
Chapter 194

Chapter 194
On the platform of the deepest cave in the ruins, Yi Tian was using a wisp of Xuanyang fire in his hand to slowly burn off the shackles on Xiong Batian's body.Xiong Batian, on the other hand, endured the scorching heat without making a sound, and let Yi Tian operate.

After reaching an agreement with Yi Tian an hour ago, Xiong Batian immediately swore in the name of the Beast God that he would not harm Yi Tian in this life, and would return to southern Xinjiang after he left.And what Yi Tian has to pay is to immediately vow to take Xiong Batian to find Qin Mingyue's reincarnated real body after entering the Nascent Soul Stage, and to regain control of the Holy Cult.

This seems to be a simple two-benefit agreement. After the two people swore to each other with a blood contract, a little blood from each flew to the other's forehead.It can be clearly felt that the primordial spirit is bound by a trace of red aura, but fortunately, the seal flashed, and the red aura produced by the blood oath was completely shattered immediately.

Yi Tian found that his primordial spirit had returned to its original appearance, and he was overjoyed. It seemed that this seal still had such power that it could directly shatter the entanglement of the primordial spirit's blood oath.

Looking back at it, Xiong Batian saw that its expression was as usual, and he didn't notice any abnormalities. Yi Tian thought, "Don't blame me, it's no problem to find Qin Mingyue's reincarnated body, but it's far from what he thought to be in charge of the holy religion." Yes, let's talk about it later. '

After completing the oath, Yi Tian ran forward to check the shackles on Xiong Batian's body. After a quick look, he realized that this thing was originally refined by Yun Zhongzheng himself. Escape, the inscribed rune 'Soul Soul' on the shackles is a sixth-level high-level inscription, and Yi Tian only knew it in the True Solution of Xuanyang Refining.

I scanned it first with my spiritual sense, then took out the jade slips and expanded the entire set of inscriptions.Then Yi Tian also knew that brute force or methods of breaking the formation would not work. The material of this pair of shackles is deep-sea fine gold and iron, which belongs to the sixth-level material. Even if Yi Tian wants to completely melt it, he needs to cultivate himself It is only possible to advance to the middle stage of Jindan.

But it's not difficult to open an opening, it just takes a little more spiritual power and time.After the inspection, Yi Tian directly asked Xiong Batian to lie down, and then with his right index finger, he raised a trace of Xuanyang True Fire, and slowly cut towards the edge of the shackles.

Although the slowness is a little bit slow, it is rare to have an effect, and Yi Tian himself also kept an eye out, deliberately poured some blood out of the shackles of Xiong Batian in front of him, and then took most of the bottle with a jade bottle. The raw materials used to refine puppet dolls, after passing this village, Yi Tian didn't know that he would have the opportunity to go to the sixth-level spirit beast blood again in the Year of the Monkey.

One hour later, Xiong Batian's right hand was completely released. Although there were still traces of shackles on the arm, the place where the fur had fallen off healed up at a speed visible to the naked eye after a little practice.

Excited, Xiong Batian shouted anxiously: "You work harder, I can bear the pain."

Yi Tian also shook his head. The spiritual power in his body has been consumed by [-]% of his continuous exercise for a long time, and he dare not push it any further. He took out the spirit stone and spirit wine to quickly replenish the spiritual power, and then continued to cut. .

A day later, Xiong Batian ran around in the deepest part of the ruins for several times, shaking his hands and feet from time to time, and the spiritual pressure on his body was slowly released, which made Yi Tian feel that the spiritual power was not running smoothly.

The four shackles on Xiong Batian's body are now all collected by Yi Tian into the storage bracelet. These things can be used as raw materials when Yi Tian needs to refine high-level spiritual weapons in the future.

Looking at Xiong Batian who was out of trouble in front of him, Yi Tian asked directly: "Where are you going after you go out?"

"Of course I went back to Southern Border. I have only stayed in three places in my life. The mountains in Southern Border were thousands of miles away. Qin Mingyue brought me out of there. The second one is the Holy Church General Altar, which is probably ruined now. The third place is here. Believe me, I will never come back again. After I go out, I will go directly back to the Wanli Cong Mountains in southern Xinjiang. Remember to come to me after vowing to form a Nascent Soul, or I will also be there in 500 years. I'll come to Dong'ao to find you," after finishing speaking, he happily ran towards the path outside.

Yi Tian yelled from behind: "The gate of the ruins will be opened for more than ten days, and it is useless for you to go."

"It's not good for you, but now I have the ability to directly break the restriction of the ruins, and I won't wait for you."

Looking at Xiong Batian who rode away on Juechen, Yi Tian had no choice but to shake his head. It seemed that he had to work harder to wake the three of them up first, and then evacuated the prison quickly after gathering everyone.

Looking at the three people lying on the ground, there was no sign of waking up after a whole day and night, Yi Tian wondered if Xiong Batian had gone too far, if they hurt their souls, something would happen.

Immediately, he directly helped Liu Piaopiao up, pointed a beam of spiritual light between her eyebrows in his hand, and then took out a few Condensing Yuan Pills to feed her.After a moment, Liu Piaopiao's hand moved, finally opened his eyes and found that he was lying in Yi Tian's arms, his face turned red all of a sudden, but unfortunately his limbs were weak and he couldn't struggle, so he had to let it go Yi Tian helped push through the blood.

After a whole stick of incense, Liu Piaopiao could adjust her breath freely, so Yi Tian let her meditate alone to heal her injuries.Later, Yin Wuhui and Chi Zhu'er were also rescued by the same method, and their first reaction was to look for the brown bear.

But when Yi Tian told the four people that they accidentally broke the forbidden area and released a level-six monster, the three of them were suspicious, but they couldn't ask, so they had to keep silent for the time being.

After a moment, suddenly the whole ruins shook violently, and Yi Tian knew that this must have been done by Xiong Batian, and he must have broken into the entrance of the cave to break the ban.After calling the three of them to follow, the group hurried back along the way they came from.

The shaking in the entire cave became more and more violent, and Yi Tian flew up directly. If a gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be a landslide or something like that here.The three people in the back were like this, their faces changed, and they followed Yi Tian's appearance and flew up in the cave.It took a long time to find the way when we came, but it took less than a moment to go back, and we went out of the gate.

Cheng Lingsheng and Qi Dingchao, who were originally outside the gate, have long since disappeared. Yi Tian glanced over and knew that these two people should have gone to other places to explore. order it.

After shaking along the main road for a while, Yi Tian accelerated and flew even faster, and the three people behind followed closely behind. At this time, he couldn't care about anything else.On the way, he met Cheng Lingsheng and Qi Dingchao who came out from the side passage, Yi Tian turned his head and said hello: "Hurry up, the restriction here may be broken."

Before the two met and asked questions, they saw the three people behind Yi Tian also quickly escaped.Talking at this time seemed superfluous. Seeing the expressions on the faces of these four people, they knew that the situation inside the ruins had changed, so they simply ran outside without thinking about following behind.

Chijiao and Liuyue sitting outside the stone arch were resting their eyes with their eyes closed. A total of ten people from both sides went in, and then the halo at the entrance of the stone arch was closed. After more than ten days, only half of it had passed.But at this moment, the halo inside the entire stone arch suddenly flickered again, as if someone inside was forcibly breaking through.

Seeing this, Chiclaw and Liu Yue stood up and looked at each other. This situation has never been encountered before. The high-ranking monks on both sides have tried to break the restriction with brute force, but none of them succeeded. In the end, they had to use The monks in the foundation building period and the fourth-order sea beasts went in to investigate.

With a 'click' sound, the restriction in the stone arch door suddenly cracked a hole, and then it became bigger and bigger.After three breaths, a bear roar came from behind the arch, which directly shocked the two of them to push each other three steps.Both Chijiao and Liu Yue were stunned. This was the coercion of a sixth-level peak monster beast, comparable to the existence of a middle-stage monk in the baby infant.Now it actually came out from behind the arch, God knows how the people who went in would release such a terrifying creature.

With a bang, a brown bear claw stretched out, and then a brown bear with a body like a bull rushed out, roaring towards the sky a few times, stirring up the surrounding waves more than twenty feet high.

After venting, Xiong Batian didn't even look at Chijiao and Liu Yue who were standing in the distance, and jumped into the air and flew in the direction of Nanjiang.Before the two could react, a Naga sea beast emerged from the ruins of the stone arch. It was two heads taller than Chiclaw, holding a blue trident.

After Lan Feng came out, he glared at Chizhuyan fiercely, and said: "Children of the Red Scale Clan, wait for Grandpa to clean up the clan affairs and recover his strength before I come to settle accounts with you." Swimming in the sea, he didn't forget to look at the stone arch before leaving, spat and jumped into the sea.

Now Liu Yue was even more worried. Those who came out were all high-level monsters. I really didn't know whether the people inside were dead or alive. Now it was irrelevant to explore the ruins. The key was to bring everyone back.

The restriction inside the stone arch was completely broken, but neither Chiclaw nor Liu Yue dared to go in, God knows what unexpected situation will happen.Anyone who just turned around could easily clean up the two of them.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, they saw several people flying out from the gate of the ruins one after another. One of the people from the human race lost one, while only the saint Chi Zhu'er escaped from the Chilin Sea tribe.

After everyone returned to the camp, they all heard what happened just now, and everyone was frightened, and they selectively talked about the situation inside.Yi Tian briefly talked about the seizure of the Naga Sea Beast, and Liu Yue was overjoyed when he heard it. This is exactly the same as the situation just now. The body of Jia Weishi is spread like this, and everyone in the Chilin Sea Clan has been busy for a while.

As for the matter of Xiong Batian, the four of them were stunned by the unanimous opinion. When they woke up, they saw that the brown bear broke free from the chain and ran out. As for why the four of them were not harmed, this is also unclear.Anyway, Liu Piaopiao always had doubts in his heart, and there must be secrets in Yi Tian in front of him, but there were so many people that it was difficult to ask.

On the contrary, after hearing Chi Zhuer's report, Chizhuo also took a look at the human race, and his eyes especially lingered on Yin Wuhui for a long time before hiding his murderous intent.

On the contrary, Qi Dingchao and Cheng Lingsheng gained the most from this visit to the ruins. They explored several small passages next to them, found some elixir and obsidian raw ore, and brought them out.Liu Piaopiao and Yin Wuhui each harvested a fifth-level elixir, while Yi Tian took out a puppet token and a dozen or so ghost face flower seeds, which was the worst harvest among these people.There were not many seeds of this kind, but they are very useful against the enemy, several times stronger than nanmuzi, so Yi Tian still kept half of them.

Liu Yue looked at the things that everyone turned in and didn't say much, she just called out "Get on the boat," and then led everyone from the human race to leave the island and return to Ninghai City.

(End of this chapter)

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