
Chapter 1920 Disguise

Chapter 1920 Disguise
Unexpectedly, they would do it so soon. Yi Tian saw a demon cultivator protrude half of his body from the light gate leading to the fourth floor, and then was pulled back directly.Needless to say, this magic cultivator became a sacrifice for the blood sacrifice to the six-eyed demon wolf.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, it's good that Yan Tong was notified early, otherwise his end would be the same as that of the few distracted demon cultivators in it.

Just as he was thinking about it, a burst of demonic evil energy suddenly burst out from the light gate. It seemed that it was the evil energy overflowing from the corpse of the six-eyed demon wolf after the blood sacrifice.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he jumped through the light gate and came to the fourth floor.

Floating lightly in the air and passing through the gate of light, he was in a trance for a while, but came back to his senses later.In a blink of an eye, he looked at the huge underground space around here, but the location of the six-eyed Jie demon wolf was not difficult to find, and Yi Tian quickly locked the direction along the source of the evil spirit.

From time to time, the sound of howling and cursing came from the air, which was the last sound of those demon monks who were sacrificed by blood.After three breaths, those voices stopped and only a few sneers came.

Yi Tian traveled through several miles of space with a few teleports and came to the final end.Here is a stone wall about six feet high.A two-foot-high six-eyed demon wolf was deeply embedded in the wall, and its entire body was completely submerged in the stone wall from the neck down.Only a wolf's head and two front paws remained exposed.

It's just that the exposed part has obviously been petrified after thousands of years.There are quite a few bright red marks on the two wolf claws, it seems that the blood of those demon cultivators has dropped down.Following the source of the blood, it can be seen that it is leaking from the opened wolf's mouth.

At this time, the petrified demon wolf's head seemed to have regained a lot of blood, and it became a bit dull and mechanically rejecting the sacrificial blood from the mouth of the rejecter.

With the supplement of a lot of spiritual power, the six-eyed wolf eyes, which were originally gloomy, seemed to gradually regain their vitality.At least Yi Tian can see that although the six-eyed demon wolf has not fully recovered, the six eyeballs have begun to slowly rotate in the eye sockets.

Du Li, the casual cultivator, said, "I never thought that the resurrection of the six-eyed demon wolf would require so much demonic force. I would have called all those people down earlier."

The Crimson Eyed Demon who stood on the side replied angrily: "If ten people come down, things will not go so smoothly. At least we may not be able to capture everyone alive even if we restrain them here. It is still the same as it is now." Okay, take your time, there is no rush anyway."

Just as he was talking, suddenly there were a few slight wolf howls from the mouth of the six-eyed devil wolf. Although it was very light, the two monks who had obtained the integration period beside him all looked happy.In particular, Du Li said with a smile: "It really works. It seems that the resurrection of this familiar and its control may be worth the strength of several spirit cultivators of the same level."

The Crimson Pupil Demon who was on the side was about to speak back, suddenly his face changed slightly, he looked at the distant void, and shouted coldly: "Isn't it a little abrupt for you to come here uninvited?" Hit directly into the void.

After the black magic light was caught in the air with a 'bang' sound, it was pinched and exploded by a big hand as soon as it changed hands later.

Such a change in the face of the Crimson Eye Demon showed an incomparably dignified look, this move was just a random blow by him, and he knew the strength of it.But the fact that the other party can catch it so easily is enough to prove that its strength is far beyond imagination.

Du Li, who was beside him, also had good eyesight. Knowing that the situation had changed at this time, he sacrificed a magic weapon to protect him.He was only as good as he was at the beginning of the fusion, but he was the weakest here in terms of strength, so he was naturally awakened in such an environment.

Slowly walking out of the darkness, Yi Tian showed his real demon body, and looked at the two people in front of him.I saw that the Crimson Eyed Demon was not a one-eyed dragon, but a demon with one eye. Speaking of which, he had never met such a demon in the demon world.

But it's normal to say, but all the seven major demons have their own characteristics. As for the strength of this one-eyed demon, it should be due to the suzerain's extraordinary talent and self-cultivation. Any cultivator who survives the integration period of the demon race must be strong.

Yi Tian weighed in his heart that he might be slightly stronger than the strength of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely Clone by three points.Facing such an opponent plus a casual cultivator Yi Tian who was in the early stage of integration, he naturally didn't dare to make trouble easily.Fortunately, now that I have used the One God and Demon One, I can pretend to be a demon monk and appear in front of them for a while, and I can fool them for a while.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Tian made up his mind, stepped forward and said, "Senior Dugu asked you to take out the real body of this six-eyed demon wolf, but it did you a lot of good. I hope you don't If you procrastinate any longer, those low-ranking cultivators used to use the blood sacrifice as an auxiliary means, so don't be stingy about what to do."

After hearing this, Scarlet Tongmo's expression sank, and after staring at Yi Tian for a while, he said: "I know what the Great Heavenly Demon means, but I didn't expect him to be so worried about me and then send someone to monitor him afterwards."

Knowing that these demon monks have their own ghosts, Yi Tian knew in his heart that he was betting right.In a blink of an eye, Du Li's expression softened slightly at this moment. Although he still held the magic weapon in his hand, the expression between his brows was no longer as tense as before.

Looking at the Six-Eyed Jie Demon Wolf in front of him, Yi Tian suddenly made up his mind, took out a drop of diluted pure magic liquid and said, "I already knew that you would work so effortlessly, so feed this thing to Six-Eyed Demon Wolf." Jie Demon Wolf."

After finishing speaking, he threw the jade bottle in his hand directly to Du Li, and the latter was slightly taken aback after taking it.When he opened the bottle cap and stretched his divine sense in to investigate, his face showed a look of shock.After a pause, he said, "What a pure magic liquid, I'm afraid it's the most powerful magic liquid I've ever seen."

Scarlet Eyed Demon's face also changed slightly, his divine sense had already stretched out to check the spirit liquid in the jade bottle.After three breaths, he said with a relaxed expression: "Du Li hurry up and do it, it seems that this special envoy is also well prepared."

"It's easy to say," Yi Tian said.

"You are like a monk from the Flame Prison Demon Clan. I didn't expect you to be such an expert in the Flame Prison Demon Clan besides the Demon Emperor. No wonder you will become the second largest race in the Demon Realm after the Sky Demon Clan," Scarlet Eye Demon said. sighed.

"Fellow Daoist, you're too worried. If you don't succeed in Mahayana, you will always be ants. You and I are just doing things for others, but everyone is in a different position," Yi Tian said with a smile.

At this moment, Du Li stretched out his hand and pushed the pure magic liquid directly into the wolf's mouth. The next moment, he saw stone chips falling from the stone statue of the six-eyed Jie demon wolf, revealing its fleshy body inside. The physical body has only spirituality and lacks the presiding spirit.Liang Dugu was lonely and never dreamed that the spirit of the magic pet had been scattered by the ancestor Wuye long ago.

 Thanks to fellow daoist miniegghzj, the plane on the slide, and Ergou in my family for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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