
Chapter 192

Chapter 192
The middle of the stone chamber was indescribably weird, the red ridge was hit by the steel fork, and the man stood there straight and twitched non-stop, and it took a quarter of an hour before he recovered and stopped.

After the light curtain disappeared, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the wounds on Chiji's body had also healed, the expression on his face was indescribably relaxed, and the piece of flesh that had been cut off from the lower body was also scarred.

Until he pulled out the trident on his chest, the wound healed into a line at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the new scales covered it again, covering up all the original skin color.

I only heard a crisp voice coming from the other party: "1000 years, I, Lan Feng, have finally escaped from trouble." After speaking, regardless of Yi Tian's surprised eyes, he stretched his arms and stretched his muscles and bones, and continued: "This pair of red scales The body of the clan Naga guards is still too weak, but I have to make do with it, and then you will be there, Human Race kid," after speaking, he turned and looked at Yi Tian, ​​with a trace of cruelty on his face color.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing across from him, was suffering and couldn't tell. It was obvious that Red Ridge had been taken away, and what was sealed in this steel fork should be the sea beast 'Lan Feng' from thousands of years ago. His strength was definitely in Red Ridge. The one above the ridge should look like a level six sea beast, and everyone here will suffer because of him.

This is the first time Yi Tian regrets coming to participate in the investigation of the ruins. It is obviously the prison of Xuanyang Gate. Letting one of the sea beasts get out of trouble will hurt him.

Xiangguixiang sent out another blow from King Ming's hand, and the ghost face flower seed was shot out afterwards.I saw that Lan Feng smiled, didn't even use the spirit weapon, and shot out five ice arrows with one finger, directly defeating the oncoming King Ming's Hand and Ghost Face Flower Seed, and then attacked Yi Tian through the spell.

After looking at it, Yi Tian hurriedly dodges, screaming in his heart, he will confess here if this continues.Immediately, his heart swayed, a ray of Xuanyang real fire was drawn from his dantian to envelop himself, and then he hurriedly dodged aside.

"It turns out that you are still Yun Zhongzheng's heir. The Xuanyang True Fire Armor has been practiced solidly enough, but its own cultivation base is too low, and it doesn't have much power when it is displayed." After speaking, he swung the steel fork in his hand, forming more than a dozen swords in an instant. An ice thorn shot towards Yi Tian.

Seeing that the opponent's strength was too much higher than his own, Yi Tian didn't dare to sit still. He took out the Fire Emblem Shield and set up the spiral shield with one hand, and summoned the 'Fat Dog'.Under the two phases, a layer of ice halo covers the whole body, and the speed of the incoming ice spikes is obviously much slower.

Then he attacked the shield and forced Yi Tian's whole body to the stone wall. Under the hard resistance, Yi Tian felt that his internal organs were all injured, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, while the 'fat dog' kept standing next to him. Shivering, it seems that the power of the opponent's ice spikes is definitely much stronger than imagined, even Binglihu's ice halo has not weakened the power much.

Lan Feng let out a soft 'Huh'.Jokingly said: "You have also practiced the Xuanyang True Fire Shield, it seems to be the direct succession of Xuanyangmen?" He condensed his mana again and fused a dozen ice thorns into an arm-thin icicle, facing Yi Tian After a while, it flew quickly.

Seeing the icicle slowly enlarging in his pupils, this is the first time that Yi Tian felt so powerless, he probably couldn't bear it anymore, but Yi Tian was not reconciled, and pushed Xuanyang's true fire to the extreme. The flame armor turned red, instantly heating up the surrounding area.Even 'Fat Dog' couldn't stand the scorching heat, so he hurriedly hid aside.

The ball of flame that was originally floating in the air suddenly seemed to have found its target, and flew to Yi Tian's head at a speed exceeding the icicle, and then attached to the true flame armor all of a sudden.Immediately, the flame spiral shield also changed, the spiral flame in it condensed several times, and the color changed from scarlet to golden.

When the two spells collided, the icicle was ruthlessly swallowed by the spiral mouth like a crushed popsicle in Yi Tian's eyes.Lan Feng's face changed greatly when he saw the two, he turned around and ran out of the cave with his trident, and shouted: "Yun Zhongzheng, your natal true fire, don't want to imprison me for a thousand years, Sooner or later, when I regain my strength, I will go to land to settle accounts with your disciples and grandchildren."

After Lan Feng escaped, Yi Tiancai could finally stop to catch his breath.Looking at the golden flame on his body, he was overjoyed, this time it was a blessing in disguise, inexplicably got a ball of spiritual fire from Yun Zhongzheng, the founder of Xuanyangmen thousands of years ago, as long as he made good use of himself to attack the golden core, it would be easy to catch.

It is estimated that Lan Feng did not fully familiarize himself with this physical body after he seized the house, so he must be in a hurry to escape now.At least he didn't dare to provoke him now, after thinking for a while, Yi Tian summoned the fat dog back to the beast spirit bag, and then received the True Flame Armor spell, and the spirit fire returned into a ball of flames and sank directly into Yi Tian's body.

Looking inside the dantian, Yi Tian found that the flame in the dantian was holding against the trace of Xuanyang real fire he had cultivated originally. The two flames came from the same clan, so they did not conflict, but they met each other. Hate the appearance of late.Then Yi Tian found an open space and sat down, calmed down, and began to heal his injuries.

Based on his own Xuanyang True Fire, he continuously extracted that group of flames and integrated them into himself, only to see that young flame slowly condense into a golden color, although it still looks like a strand of condensed It was several times stronger than before, and it became brighter and brighter, so that even the seal glowed golden under the calcination of gunpowder.

The whole process lasted for nearly a whole day, and Yi Tiancai initially transformed the flame into his own, and now the Xuanyang real fire in his dantian has become as thick as a little finger.

Ke Yitian also felt that his cultivation was approaching a bottleneck, and he would go to the Xuanyin sunflower fire of the Xuanyin lineage to reconcile his own yin and yang after he formed the alchemy.Then practice the golden elixir nine-turn formula, and only after you have trained your own golden elixir to the upper third rank can you hit the Yuanying realm.

Aside from the Lan Feng who took the road and fled, there should be no opponents in this ruins now, after thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a few sips of spiritual wine to replenish his spiritual power.Seeing that there was still a whale fork used by Red Ridge on the ground, Yi Tian was not polite and put it away.The weapons of these fifth-level sea beasts are definitely not Xibei products, and they can be used as refining materials.

After looking around, Yi Tian found that the chain left on the stone wall was made of good material, even after thousands of years, there was no sign of rust.Since the chains that can lock the body of a sixth-level sea beast must have been honed over time.

Seeing this, Yi Tian smiled and took out the flywheel, and cast a spell with both hands to shovel off the four chains together with the stones on the stone wall. It took nearly an hour to remove all the four chains.

After getting ready, he walked towards the deepest passage of the ruins with big strides. In the next few days, Yi Tian would also have to take a good look at what criminals are still imprisoned here. Since it is the prison of Xuanyangmen, there must be some criminals in the deepest part of the ruins. Bigger criminals.

Putting down the burden on his body, Yi Tian walked into the passage again with confidence this time. The crisis in front of him has been resolved. As long as the four people are not too watery, the four-to-one haenyeo should not be a big problem.

The door before passing by was still stained with blood on the ground, but Cheng Lingsheng and Qi Dingchao were seen resting in the open space outside the door.Seeing that Yi Tian came back safely, Cheng Lingsheng also hurriedly asked: "How is it? Has the Naga tribe been killed?"

After shaking his head, Yi Tian replied: "He ran away in a desperate situation, and it may be difficult to recover here. Even if I see him again, I have a way to kill him directly."

After listening to the expressions on the faces of the two people, they became more relaxed. This is already the best result.After looking at it, Yi Tian asked, "Where is Liu Piaopiao, what's the situation inside?"

"We don't know, we rested for a while after you left, then Senior Sister Liu and Yin Wuhui walked in along the road behind this door, and they haven't come out for about half a day now," Qi Dingchao said weakly replied.

Seeing that the blood on his face had improved, Yi Tian reckoned that this kid must have suffered a lot from Chiji's hands before, but now he realizes that there are others outside him, and his attitude towards him is more respectful.

After leaving the two of them, Yi Tian hurriedly entered behind that door, and felt the heat wave blowing towards his face as soon as he walked in, and instantly dried the moisture outside his body.Going forward is a path made of stones, with lava pools on both sides, and hot bubbles are constantly bubbling inside.

Walking down the road, Yi Tian found that there were some rock piles inside, and other than that, there was a magma area that could not be seen at a glance.After walking forward for half a quarter of an hour, I found that the road was slowly narrowing. Yi Tian tried to use escape to fly into the air, but there were magma raindrops on the top of his head from time to time. If he only opened the protective cover to fly, it might not be able to last. how long.

Is this obviously the exclusive flight passage for those who have trained the True Flame Armor? Yi Tian didn't want to expose his strength too early, so he hurried along the path.

After walking along the path for nearly half an hour, Yi Tian saw a small island in the middle of the lake at the end of the road, about tens of feet in size.I was overjoyed that it was the end, and before I had time to be happy, I heard the sound of fighting in front of me.

Now Yi Tian was no longer sure, he hurriedly pulled out to open the defensive cover in the air, and flew over.As soon as he landed, he saw Liu Piaopiao and Yin Wuhui facing each other, while the sea girl was standing side by side with Liu Piaopiao.

Seeing this posture, Yi Tian didn't know what happened, but it seemed that there was a disagreement on his side.Seeing someone coming, the three of them also stopped the spells in their hands, Yin Wuhui glanced at Yi Tian and stopped playing.And Liu Piaopiao greeted Yi Tiandao: "Come here quickly, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing such a combination, Yi Tian was also taken aback. Liu Piaopiao would actually do something for that sea girl and Yin Wuhui, which Yi Tian never dreamed of.

After approaching for a while, Yi Tian asked first: "What are you doing, are you killing each other?"

Yin Wuhui snorted coldly and said, "Killing this sea girl will complete our mission."

But Liu Piaopiao glanced at Yin without regret and said: "If you kill Chi Zhu'er, it will bring endless troubles to Ninghai City. There are so many people here, but she can't die."

Now even Yi Tian was puzzled, and looked at Chi Zhu'er in a blink of an eye, but saw her face sinking in water without saying a word, but she was helpless.

"She is a saint of the Red Phosphorus Tribe. If she dies here, we will never have peace if we offend the Red Phosphorus Viper King. This war is just because of the relics. As long as the bottom line is not hurt, the two sides will not You are tearing your face. Yin Wuhui, what position do you want to put Ninghai City in by doing this, can your Yin family withstand the anger of the Red Phosphorous Viper King if something goes wrong?" Liu Piaopiao still looked angrily at Yin after speaking Wu Regret rolled his eyes.

Seeing that the other party is so yin and regretful, he can only give up, but his eyes are still full of disdain.Turning his head to Yi Tian, ​​he said, "Where's the Naga Sea Beast?"

Yi Tian glanced at Chi Zhu'er indifferently and said, "I wounded Red Ridge, and now he probably fled to the exit and waited for the time to slip out of the ruins."

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the three people were different. They all knew that Red Ridge was a fifth-level mid-level sea beast. Since Yi Tian dared to speak out and hurt him, he would not talk in vain.Liu Piaopiao was even more determined. With Yi Tian's strength, Yin Wuhui was determined not to play tricks, but Chi Zhuer next to her was full of disbelief, until Yi Tian took out the whale fork, this I dare not speak any more.

(End of this chapter)

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