
Chapter 197 Suspicion of Internal Chaos

Chapter 197 Suspicion of Internal Chaos

It is rare for so many people to gather in the square of the Chiyang Sect except for the Zongmen Grand Competition once every ten years. Now the head of the Alchemy Hall, the deacon of the Discipline Academy, and a kind of Golden Core monk who usually retreats in the inner sect are all here. up.Yi Tian saw that there were nearly a dozen Jindan monks in Xiaguang, and dozens of foundation-building monks in the inner sect.

Everyone stood side by side with clear paths. There were more than 30 people in Yang Yanzi's group, the deputy head Lie Yanzi's group had more than [-] people, and there were even more people standing on one side. help each other.

Standing next to Yang Yanzi were Yan Jungang, Ye Qingchen, and a group of soul boys from direct descendants. Bai Qingsong, who was standing in the crowd, walked up to Yang Yanzi and said, "Don't listen to people's words indiscriminately. Everything is waiting for the ancestor to leave the customs." Everything can be clarified."But there are very few people who listen to him, and most people still choose to remain silent and neutral.

As for Lie Yanzi, there were several direct allies, Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, and Pei Ming who walked past at some point, surrounded by a large circle of people, the momentum was bigger than Yang Yanzi's side.

Huang Ziang and Wu Xing, who were standing behind Yi Tian, ​​saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly tried to get rid of it, and were about to walk into the neutral crowd.But seeing Yi Tian looking at the crowd at the entrance of the hall with a sneer on his face, his feet were motionless as if they had taken root, the two of them were sweating on their faces, but they didn't dare to violate Yi Tian's intention, so they had to stand still .

Lie Yanzi looked at the situation and said: "Listen, disciples of the Chiyang Sect, now is the time for the new head of the sect, so I will give you a chance, as long as you recognize the legitimacy of me, Lie Yanzi, stand behind me As soon as the words came out, I saw another group of disciples choosing to stand in line, and more of them were waiting and watching.

And Yang Yanzi also said: "I just want to ask the truth of the matter. If the patriarch's handwriting is true, I will definitely abdicate and give way to the virtuous. Don't you all have the patience to wait a moment?" The cultivators who chose Lie Yanzi also stopped and went back to the crowd who were holding on.

The people behind all chose their positions one after another, and the chaotic scene suddenly became quiet.

Yang Yanzi saw that there were not many people standing behind him, but he felt relieved that there were at least twenty people who were his staunch supporters. He turned his head to look at the square, and was taken aback.

The crowd in front of me was divided into four groups. Except for the two opposing factions and the neutral faction, there were actually three people standing still.The lead was Yi Tian, ​​the executor of this sneak attack mission. The two people standing behind him were sweating profusely, their feet were still trembling, but their figures did not move half a step.

Seeing this, Lie Yanzi also frowned, what did this Foundation Establishment cultivator want to do, he must have been frightened stupid.Pei Ming, who was beside him, came forward to explain to Lie Yanzi, who frowned and said, "Junior Ning, how do you choose your true disciple?"

Standing in the neutral area at this time, Ning Qingyuan, who was the head seat of the Artifact Hall, also had a worried expression on his face. Seeing Lie Yanzi's words, he had no choice but to answer, so he stepped forward and shouted: "Yi Tian is not here yet."

Everyone saw that Yi Tian looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, then looked at Lie Yanzi and said sarcastically: "If what you have in your hand is the patriarch's handwriting, then it may not be too fake, right?" Jane stretched out her index finger to burn on the jade slip.

In less than ten breaths, Yi Tian rolled up the newly engraved jade slip and threw it directly to Yang Yanzi, then said: "Master, let's see if my handwriting is realistic. The one in the master's hands must be true," he stood there without speaking after finishing speaking.

Yang Yanzi who got the jade slip opened his eyes wide. He didn't believe Yi Tian's words at first, so he opened the jade slip and glanced a few times. After taking three breaths, he also looked up to the sky and laughed: "Master nephew is a good trick, this one The imperial edict is even more authentic than the one in Lie Yanzi's hand, you can take a look if you don't believe me." After speaking, he opened the jade slip with one hand, allowing everyone to use their spiritual sense to check the content on the jade slip.

Now even Ning Qingyuan, Deng Qingxiang and other Jindan cultivators didn't believe it anymore. In an instant, dozens of spiritual senses scanned the jade slip, but they saw that it said, "Chiyang Patriarch's handwriting, Fengyang Yanzi is the Chiyang Sect." The fourth generation head, the original head Lie Yanzi abdicated to become the elder of the sect, Yu Neimen Qianxiu', and finally also the real fire seal of the Chiyang ancestor Chiyangzi.This jade slip is made more authentic than the one in Lie Yanzi's hands. At least those words and seals are obviously more real. The real fire seal must be the Chiyang True Fire of the Chiyang Sect. of.

The good thing was disrupted by Yi Tian, ​​and now even those people standing in the neutral team couldn't bear it and went to Yang Yanzi, at least Ning Qingyuan and Deng Qingxiang ran over immediately , and took away a large number of disciples behind him.

Under the reversal of the situation, Yang Yanzi was also pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect this Yi Tian to be so tricky, but how did he do it? Yang Yanzi introspected, he might not be able to imitate Chi Yangzi's seal It's ten to ten, but this Yi Tian is confusing the real, and he can still see what people want at the critical moment.

Now the two people standing behind Yi Tian showed joy on their faces. It turned out that the boss had seen the flaw early in the morning, and this move was really perfect.After seeing Yi Tian waved his hand, the two followed Yi Tian into Yang Yanzi's team.

Seeing the good situation come to naught, Lie Yanzi also showed his ferocious expression: "You disrespect the order, you are disobeying orders, come and take it down," but no one behind him dared to step forward, even though there were more people They still have the advantage, but the opponents are all main fighters, and their strength is obviously higher than their own.

Yi Tian stood still and quietly transmitted Yan Jungang and said: "The traitor of Baigumen is on the opposite side, at least one of Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, Pei Ming, and the deputy head Lie Yanzi is 'Ye Xiao', next See how you do it, I'm in the same boat as you."

Except for Yan Jungang, the other Jindan monks could also hear it, and after three breaths, they all looked at Yan Jungang and Yi Tian in surprise.

At this time, Yan Jungang couldn't keep silent any longer, and directly transmitted the sound transmission to briefly talk about the decades of cooperation with Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng in eradicating the spies of the sect, and also took out a few letters from the storage bag , give it to Yang Yanzi for him to have a look.

After Chulue read the letter, Yang Yanzi also looked at Yi Tian with admiration, and then said in a deep voice: "Patriarch Chiyang hasn't shown up for so long, there must be something wrong, Jungang, you and Yi Tian, ​​Yifeng Protrude to go to the closed place of the ancestor in the forbidden area of ​​the sect to see, and find a way to welcome the ancestor out. I am here to find a way to hold Lie Yanzi." After speaking, he handed a jade token token in his hand to Yan Jungang.

The latter yelled at the command, and then winked with Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng, and they nodded after understanding.Suddenly, the three monks from Yang Yanzifang burst in from the side door, and ran straight towards the depths of the Zongmen's blessed land.

Lie Yanzi yelled: "Stop them," pointing at the three monks beside him, hastily followed.

Yang Yanzi saw that it was really Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, and Pei Ming, and he was determined now. It seemed that the other party was in a hurry, and this matter should not be sloppy, so he hurriedly greeted everyone: "Let's stop him and buy them time."

After finishing speaking, he yelled: "Disciples below the Foundation Establishment Stage quickly go to the outer hall to take refuge. Golden Core Stage disciples, you have to choose your own position, don't be fooled, and you will regret it later."

On the other hand, there was a smile on Lie Yanzi's face, everyone didn't know what was going on, and suddenly saw Xu Hao flying out and hitting a 'Cutting Nail' directly on Yang Yanzi, and then ran to Lie Yanzi's side in twos and threes.

Under the sudden attack of the people behind him, Yang Yanzi was directly hit. Fortunately, his own skill is profound, even though the 'Cutting Nail' broke through the defensive cover, it didn't hit the vital point.However, the most unacceptable thing Yang Yanzi can't accept is that he will be plotted against by his apprentice who treats him as his own.

After pulling out the 'heart nail', Yang Yanzi finally understood why his junior brother would appear to usurp the throne when he returned so appropriately, all of this was first reported by Xu Hao.It hurts to think about it. I regard Xu Hao as my own, but in the end he reciprocated like this. Yang Yanzi said to the two angrily: "Lie Yanzi usurped the throne, Xu Hao first deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors. If you work together, you are not afraid of the truth coming out." After the world, is there no place to stand on the body?"

"I don't need to worry about this matter, brother, let's see if you can survive today." After Lie Yanzi finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the crowd standing behind him rushed forward, with the magic in their hands facing down The crowd directly greeted them, and the largest civil strife in the history of the Chiyang faction kicked off. After everyone chose a position, there was no way to turn back.

The three monks in the blessed land of the inner gate of the Chiyang Sect flew rapidly. Yi Tian had never been to the forbidden area of ​​the inner gate, so he had to follow behind Yan Jungang. distanced.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's scattered consciousness responded a little bit, and three monks came after him, the distance was thirty miles away, and their cultivation bases were basically in the late stage of foundation establishment.After weighing the matter, Yi Tianchao Yan Jungang said via voice transmission: "You go first, just tell me the location of the inner forbidden area, and I will stop the pursuers first with a little song."

Yan Jungang's spiritual sense also just searched the situation behind, looked at Yi Tian in surprise, then threw a jade slip over without hesitation, and said: "Quick battle, I will wait for you in the forbidden area."

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian waved to him, motioning him to go first, then turned around and flew to Qu Yifeng's side to meet the enemy.

Qu Yifeng also managed to find a chance to chat with Yi Tian. When he was in the hall just now, Yi Tian didn't express his opinion for a long time. He was really anxious to death, thinking that he chose not to help each other.It wasn't until Yi Tian took out the jade slips and forged a copy of the handbook that he realized Yi Tian's determination. Now that he stopped and waited for him to know that he had something to order, he said with a cheerful face: "Senior brother Yi is really a good means, then The imitation of the seal is seamless, and even the seals underneath are made exactly the same."

'Is it really a fake? 'Yi Tian was amused in his heart, this manuscript looks real, but in fact it is the words and seals branded with Chiyang real fire.If I hadn't absorbed Yun Zhongzheng's small group of natal real fire, I'm afraid that what I made was really a fake.

However, there is indeed something wrong with the share in Lie Yanzi's hand, even Yi Tian can find the flaws in it after scanning it only with his divine sense.

This item should have been imitated by Lie Yanzi. The color of the Chiyang True Fire branded on Wuta is not right, it is slightly dark red. This level is definitely not the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul cultivator, but rather the handwriting of the Golden Core cultivator. .

After a pause, Yi Tian put away his smile and said: "Don't talk about homework, there are three late foundation establishment stages, they should be the three foundation establishment masters of Chiyang Sect, Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, and Pei Ming, I will give you a task to delay Live in Jinsheng, I will try to help you as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Qu Yifeng's reaction, Yi Tian directly took out three flywheels, a formation disk and a 'Thousand Nail Ruler' rune, put them in his hands and activated them.Forget it, the time for the next ten breaths is enough to set up a trap, and when the time comes, teach these three people a good lesson and let them recognize the form.

Seeing that Yi Tian had already started preparations, Qu Yifeng stopped talking, took out a spirit sword, and then directly used the Chiyang Fire Sword to meet the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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