
Chapter 195

Chapter 195
Flying alone above the Inner Sea, Yi Tian looked at the puppet token in his hand and felt amused. This trip to the ruins of Ninghai City and the Chilin Sea Clan basically had nothing to gain.

After the ban was broken, both sides sent Jindan monks to re-investigate, but nothing of value was found.The sea battle that lasted for ten years has finally come to an end. Now that both sides have no more resources to compete for, they gradually began to withdraw their troops.

As the instigator of this incident, Yi Tian also got some benefits under Liu Yue's protection.In addition to the spirit stone reward, he also got back the puppet token.In fact, Yi Tian knew in his heart that this was also the result of Liu Piaopiao's operation, and Liu Yue thanked Yi Tian for his help in the ruins. This thing was just a favor.

After bidding farewell to Liu Piaopiao, Yi Tian hurried back to Donghai City. He had been out for nearly a month and a half and didn't know how the situation was going.I have to go back to do business, the key is that this time I have to hand over the picture orb that broke Dinghaizhu to the heads of the three factions.

Flying all the way from the inner sea of ​​Ninghai City to the south basically has no obstacles. Some patrol teams of Ninghai City also try to avoid Yi Tian who is flying fast when they see it from a distance.Those who can fly in the air are either Jindan cultivators or masters in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, so there is no need to cause trouble.

After flying to the southern island chain, the patrolling team here was basically invisible. Yi Tian also thought about it. It is estimated that Lan Yuer returned to the Blue Scale Sea Clan and regained power, and then withdrew the army.

Now Yi Tian hurried on his way, since the war in the East China Sea subsided again, the retreat of the Zongmen brigade was a certainty, if he missed the big brigade, he would be very tired.

Yi Tiancai flew non-stop for three days, and finally saw the appearance of Donghai City from a distance. Fortunately, there were a lot fewer guards on the periphery, and no monks came up to check all the way.

Luoxia Yuntou Yitian showed the Jade Card of the Xia Zongmen at the gate of Donghai City and entered smoothly. The current search is much easier than during the war a month ago, not to mention that Yi Tian took out the Jade Card of the identity of the disciples of the three sects , the guard just glanced at it with his divine sense and let him go.

Walking on the streets of Donghai City, the faces of people passing by are relaxed. Many shops have started to sell their goods at a discount. Everyone knows that the disciples of the three sects will return to the sect as soon as the war in the East China Sea is over. If it cannot be handled properly, it is better to sell it at a discount.

After walking to the Lord's Mansion of Donghai City in one round, Yi Tian was led directly to the side hall by the guards at the gate after showing his identity jade badge to wait.Sitting in front of the round platform in the side hall, Yi Tian was not in a hurry, took out some spirit wine and drank while waiting, anyway, the heads of the three sects would definitely come to see him to understand the situation.

About an hour later, Yi Tian heard footsteps coming from the corridor, and when he realized that there were more than three people coming, he immediately sat up and put away his things.Before seeing Yi Tian, ​​he found that there were four bodies sweeping over his body, and he didn't dare to trust him, so he hurriedly stood up respectfully to welcome the three masters.

After a while, I saw Yang Yanzi, Xuan Jianxin, Nangong Aotian and Ye Qingchen walking in. After looking at Yi Tian, ​​they all showed a smile on their faces and greeted them all to sit down.

After the four sat down, Yi Tian first said: "I would like to report to the three masters and Uncle Ye that this disciple has successfully completed the task of infiltrating this time, and left the result of the task in the photo bead," he said directly Called out the photo bead.

Yang Yanzi nodded with a smile, took the picture bead and pointed it with his finger, and instantly the bead shot out a beam of light on the wall, and the situation of how Yi Tian and Blue Shark sneaked in and how they captured the Dinghai bead was slowed down. Played back slowly.

After that, the four of them kept nodding, and Yang Yanzi and Ye Qingchen muttered in their mouths, "That's right, it's the first victory in the Eastern Sea War."

Nangong Aotian asked: "Why didn't you return quickly after the mission was completed, but instead stayed in the deep sea for more than a month?"

And Xuan Jianxin turned his head and said: "Where is the blue shark now? Has it died?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was really angry, but it was inconvenient to explode on the spot, so he had to speak slowly: "After the disciple succeeded in the sneak attack in the deep sea, he disrupted the plan of the entire Sea Clan, and the Bluescale Sea Clan will definitely arrest him with all his strength, so The disciple stayed on the small island in the deep sea for a while, and came back after a long way when the wind and sea calmed down."

Turning to Xuan Jianxin, he said, "Senior Tie Jian's spirit beast Blue Shark is dead, and I killed it with my own hands." After looking at the four people sitting opposite him, Yang Yanzi nodded to Yi Tian to continue talking. "This blue shark is actually a member of the Red Scale Clan. After the successful sneak attack, we met at the agreed place. Unexpectedly, he attracted the Red Scale Clan sea beasts to besiege me, and I killed him on the spot."

This time Xuan Jianxin's face lost face, while the other three looked suspiciously.After the report, Yi Tian sat down on his own, ignoring how they communicated and discussed. Anyway, it all depends on the head of the sect. I believe that Yang Yanzi will not let his disciples suffer for no reason.

After half a stick of incense, the four of them seemed to have finished their discussion and came to a conclusion. It was Yang Yanzi who said, "Yi Tian, ​​take a rest here first. Write it down, it will definitely not let you suffer for no reason."

After speaking, the four of them got up and walked out of the side hall. Before leaving, Ye Qingchen turned his head to signal Yi Tian to rest assured, and then a voice transmission came to Yi Tian's ears, "Don't worry, the sect will uphold justice for you."

When he got up to send the four of them out of the palace, Yi Tian obviously noticed that Xuan Jianxin and Nangong Aotian paused. It should be that Ye Qingchen's voice transmission was overheard by these two people. Yi Tian felt secretly refreshed. You must bleed a little.

When he was the only one left in the side hall, Yi Tian took out the wine bottle again, raised his legs and had a drink slowly.I believe that the heads of the three factions will not only arrange an internal response, but will definitely find out the identity of the blue shark through other channels. As long as the matter is resolved, my record in this credit book will be confirmed.

Turning around, he even asked the guards outside the lower side hall to bring him some tea and snacks from the city lord's mansion.After resting in the side hall for a while, Yi Tian fell into samadhi directly on his seat. Anyway, this matter will not come to a conclusion in two or three days, and he is waiting for it.

In the past three days, no one has disturbed the entire side hall, and the guards outside the door seemed to have been ordered by the heads of the three sects, and they didn't intend to come in even after the rotation.

Until a sound of footsteps woke up Yi Tian, ​​who was still in his trance, he opened his eyes to see that only Yang Yanzi and Ye Qingchen came in this time.However, the faces of the two were obviously full of smiles, and they were talking and laughing.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yi Tian stood up and greeted him respectfully. Yang Yanzi gestured for him to sit down while holding his beard. After the three of them took their seats, he smiled and said, "The identity of the blue shark in this operation has been ascertained. It is indeed a member of the Chilin clan. Trying in vain to provoke the Blue Scale Clan to merge with our East Sea City."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also relieved, the matter finally came to light, no wonder the heads of the two factions didn't come, probably after being blackmailed by Yang Yanzi, he didn't know where to go to get mad.

Regarding this, Yi Tian just said sternly: "It's also the disciple's luck this time, that he was able to retreat after making meritorious deeds."

Ye Qingchen said: "Being able to escape from the Sea Clan twice also proves that you are strong, and you released the blue-scale saint girl so that the misunderstanding between the two clans did not deepen. If you don't fight to the death, it's not me. things you want to see."

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to be shocked, it seemed that what he did was known by the head of the house, so he didn't know how to deal with it next.Looking up at Yang Yanzi, he saw that there was no anger on his face, and Yi Tian was also slowly relieved.

Yang Yanzi saw that the fire was almost over, and he would feel embarrassed to continue talking, so he said: "Nephew Yi, after the return of the blue-scale saintess, the blue-scale sea tribe retreated overnight. I believe that after this battle, Donghai City will be peaceful again." It’s been fine for decades.”

After finishing speaking, he winked at Ye Qingchen, who said knowingly: "In view of your contribution this time, the City Lord's Mansion of East Sea City unanimously decided to reward you with [-] contribution points."

This is what Yitian wants most. Now that the price of goods is depreciating every day, getting these [-] contribution points can make you feel comfortable to go shopping.After thinking for a while, he said, "I want the spirit formula of 'Golden Sun's Immortality'. Can all the excess be converted into elixir, materials, and raw ore."

Yang Yanzi looked at Yi Tian's cultivation, then turned to Ye Qingchen and said, "It's time to prepare the magic weapon for yourself in the late stage of foundation establishment, give him the magic formula and the 'Red Light Ginseng' in the warehouse of Donghai City , can also be regarded as the city lord's mansion's compensation for him."

After hearing this, Ye Qingchen also smiled and said: "Brother, if you do this, you won't be afraid of gossip from the leaders of the two factions."

"They don't dare. Ever since they verified Blue Shark's identity, even the old man Iron Sword has made a big oolong himself. As long as we don't go too far, neither of them will care about it."

Now Yi Tian could hear the smell, the feeling was that the heads of the two factions felt wronged so they didn't come, but the two in front of them seized the opportunity and didn't let go. It is estimated that the benefits of the Zongmen are no less than their own.

At that moment, Yi Tian's foot restraint was automatically cancelled. After waiting for half an hour in the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion, he saw Ye Qingchen took a storage bag and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​which was regarded as the completion of this mission.After getting the things, Yi Tian just reached in to check with his spiritual sense, which contained the jade slip of 'Golden Sun Immortality' and the jade box of 'Red Light Ginseng'.

After thanking Ye Qingchen for a while, Yi Tian left the City Lord's Mansion happily. The mission that lasted for nearly a month and a half was finally rewarded.After packing up, the first thing Yi Tian has to do is to purchase supplies at the market and small auctions in Donghai City.

I also brought a batch of spirit stones from Ninghai City before, but unfortunately I didn't buy high-grade materials, not because I didn't dare to make a high profile in my own land.It’s different now that he’s back. Those monks who fought on the front line must be filled with a lot of sea beast carcasses or seabed mines. These things are Yi Tian’s targets.

And this time Yi Tian is also planning to find a few white gloves to help, anyway, they are rich masters, and they can just cover people's eyes and ears.

 I just saw that I was forced to push this morning, and I am still very excited. Thank you readers for your support.

  At present, there is a dilemma that confuses me, whether to write more chapters per chapter or two chapters a day.The former can expand the plot and write in more detail, while the latter makes the plot more compact.

  Can fish and bear's paw have both?The advice given by my friend is to have a cup of ginseng tea every day, and to continue writing without interruption is the right way.

  In addition, I would like to thank readers lycddt1, Shenzhayan, and Lin Senjizhiku for their ideas and inspiration. If you have more opinions in the future, please give me your advice.

(End of this chapter)

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