
Chapter 1916 Situation

Chapter 1916 Situation

The evil disaster lasted for nearly two hundred years. During this period, the number of the demon army gradually increased, from the original three major races to the gathering of seven major races.It's just that according to reliable sources, the veteran abyssal demons actually only sent a late-stage distracted monk as the leader.

As for the other six races, there are more or less one or two body-building monks who come to sit in the town. At the same time, in order to make up for the shortage of body-building monks, there are also body-building monks from the loose cultivating demon race in the Demon Realm to help in the battle.

Moreover, the strength of these demon cultivators in the combined stage of casual cultivation is not much better than that of the other six major clans.Among them, the strength of a one-eyed demon cultivator has reached the late stage of fusion. With his strength, he has joined two other casual cultivators of the demon clan in the fusion stage to form a group that has been sweeping the spirit world for a long time and is invincible.

Fortunately, Zheng Tingyun, the lord of the Taiqing Pavilion, and Lu Jianling, the lord of the Feiyujian Sect, came out to personally intervene in this matter.The two sides fought once in the depths of the spirit world, and the one-eyed demons also restrained themselves a little afterwards, avoiding the strongholds of the two sects and picking soft persimmons.

In the spirit world, casual cultivators are the most numerous, and there are many talented and amazing people among them. However, during the confrontation with this one-eyed demon clan, two mid-stage monks were killed and the other injured.This result directly led to the slump of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Afterwards, they could only rely on the original cultivation towns to start defending.

As the originally strongest Lihuo Sect in the spiritual world, there have been news for nearly a hundred years that the former Sect Master Ji Xuanyuan's life energy has been exhausted and has intervened in reincarnation.Now the second elder of Lihuo, Hanliu, is acting as suzerain, and Zeng Shun was sent as the representative of Lihuo Palace to lead his disciples to the Demon Suppressing Headquarters to participate in the battle against demons.

As a result, the strength of Lihuo Palace appeared to be the weakest, and it was also confronted by members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in several meetings at the Demon Suppression Headquarters.However, considering that there was a cultivator at the first fusion stage in the spiritual world sitting behind him, these people could only take advantage of it in lip service, and they still had nothing to do with Zeng Shun.

On the contrary, the suzerains of the other two factions seemed to have reached a tacit agreement in private, turning a blind eye to Zeng Shun's inaction.Zheng Tingyun from the Taiqing Pavilion brought a newly promoted monk of the Zongmen's integration stage to introduce to everyone during a meeting at the Demon Suppression Headquarters.

If Yi Tian was there, he would definitely be able to see Qing Lianyun waiting for the monks meeting in the integration period for the first time.After all, there are not many monks in the fusion period in the spirit world, and even fewer female cultivators.Like Zheng Tingyun, the patriarch of the Taiqing Pavilion, there was only one. Now that there is another one, it is natural that both women have counted in private.

However, a special cultivator also appeared at the meeting of the Demon Suppressing Headquarters. This person's cultivation base was only in the middle stage of distraction, but he sat on the representative seat of the Lihuo Palace. It was Hua Yuxin who entered the Lihuo Palace. .Needless to say, her identity is naturally recognized by Lihuo Palace, and with the imprint of the second-generation disciple of Lihuo Palace on her forehead, her aura just sitting there is not inferior to that of the monks in the fusion period present here.

Even Zeng Shun, who is the second elder of Lihuo, is also very protective of her, and those who don't know what is going on are quite critical of this.

But the suzerains of the other two sects were vague about this matter, and they were quite polite to the person in charge.As a result, representatives of many small and medium-sized sects and casual cultivators were concerned about it, and they also appeared respectful in front of this woman.

After the meeting at the Demon Suppressing Headquarters, the newly promoted monks of the Taiqing Pavilion had a private meeting with the head of the Lihuo Palace.Although I don't know the content of their conversation, after the meeting, the two talked and laughed like good sisters.

It didn't take long before news came that the demon army was suddenly dispatched.This time they seemed to have a special purpose. After the army was launched, they divided into three groups and marched towards the edge controlled by the three factions of the spirit world along with the opened invasion route.

It's just that after the three-way army was dispatched, according to the report from the scouts, the one-eyed demon casual cultivator was not in any of the army.On the contrary, a few days later, another large army flew in the direction of Kuisha Grotto in the Burial Ground with a demon warship.

Because they had to pass through several remote areas controlled by the three factions on the way, they also waited until the previous three-way army started a stalemate with the spiritual monks before starting to act.

Naturally, such a large-scale personnel transfer cannot be concealed from the eyeliners of the three factions in the spirit world. After the scouts reported the situation immediately, those monks in the integration period naturally couldn't sit still.These demons obviously don't want to drink, otherwise they wouldn't have reserved the elite to do such an action.

It's just that under the development of the third line, the three factions of the spiritual world and the integrated monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance cannot spare their hands to deal with so many things.Zheng Tingyun, the suzerain of the Taiqing Pavilion, as the head coach of spiritual cultivation, calmed down everyone and ordered everyone to stick to their posts.As for the one-eyed demon monk, someone will deal with it.

Those monks in the spiritual world who are casually cultivating at the combined stage are skeptical about this. Speaking of which, the most powerful monks at the combined stage in the entire spiritual world gather in the demon suppression headquarters.Even the two sect masters couldn't restrain the one-eyed demon clan. Could it be that the Mahayana monks had to take action to deal with the demon cultivator?

Among these people, only Qing Lianyun and Hua Yuxin's expressions changed slightly, and they knew from Zheng Tingyun's words who would make a move.Although there was some anticipation in the eyes, there was still some worry more. After all, this one-eyed demon monk was too strong, and even the two suzerains were not fully sure to win him.

Leaving aside the situation of the Spiritual Cultivation Demon Suppression Headquarters, let's say that the warship full of demon cultivators led two supply ships behind it, bypassing the spiritual cultivation towns of the three factions and heading directly towards the edge.On the way, after a short stop at the outpost supply station of the demons, they flew straight towards Kuisha Grotto.

Speaking of which, nothing special happened along the way, except that Yi Tian, ​​a late-stage cultivator from the Flame Prison Demon Clan, boarded the boat when passing by the Moxiu outpost supply station.

Speaking of which, he stayed in that gossip furnace for an unknown amount of time, and he only got out of the trap half a month ago.After the experience of the Bagua Furnace, Yi Tian's cultivation at this time has entered the late stage of integration, and he has practiced Lihuo Nine to the middle stage of the eighth layer.

After receiving the notification from the frontline demon suppression headquarters, he notified the next suzerain, Han Liu, and went directly to the vicinity of the battlefield by himself.

The latest situation shows that the demon army seems to be ready to move again, and the goal is also very obvious. They want to go to Kuisha Grotto to find the corpse of the spiritual pet left by the demon prince Qiu Yu.

Yi Tian restrained his cultivation to the late stage of transforming gods, and at the same time performed the integration of spirit and demon, transformed himself into a logistics supply officer of various flame prison demons, and directly mixed into the supply ships of the demon army.

(End of this chapter)

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