
Chapter 196: Civil Chaos

Chapter 196: Civil Chaos

The Sea Clan invasion that lasted for more than ten years was once again resolved by the joint efforts of the three factions. In this offensive and defensive battle, both sides suffered losses, and the casualty rate was roughly one to two.The Chiyang faction also lost some disciples in this naval battle, mainly during the Qi training period and the early foundation establishment period.

In fact, the two sides did not really want to fight to the death, so the high-ranking monks basically did not die in battle. On the contrary, the high-definition mountain of the Gao family was plotted against by the opponent in an offensive and defensive battle, which caused him to suffer a little injury.Since then, Gao Qingshan has been hiding in the city lord's mansion to heal his injuries with peace of mind and no longer cares about the war.

Since the Sea Clan retreated, the monks of the three sects began to prepare for their return home one after another.This time Yi Tian also made a big fuss, and asked Huang Ziang, Wu Xing and others to act as trustees, and went directly to those foundation-building auctions to sweep the goods.The three of them also directly rented the alchemy room of the alchemy hall, dismembered the corpses of sea beasts in it, and then refined dozens of fourth-level magic weapons, and those third-level magic weapons were even more. Refining a dozen pieces.

For a while, all the four-level spirit artifacts in the major auctions were full, and the transaction prices also dropped all the way, and Huang Ziang only accepted spirit stones or exchanged things for things.As for those third-level magic weapons, they gradually spread among low-level monks through the sect's Qi-refining period monk channel. The quality is good and the price is moderate.

When everything in hand was almost sold out, Yi Tiancai and Wu Xing went to the foundation-building period auctions to make a lot of money, and bought some raw ores, rare sea materials and elixir.

After a round, the pockets of the three people were full. This time, the closing transaction in Donghai City has completely become a stage for the three of them.For a while, even those monks on the ninth level of Qi training were lucky enough to be able to equip a fourth-level elementary spirit weapon, and everyone kept silent under the win-win situation.

If there is happiness, there must be sadness. A group of craftsmen headed by Pei Ming originally wanted to make a lot of money by taking advantage of the end of the war, but later found that the spirit weapons in their hands were not sold much, and the market was flooded with A batch of high-quality and low-priced goods directly caused Pei Ming's family to lose everything.

In desperation, Pei Ming had no choice but to find ways to get these spirit weapons into the Zongmen's warehouse, at least to get back the capital.It just so happened that after Yi Tian's return, there was a thorough inspection of the resident of the Artifact Hall. All spiritual weapons had to go through three strict inspections before they could be put into storage, which blocked Pei Ming's shipping channels all of a sudden.

In the end, Huang Ziang, who is the temporary storage supervisor of the Qidian, came forward to collect the spiritual artifacts at a price that was [-]% lower than the market price.In fact, it is to collect a batch of raw materials for Yi Tian. Many spiritual weapon materials are still good, but the refining methods are rough. These things are brought over, melted and refined, and then engraved with high-level inscriptions, and can be doubled for sale. out.

When returning to the sect, the Chiyang faction only used a windboat to carry the disciples of the sect. It is no wonder that most of the people who died this time were low-cost disciples, so the number of people was reduced by one-third at once.Originally, two sailboats were needed, but now one is enough, but the number of people is large, and the seats on it are a bit crowded.

Yi Tian took Huang Ziang and Wu Xing to stand on the left side of the ship, and not many people around him dared to surround them.Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that two of the three inner disciples are true disciples, and those outer disciples will never dare to cause trouble unless they have mental problems, and one or two will stay far away.

Opposite to Yi Tian, ​​Pei Ming and Wan Rui's group of about four or five inner sect foundation cultivators also sat in a group, but the entire deck was formed into small groups by several leading disciples.

Yi Tian took a look, Naqu Yifeng, Ye Ziyan and others stood together, while Xu Haoxian seemed to be excluded by the soul boys.The other half was surrounded by Ning Ning and a few disciples from the Pill Hall.

Inside the cabin are the Golden Core monks of the Chiyang Sect who left the station this time. Besides the sect masters, there are also Ye Qingchen, Gao Qingshan and Yan Jungang.Yang Yanzi's flying boat was neither too fast nor too slow, and it took about a day and a half to reach the Zongmen.

Regardless of what other people did, Yi Tian just sent Wu Xing and Huang Ziang to tell them to calculate their recent gains.However, the two people each held an account book in their hands, and a bunch of spiritual energy between their fingers recorded the data on it respectively. After just a quarter of an hour, the results of this transaction were counted.

After receiving the jade slips from the two, Yi Tian just roughly scanned them with his divine sense, and then directly took out two storage bags and handed them to the two. After receiving the items, they clicked and saw Wu Xing and Huang Ziang were delighted, and then stood behind Yi Tian tacitly with a smile on their faces.

Excluding the cost of purchasing materials this time, the three of Yi Tian almost rounded up the raw materials above level [-] in the market, and the balance of the entire income and expenditure left an additional [-] spirit stones.Immediately, the three of them equally divided the materials and spirit stones, and this time they were really full.

After Feizhou entered the boundary of Chiyan Hills, everyone's mood began to improve gradually. Seeing that he was about to arrive home, Yi Tian made up his mind that he could find an excuse to retreat for a while after returning to the sect, and the 'Asura Transformation' in his hand 'The third layer must first be thoroughly understood.There is also "Golden Sun Immortal Body" that needs to be practiced urgently. Yi Tian also took a rough look at this supernatural power. Resist a golden core thunder disaster.

After counting the formulas he is currently practicing, Yi Tian is still not sure about crossing the golden alchemy tribulation, mainly because he is afraid that the seal in his dantian will come out to make trouble again during the crossing tribulation.There are four thunders in Jindan Tribulation, if adding the fifth thunder tribulation triggered by that seal, Yi Tianzhen doesn't know if his spiral fire shield and true flame armor can withstand it.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a sect disciple cheering from behind: "Finally back." Turning around, the monks who had been away for more than ten years were cheering, and Huang Ziang and Wu Xing also showed joy, feeling like they were home Exciting indeed.Even Yan Jungang, who was sitting in the cabin, went to the deck to say hello to everyone.

After seeing Yi Tian from afar, Yan Jungang walked slowly and nodded.Yi Tian also responded with a nod, and after a while, he heard voice transmission in his ears, "You kid has played too much, and took away all the good things on the market, so what should the little brothers behind me do? ?”

Then Yi Tian saw Yan Jungang looking at him with a playful face, knowing that he would have to bleed heavily this time, so Yi Tian had to laugh and took off a storage bag from his body, counted the number, and put the remaining More than a dozen pieces of fourth-level spiritual weapons were all given to Yan Jungang.

The latter also smiled after taking the things, then nodded in satisfaction, and walked towards the soul boys with the things.After ten breaths, Qu Yifeng took the lead and began to yell, saying that he is the big brother, he should be the first to choose, and the gang of followers behind him were also clamoring and booing, and the big brother didn't say anything about the spoils .

After entering the Zongmen by windboat, no one came out to greet him. Yi Tian was wondering, when suddenly the Zongmen formation started, and the hull shook violently. He also directly flew the imperial weapon into the air to see what was going on, but was forcibly held down by the coercion of the big formation.

The windboat also had to descend quickly in the big formation, and stopped directly on the square of the main hall of the Chiyang Sect sect.Seeing something strange, Yi Tian directly greeted a few people to jump off the boat.

The leader, Yang Yanzi, also walked out of the cabin with a face full of anger, and brought Ye Qingchen and Gao Qingshan down the flying boat.After ten breaths, when everyone left the boat and stepped on the Zongmen's square, everyone looked ignorant and didn't know what happened.

Yang Yanzi was about to lead people into the main hall, when suddenly he saw the four doors of the main hall open. The deputy head, Lie Yanzi, came out with a group of monks from the sect, and looked down at the people in the square.

At this time, no matter how stupid people are, they can see that something is wrong, and this posture is bound to cause trouble.Then I heard Yang Yanzi say: "What is the meaning of junior brother opening the sect's grand formation without reason? Is this the etiquette that our Chiyang Sect uses to welcome returning monks from the front line?"

"Brother, I am only performing the duties of the head of the Chiyang faction. I forgot to tell my brother. Now I am the head of the Chiyang faction. Please return the order of the head."

As soon as Lie Yanzi's words came out, the whole square erupted in commotion. Why was the replacement of the head of the sect so sudden? Didn't it require the approval of the Zongmen Yuanying monk according to the procedure, and then announce to the other two factions that a succession ceremony will be held at a certain date? How could it become such a child's play.

Now even Ye Qingchen, Gao Yuanshan and Yan Jungang were a little confused, but seeing Lie Yanzi's appearance didn't seem like a fake, they all speculated whether it was because he really got Chiyangzi's warrant to say this.

Yang Yanzi sneered a few times and said: "Junior brother can also want the master's order, as long as he takes out the warrant of master Chi Yangzi." It's okay if it's true, but it's a big trouble if it's false.

Lie Yanzi was not polite when he saw this, he directly took out the Zongmen jade slip from his hand, unfolded it in his hand and showed it to everyone.In an instant, more than a dozen spiritual senses swept across the jade slip, and even Yi Tian quietly stretched out his own spiritual senses to examine it carefully.On the jade slips it is clearly written that "the patriarch of Chiyang ordered Lie Yanzi to be the fourth generation head of the Chiyang sect, and the former head Yang Yanzi abdicated as the elder of the sect to cultivate in the inner sect." In the end it was still Chiyang The real fire seal of the ancestor Chiyangzi.

Now the monks all around deliberately kept a distance from the master. This was obviously the hand order of the ancestor Yuan Ying, and it was not easy for everyone to disobey it.

After Yang Yanzi read it several times with his spiritual sense, he opened his mouth and said: "This matter is no small matter, I have to meet the master and hear what he said in person, I can't just give up the position of the master based on your one-sided words. out."

Lie Yanzi sneered and said: "Brother, you have been in your seat for too long, you should wake up, what have you done to the whole Chiyang faction, it looks like a mess. It's up to the younger brother to trace the source, It’s better to overcorrect.”

Seeing that the two were at a stalemate, several Jindan juniors and younger sisters also spoke one after another. Ye Qingchen and others agreed with Yang Yanzi's suggestion to meet with the ancestor first, while Lie Yanzi's group said that since they got the handbook from the ancestor, they would follow through. He also said that it would be good for Senior Brother Yang Yanzi to abdicate as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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