
Chapter 1917 Trailing

Chapter 1917 Trailing
Yi Tian's integration of gods and demons has been practiced for many years, but he has no chance to use it after he escaped from the demon world. After all, if he becomes a demon cultivator and walks out in the spirit world or the demon world, he will definitely be targeted.

Fortunately, in the spiritual world, when the demons invade, such skills can be used again. The monk Yi Tian, ​​who transformed into the flame prison demon, directly boarded the transport ship as a logistics supply officer.

Flying towards the hinterland of the spirit world along the way, Yi Tian didn't dare to release his divine sense to investigate the situation on the main battleship ahead.It's just that I learned that the one-eyed demon rogue cultivator led the raid this time, and there was also a demon rogue cultivator who was in the early stages of the attack in coordination.

Under one-on-two, Yi Tian knew that if he didn't move, he would have already made a move, and he must be the first to stop the demon cultivator at the early stage of integration.

There is no chance to get close to them with the cultivation level he shows now, but Yi Tian is still waiting quietly, presumably there should be a chance to do it after arriving at Kuisha Grotto.

Sure enough, when he reached the sky above the Kuisha Grotto, a hundred miles away, Yi Tian only felt that the transport ship was slowly descending. After the sound of 'Teng', the whole ship shook violently, and then I saw a group of ready-to-go demon monks quickly walk out of the hatch and line up on the deck.Soon after the large group of people got off the transport ship, they began to set up formations within a radius of three miles from the transport ship.

After Yi Tian got off the boat together, he quietly hid his figure in the void, and looked up to see that only two transport ships landed and started construction work here.And the main battleship seemed to have no intention of staying and flew directly over the Kuisha Grotto.

After a while, I saw the warship slowly descending until it was three miles away from Kuisha Grotto, and suddenly dozens of people flew out of the cabin and lined up in the air one by one.The one-eyed demon monk in the middle was at the fusion stage, and Yitian's senses could still remain extremely sharp even after being separated by hundreds of miles, so he recognized him immediately.

I heard the surrounding demons mentioned that this one-eyed demon was originally one of the few descendants of the one-eyed demon, named Scarlet Eyed Demon.As for the assisted demon cultivator at the early stage of integration, he is a spiritual cultivator who has fallen into the devil's way, named Du Li.

As for the many distracted monks in the air, they are elites drawn from the seven major races of the demon world.Yi Tian didn't use his divine sense to investigate, but from a distance, he saw the presence of monks from the flame prison demon clan.

Thinking back when I was in the Demon Clan, I was too involved with the Flame Prison Demon Clan, so it would be a bit embarrassing if I met a few familiar people this time.

For example, the last time I saw a large number of reinforcements near Jiemen, there was Dugu Yaoxiang, the Tianmo clan that I was familiar with. Even after pretending to be ignorant, you can recognize yourself from the words.

Soon the few people in the air seemed to have made a deal, the Crimson Eyed Demon took the lead and descended, and the casual cultivator Du Li followed behind him. As for the rest of the distracted cultivators, they were divided into two teams.A group dispersed and began to guard near the warship, and the other four followed into Kuisha Grotto.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, he was very clear about the situation below, and after entering the first floor, his spiritual thoughts would be isolated.Now the outside magic cultivator and the Crimson Eye Demon can no longer keep in touch.Fortunately, he is not a bloodthirsty person, and after he quietly released his divine sense to scan, Yi Tian lost interest in the outside world's magic cultivation.

Then the figure flashed past the surveillance of several demon cultivators, came to the sky above Kuisha Grotto, and then fell directly from the other side after falling headlong in the air.

I have been to Kuisha Grotto once before, and the strong devilish energy inside made me tired of coping with it back then, and my skills were [-]% off.But now after casting God and Demon One, he can replenish himself by absorbing evil spirits.

Based on his memory, Yi Tian chose a small path leading directly to the second floor and dived down. It didn't take long for him to find a demon monk in the distraction period standing not far in front of him.Yi Tian's figure flashed and rushed forward, and when he saw the demon monk in an instant, he stretched out his hand to restrain him, and then fell directly into the space crack.

After three breaths, in the Xumi space opened up by Yi Tian, ​​there was an unconscious magic cultivator in front of him.This person is Yantong, a monk from the flame prison demon clan, who had crossed paths with him back then.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, but he didn't expect that the first person he met after following the one-eyed demon here was an old acquaintance.Speaking of which, I also worked with him for a long time, and everyone has a tacit understanding with each other.Back then, his cultivation base was in the mid-stage of avatar, but he hadn't made any progress after such a long time.

After leaving the Demon Realm, we didn't see each other again. Even though I saw him belonging to two camps today, I couldn't bear to take his life.

Later, he gently raised his hand to sacrifice the Dao magic light and directly entered Yantong's eyebrows. After ten breaths, only a soft sigh was heard, and Yantong woke up from the coma.

Looking around, it was pitch black, Yantong's complexion changed slightly in an instant, and after unfolding his divine sense, he scanned the surrounding area and locked on the person in front of him.He frowned slightly and asked, "Are you Daoist Yi?"

"Isn't it just me?" Yi Tian replied with a relaxed face.

"Then where is this place? I remember that the same group of fellow Taoists sneaked directly into Kuisha Cave before," Yan Tong thought for a while and replied.

"The target of your sneaking into Kuisha Cave with the Crimson Pupil Demon should be the corpse of the demon pet left here by the demon prince Qiu Yu," Yi Tian directly stated their purpose without beating around the bush.

"How do you know, and how far your cultivation has reached, why I can't see your depth," Yan Tong cried out in surprise.

"Speaking of which, I went to the abyss of the Demon Realm back then, and I had some adventures and opportunities there," Yi Tian replied, "As for the secrets in the Kuisha Cave, I also found out from other places. It's just that it seems that you have gone rashly this time. It's kind of careless."

"How do you say that?" Yan Tong asked in confusion.

"To perform the resurrection of the dead, you must have enough spiritual power and blood sacrifice," Yi Tian explained: "How can there be a lot of evil spirits in the spirit world to use secret techniques to resurrect this familiar."

"Then you mean to say that the few people we followed are all pawns," Yan Tong said with a serious expression.

"This is my guess, but after thinking about it, the few people who came down should be demons whose cultivation has been trapped at the current level for a long time and is difficult to advance," Yi Tian said: "Only the demons accumulated in such demonic cultivators The evil force is enough."

Yantong didn't have an answer, obviously he had already thought about it in his heart, but he didn't say it out of his mouth.

Later, I saw him ask: "Friend Yi Daoist, your cultivation must have reached the integration stage, right? With all due respect, your name is not included in this expedition list. Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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