have already reached a level that I have not reached. In your hands, Lihuo Palace will definitely be able to disdain all sects in the spirit world in the future."

Ji Xuanyuan has already admitted that he is stronger than him, but Yi Tian replied with no joy on his face: "Eldest brother, don't worry, this time is just a fusion battle between two patriarchs, you and I The four of them were just implicated by it. The brother's ambition is not here, and the affairs of the sect still need to be taken care of by the brother."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian's complexion suddenly changed, and he felt an extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuation pressing down from the top of his head.The four people present were frightened at the same time. Needless to say, this is the real arrival of Patriarch Wuye, but they don't know how the two decided the victory and who fused with whom.

After a flash of spiritual light, a little white spiritual light flew out from the heads of Ji Xuanyuan and Li Huo respectively and returned to Patriarch Wuye's hand.Only now did Yi Tian see clearly that Wu Ye in white clothes fell in front of him.At this time, the solemn gaze swept over him, making him a little apprehensive.

"The boy will be captured before his hands are tied up," Bai Yi Wuye stretched out his hand, and after a red flame flashed, a mouthful of gossip pill furnace appeared in the air. After the lid was lifted, an invisible force directly sucked Yi Tian in.

(End of this chapter)

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