
Chapter 193

Chapter 193
In the deepest part of the ruins is a huge stone room. The gate of the stone room is about one foot high, and a one-foot-sized stone lock is hung on the door.Yi Tian knew that a powerful character was definitely suppressed here, at least that Lan Feng was not qualified to be locked up here, although he was curious, he didn't dare to act rashly.I don't know how to open the stone lock in front of me alone, and looking back at the three of them, they are also at a loss.

After a long time, Yin Wuhui became a little impatient. He failed to kill Chi Zhu'er before, and was spoiled by Yi Tian again.Now the four of them stared blankly at the stone lock, and it was uncomfortable to waste time like this, so they simply stood up and slammed the ghost hand on the stone lock with the spiritual power of both hands.

After two beeps, the four of them only saw that the stone lock was still intact, without any signs of damage.Seeing this, Liu Piaopiao sneered and said: "Save your energy, this stone lock can't be opened with force, otherwise Chi Zhu'er wouldn't have stayed here for so long. Give us a chance. "

"You can do it, try it, don't make sarcastic remarks if you are not capable," Yin Wuhui who was on the side also said with anger and disdain.

Liu Piaopiao said nonchalantly: "I can't unlock it, but my team still has research on the formation. He will always have a way, and I absolutely believe in him." After speaking, he turned and looked at Yi Tian, ​​his eyes beckoning Next, it means that you should find a way.

Chi Zhu'er, who was standing on the side, also looked at Yi Tian with hope. Although she was in a dire situation, she couldn't stop her curiosity, and always wanted to see what was being imprisoned here.

Being chased away by people, Yi Tian also shook his head, this matter has to be resolved, otherwise the trip to the ruins is nothing to gain.Looking along the lines on the door, the entire stone gate and the stone locks on it look like a trap connected together, and the stone locks are the eyes of the formation.

But where is the key to open the formation?Yi Tian went up to wrap the stone lock with his spiritual consciousness and inspected it, and found that the patterns on it were integrated, and there was no buckle on the stone lock, so how did the stone lock lock the door at that time?It stands to reason that there will be a formation foundation when arranging formations, but this looks like there is no formation foundation on the door.

Following the pattern of the Shimen, Yi Tian found a stone oil lamp holder on the left and right sides of the Shimen. He flew over to look, and found that the lamp holder on the right was covered with dust, and there was a wick as thick as a thumb in it.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, and lightly blew into the lamp holder. After a burst of dust fell off, white grease was exposed underneath.

Going forward and smelling it, it turned out to be deep-sea whale blubber. This thing Yi Tian read in the True Explanation of Refining that "deep-sea whale blubber can be used for burning, and it will not deteriorate after thousands of years." '

With the fireball technique in his hand, he tapped lightly on the wick, but there was no response from the wick. Even if the entire fireball was stuffed into the lamp socket, the whale blubber would not ignite.After taking a deep breath, Yi Tian slapped his head, and a flash of inspiration flashed in Yi Tian's heart, "The key to the prison of Xuanyangmen should be on his body, and only the descendants of Xuanyangmen can open the things designed by his ancestor Yun Zhongzheng." '

After making a plan in his heart, Yi Tian didn't change his face, quietly stretched out his index finger, a golden flame flashed out, and then tapped the wick, and instantly the stone lamp was lit.Seeing this, Yi Tianfei went to the other side to draw a gourd and lit up the stone lamp on the left as well.

After falling to the ground, Yi Tian looked at the stone gate. After ten breaths, the lines on the stone gate were activated. Two light rays slowly extended from the roots of the two stone lamps to the gate, illuminating the entire stone gate. Finally converge on the stone lock.After the entire stone door shook for a while, a "click" was heard and the entire stone lock fell off.

The three people next to him also gathered around, and they all showed joy when they saw the stone lock was unlocked, even Yin Wuhui now looked at Yi Tian with admiration.

But Yi Tian was beating drums in his heart, seeing the excited faces of the three, he couldn't say much.He took out a jade slip and recorded the formation on the stone gate first, and then put away the stone lock.

Yin Wuhui didn't care about Yi Tian's many things, and went straight forward to push the stone door with both hands before feeling a little heavy, and hurriedly turned around and shouted: "Hurry up and help, this door is a bit heavy, and one person can't open it. "

Hearing that Liu Piaopiao and Chi Zhu'er walked up, the three of them worked together to push the door a little loose.Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to step forward and stand beside Liu Piaopiao to help together.

After a full ten breaths, the four people opened the stone door, and when they looked inside, it turned out to be a simple stone room ten feet in size.In the middle was a brown bear sleeping soundly, with saliva still dripping from its mouth, its limbs were chained by arm-thick iron chains, and there was a dilapidated spirit beast circle around its head and neck, which looked like someone's spirit beast .

But the aura emanating from that brown bear made all four of them look surprised. This brown bear definitely has the cultivation base of the sixth level peak, and it has been imprisoned here for an unknown number of years, which is intriguing in itself.

Liu Piaopiao exclaimed suddenly: "This is the Earth Demon Bear. It seems that it is only one step away from entering the seventh level. As long as it survives the catastrophe of transformation, it can become a human form."

"Then it has been imprisoned here for a long time, why hasn't it exhausted its lifespan?" Yi Tian also asked puzzled.

This time it was Chi Zhuer who said first: "Monster beasts are like our Sea Clan, and their lifespan is much longer than that of human clans. Even if this earth demon bear is a thousand years old, he can only be regarded as young among his kind. It's not uncommon for a beast to live for tens of thousands of years without moving," said Yi Tian with contempt.

Perhaps the conversation of several people woke up the brown bear in front of him. He opened his eyes, yawned, and then stared at the uninvited visitor.After scanning the four people, his eyes stayed on Yi Tian.After a long time, he said: "Yun Zhongzheng said that after a thousand years of imprisonment, I will be released. Now it has only been 900 years. Are you here to release me?"

One sentence stopped all four of them, and the other three didn't know the situation, but seeing the brown bear staring at Yi Tian, ​​they also knew that this matter had a great connection with the Chiyang faction.Seeing that Yi Tian was a little cold, he couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore, and walked up to him and said, "Yun Zhongzheng has been dead for a thousand years, and the Xuanyang Sect has been torn apart long ago, and now only the Chiyang lineage remains. .”

Hearing that Yun Zhongzheng was dead, the brown bear suddenly raised its head to the sky and roared a few times, and then said angrily: "If he is dead, who will let me out? Yun Zhongzheng, you liar, you have lied to me for 900 years." The spiritual energy in his body surged rapidly, pulling the chains around him with clangs.

Then he looked at the four of them fiercely, and suddenly jumped up and wanted to pounce on them, but the four chains held him tightly.Just as the four of them were rejoicing, suddenly the brown bear showed a sly look, opened its mouth wide and let out a sky-shattering roar.

The three people behind them were directly stunned by the sudden roar, and fell to the ground without a sound, except for the breath still indicating that they were still alive.In the entire stone room, only Yi Tian and the brown bear remained, one man and one beast confronting each other.

At this time, the brown bear sat up as if he had made up his mind, and then said leisurely: "I have finished the matter of your voice transmission to me, just put these three people down, and then you have to show your sincerity Just do it."

When Yi Tian saw the Earth Demon Bear staring at him like this just now, he knew what it saw, so he went forward and used words to stabilize everyone, and then sent it a voice transmission, hoping to have a private conversation.The sixth-level peak spirit beast has already activated its spiritual wisdom, and it knows what to do after a word, not to mention that it also saw the hope of escape from the person in front of it, so it directly stunned the three people behind it. .

After scanning the three people behind with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian walked forward carelessly and kept a safe distance before sitting down slowly, and then asked directly: "Can you tell me your origin first?" After taking out two bottles of wine and throwing one bottle to the Earth Demon Bear, he lifted the cap of the bottle and had a drink first.

After taking the wine bottle, the Earth Demon Bear cheerfully opened the bottle cap, then poured the whole bottle of wine into his mouth, and finally stretched out his hand to ask Yi Tian for another bottle.

Yi Tian felt that the brown bear in front of him was indeed a rascal, and it seemed that the monster with its intelligence turned on was really hard to deal with, and he had to dig out some valuable information from him later, so he simply took a few more bottles and threw it at it .Then open a sound-proof barrier to cover the three people on the ground, so that the content of the conversation will not be known by the three people.

After drinking all the wine, the brown bear had a full meal, and looked at Yi Tian with unsatisfied interest, and then said: "My name is Xiong Batian, majestic, right? It was the name given by the Holy Son back then."

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of him, was taken aback when he heard the word "Holy Son", and then he thought about it. The guy in front of him still seems to have a relationship with him, and then it depends on how to choose.

Then I heard Xiong Batian continue: "I was there when the Holy Cult besieged Xuanyang Gate, but unfortunately the Holy Son was defeated and died on the spot. I was captured by Yun Zhongzheng, and then I was locked up here."

Yi Tianzheng listened enthusiastically, and then he saw Xiong Batian looking at him, which meant that he had finished speaking.This time I really can't laugh or cry, it's rare to want to make something out of the mouth of a spirit beast, but I didn't expect it to end like this.Shaking his head helplessly, he said, "What was your cultivation level when you were captured?"

"Level [-] elementary, when I was imprisoned here, my cultivation gradually increased to the advanced level [-]," Xiong Batian said with a smug expression on his face.

Yi Tian said with a straight face: "Since you are Qin Mingyue's spirit beast, how about being my spirit beast now?"

Hearing the word 'Qin Mingyue', Xiong Batian showed surprise and said, "Who the hell are you? I just think you have the aura left by Yun Zhongzheng on you. What is your connection with the Holy Cult?"

After laughing, Yi Tian formed a seal with both hands, and then the clothes under his armpit were directly torn by the four hands, revealing the 'Asura Dharma Body', and said to Xiong Batian: "Open your eyes and see who I am .”

This time it was Xiong Batian's turn to be stunned with a look of disbelief. He saw this appearance again after a thousand years of absence, but after hesitating for a while, he said: "Your Dharma body is incomplete, obviously you haven't practiced well yet, even if you are The master's descendants can't subdue me again, I, Xiong Batian, only have Qin Mingyue as my master."

Seeing this, Yi Tian never thought of subduing the sixth-level top-level monsters directly, but it's strange that his cultivation base is too low and he hasn't been backlashed.At the moment, he made up his mind and said: "My cultivation base is still low, so it's not surprising that you don't like it, but I am the only one who can save you. Now that the Xuanyang Gate is gone, the key to unlock your chains is Only I have it, not to mention," after a pause, Yi Tian took out Qin Mingyue's reincarnation lock and shook it, then said: "Qin Mingyue wants me to help find his reincarnation, I think you will be interested, too?"

Xiong Batian stared straight at the lock, then looked at Yi Tian with an unbelievable expression, nodded after a long silence and said: "This is the owner's belongings, since it is in your hand to show that you It is indeed his descendant, I can protect you, but I will never be your spirit beast."

Yi Tian applauded in his heart, although this earth demon bear has opened his mind, he still fell into the trap after all, as long as he patrols and lures a little, it will definitely be a help in the future.He said in his heart, "Your monster who has lived for a thousand years is not as wise as my two lifetimes as a human being." '

(End of this chapter)

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