
Chapter 1921 Resurrection

Chapter 1921 Resurrection
At the bottom of Kuisha Grotto, Yi Tian suddenly appeared and pretended to be the special envoy of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely, directly fooling the Crimson Eye Demon and Sanxiu Du Li.The two were also very vigilant and didn't seem to relax in the slightest. Yi Tian had to resort to another trick and directly took out the pure magic liquid, claiming that it was specially used to revive the six-eyed demon wolf.

Then he handed over the jade bottle containing the pure magic liquid to Du Li for him to handle the follow-up tasks.I saw the drop of pure magic liquid flying into the mouth of the six-eyed demon wolf, and immediately caused the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him to appear.

Accompanied by the violent vibration, the stone fragments from the demon wolf's body fell off one after another, revealing its true face, and after a wolf howl sounded, the originally sealed stone wall in front of it began to crack one after another.

With the sound of 'crash', the six-eyed demon wolf broke free from the stone wall and came out.

After the stone chips fell off his body, his black wolf fur was exposed, and six dark eyes stared at the three people in front of him.It glanced past Yi Tian and stared at it for a while, then turned away to look at the Crimson Pupil Demon, and then its eyes did fall on Du Li, and then locked it in the depths of the overwhelming divine sense.

None of the three people present expected such a scene to happen, but the Scarlet Eye Demon said with a serious face: "It seems that there is still a problem, this six-eyed demon wolf is not so easy to tame." After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a The quaint collar offering is in hand.

Yi Tian looked sideways and saw that there was a long chain behind the collar, and several strings of Buddhist characters were clearly engraved on the collar.At the moment, I was stunned. Sure enough, this thing has a lot of background. I am afraid that only this circle can lock the six-eyed demon wolf.

Only the Crimson Tongmo said: "Okay, let's take action together, otherwise the situation will not last."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to greet the wolf with a black light on his forehead, and Du Li didn't show any weakness. The black sickle in his hand turned into a black light and hit the wolf's back.The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly, this kind of attack is basically not very useful, the key still depends on how the Crimson Pupil Demon manipulates the collar to restrain it.

A red flame hell demon fire was sacrificed in his hand, and it turned into a fist-sized fireball and blasted at Jie Demon Wolf.

Under the successive shots of the three of them, the Jie demon wolf seemed to completely ignore it and stood there in a daze. After three "bang bang bang" sounds, the demon wolf's body was repelled by several feet before it stabilized.

Now the three of them were stunned, they didn't expect that the six-eyed demon wolf was an empty show with a whole body of spiritual power and would not fight back at all.Yi Tian had some doubts in his heart, if he asked Patriarch Wuye to tell him that he had dispersed the spirit of this demon wolf, then this demon wolf would not behave like this today.

At least if the soul of spiritual practice dissipates, the body left behind is just a walking dead.

Seeing that the three of them put away their hands and began to look at the demonic wolf, Du Li even stepped forward to take a closer look, and then turned over and rode on the back of the wolf.Crimson Tongmo raised the collar in his hand and put it on the neck of Jiemolang.

Unexpectedly, things would go so smoothly, and the expressions of the three of them instantly revealed a relaxed look.Later, Du Li rolled over his wolf back and said, "It's alright, I didn't expect things to go much smoother than expected. We can go back to do business now."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuation on the six-eyed demon wolf's body, and the collar that was originally set on its neck shone with bursts of spiritual light, and the six eyeballs of the demon wolf turned instantly. With a sound of 'Woo', a black shadow rushed past, and the Jie Demon Wolf suddenly attacked and bit Du Li's right shoulder, tearing his right hand alive.

The two people in front of them were stunned. They realized something was wrong only when they heard the heart-piercing cry from Du Li's mouth.

I saw that the demon wolf stretched out its front claws and locked Du Li's body at once. The wolf claws stretched out their sharp claws and penetrated into Du Li's body.

The wolf's mouth quickly swallowed the private flesh and blood on Du Li's body, and then saw the wolf's head opened its big mouth again, aiming at his head and preparing to bite it off.A ray of spiritual light flew out from Du Li's forehead and flew towards Yi Tian's direction. In the spiritual light, Du Li's devil baby was terrified and shouted loudly: "Please help me and keep me , there must be a big reward afterwards."

Du Li didn't choose Crimson Pupil Demon, but made Yi Tian stunned for a while, but he figured out the reason in a flash of his mind.Right now, I am a monk of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, and I was ordered by the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely to supervise the battle.If he falls into the hands of the Crimson Eyed Demon, I am afraid that he will not even have a chance to escape into reincarnation.

If it is in the hands of the monks of the flame prison demon clan, at least there is still a way to survive.Immediately, Yi Tian took a jade bottle and put his spirit into it, and took out a sealing talisman to seal the mouth of the bottle before putting it into the storage ring.

Looking back, I saw that the six-eyed demonic wolf had slowly stepped forward. The six eyes looked at the two people in front of them respectively, and then opened their mouths and let out a deep growl: "I didn't expect to be able to get out of trouble for the first time in ten thousand years." Tasting the flesh and blood of the demonic cultivator in the fusion stage, I can see what the two of you have done. If you want to control me, relying on the power of the collar may be useless."

Crimson Tongmo is also a master who is not afraid of things. After looking at it for a while, he wrinkled his fighting spirit and said, "I knew that today's matter would not be so simple. The big demon Dugu Lonely didn't come here in person but asked you to do it if you want to come. Not an easy person, today it seems that we can only get out of trouble together, I hope fellow Taoists will not take pity on the supernatural powers in our hands."

"To each other," Yi Tian said with a cold snort: "I didn't expect that such a good thing would be complicated, I'm afraid you will be to blame after this incident."

After speaking, the figure of the flame hell demon fire flashed in his hand, and the six-eyed demon wolf attacked behind him, while the scarlet-eyed demon took out a five-foot-long mace with a thick mouth and waved it in his hand. The possessed wolf slammed it hard.

I saw Jie Demon Wolf opened its mouth and spit out a black and bright ball of light, which was attracted by the spells of the two. With two sounds of 'bang bang', the aftermath of the spiritual pressure generated after the first confrontation between the two sides shattered the surrounding stone walls.On the other hand, the Six-Eyed Jie Demon Wolf still stood there without moving a bit, but Yi Tian and Scarlet Eyed Demon drew back to dodge one after another.

At the same time, they all showed surprise on their faces. The strength of this Jie Demon Wolf is probably on par with the two of them.However, in such an environment, he had a geographical advantage, and he was able to receive two moves without being injured in one move.

Seeing that the opponent's strength is good after the attack, Fei Tongmo aroused his fighting spirit. He opened his mouth and took a sharp breath to gather all the spiritual power around him. like that.

(End of this chapter)

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