
Chapter 1922

Chapter 1922
After being unbanned, the demon prince Qiu Yu's magic pet suddenly exploded and devoured the body of casual cultivator Du Li.Fortunately, at the critical moment, Du Li's magic baby escaped from Niwan Palace.

Then he found Yi Tian to seek asylum. In Du Li's opinion, the special envoy of the Great Heavenly Demon is more reliable than the Crimson Tongmo.

And after the six-eyed Jie demon wolf absorbed the body of a monk in the fusion stage, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body became very strong, and his aura jumped to the state of the late stage of fusion.

It was obvious that the Demonic Jie Wolf didn't intend to let the two of them go, and its six eyes stared out with divine sense to lock on to the two of them.At this time, Yi Tian also knew that he couldn't be alone, at least at this stage, if he couldn't get rid of this demon wolf, he couldn't leave easily.

After the red flame in his hand flashed, he sent out the Flame Prison Devil Fire, and then ignited it all over his body to form the Flame Prison Armor.As for the Crimson Eye Demon standing on the other side, he was also aware of the crisis in front of him. Yi Tian found that the other party seemed to be on guard against him from the beginning to the end, and even when he made a move, he would retain a divine sense to lock himself in.

Obviously, he is not as stupid as he looks. This one-eyed demon casual cultivator is definitely a rough guy with fine details. It may be this character that allows him to improve his cultivation alone under the resources of the seven demon clans. It's like the later stage of the fusion.

Only the Crimson Eye Demon cried out: "Fellow Daoist, let's suppress him together. I have a hunch that this guy is definitely not as easy to manipulate as Dugu Lonely said."

"That's right, didn't you just sacrifice the collar magic treasure in your hand, isn't this impossible to manipulate?" Yi Tian asked.

"Although that thing was sacrificed by me, but just after putting it into the neck of the six-eyed demon wolf, I found that the mark of the previous sacrifice was erased. It seems that there is a force in this magic weapon that is faintly repelling my control. , it seems that only Prince Qiu Yu can use it, I really misbelieved Dugu Lonely's words," Scarlet Tongmo said angrily.

"That's right, but if you can't control this beast, why did the Great Heavenly Demon give it to you?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

The Crimson Pupil Demon replied disdainfully: "I can tell at a glance that you have not received the secret order of the Great Heavenly Demon. The background of the Flame Prison Demon Clan is not bad. I guess you also want to get a share of it. Maybe it is a coincidence. You can obtain the relics of the Demon Saint Prince to advance to the fusion stage."

There is something in these words, but Yi Tian quickly analyzed them in his mind, and then he felt relieved.The Emotional Crimson Pupil Demon mistook himself for a monk secretly dispatched by the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison. Under the banner of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely, he actually did his own thing secretly.

He replied lightly: "Let's settle the matter in front of us first."

"Okay," the Crimson Eyed Demon replied, and joined his hands together to sacrifice two black magic lights to merge into one.Immediately, the magic light turned into an arc knife and greeted Jie Demon Wolf.

The magic knife-like spell was mixed with howling winds and directly split the void, and flew in front of Jie Demon Wolf in no time.I saw the magic wolf opened its mouth and spit out a huge light bullet, facing the black magic knife head-on.

With a sound of 'Zi La', the two spells collided fiercely in the air, showing a state of mutual reluctance.Unexpectedly, a red flame lit up from the side, then circled around the attack area of ​​the two spells, flew around, and then fell on the forehead of Jie Demon Wolf.

Seeing that he succeeded in one blow, Yi Tian's expression was not the slightest bit happy, but showed a dignified expression.But seeing the six eyes of Jie Demon Wolf turn at the same time, and then shoot out six black magic lights to meet the flame prison demon fire.On the contrary, with one blow, it directly defeated the flame hell demon fire that was about to fall.

This is its true housekeeping ability, even if Yi Tian himself is in a strange state, the strength of his skills is equivalent to that of a monk in the middle stage of integration.It's not that simple to deal with the power of the move just now in the hands of ordinary middle-stage monks.

But the six-eyed demon wolf can easily resolve it with its natural supernatural powers, so Yi Tian had to spend 12 points of energy to deal with it.

The remaining strength of the two spells in the air was exhausted, and the Crimson Eyed Demon also saw the appearance of the six-eyed demon wolf's attack. Unexpectedly, he showed ecstasy and said: "Sure enough, it's different for a saint's magic pet. I absorbed it for fear that I could go further. I only want his six eyes, and the rest belong to you, Fellow Daoist."

Unexpectedly, Crimson Tongmo was still thinking about this matter at this time, Yi Tian sneered in his heart again and again, but replied calmly on his face: "Quick battle and quick decision, I don't think this Jie Demon Wolf will be captured without a fight."

Reaching out again, he took out the Curse Sky Demon Bell and shook it quickly in his hand. The magic sounds turned into black light waves and swept towards Jie Demon Wolf.Where the sound wave spoke, the surrounding stone walls were shaken open one after another. The sonic supernatural powers of the Heavenly Demons really have a unique effect on monsters.

Under the passing of the sound waves, I saw that the demonic wolf's whole body was shaking, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body seemed to surge like a flood of determination.

Crimson Tongmo was not surprised but said happily: "Sure enough, the soul-absorbing technique of the Heavenly Demon Clan has a natural restraint effect on these monsters. Since fellow Taoists have shown their real skills, I can no longer hide my clumsiness."

Having said that, Crimson Pupil Demon closed his one-eyed eye after making seals with his hands, and Shao Qing waited for him to open it again, only to see that the original black pupil also turned blood red at this time.A red magic light shot out from it directly hit the six-eyed Jie demon wolf, and instantly saw the opponent freeze.Unexpectedly, his gifted one-eyed eye would have such an effect, Yi Tian looked at it and secretly remembered it, and at the same time was thinking about how he should deal with it in the future.

After one move was restrained, the Crimson Eye Demon shouted with great joy on his face: "If you hit my 'Death Demon Eye', you can just obediently catch it." After saying that, he stretched out his hands to sacrifice two black magic knives phantoms to shine on Jie The wolf slashed away.

Speaking of which, he and Crimson Tongmo both cultivated the supernatural powers of the Heavenly Demon Clan. He cultivated the Heavenly Demon Blade, while he used the Curse Heavenly Demon Sound.The cooperation also brings out the best in each other, but in Yi Tian's heart, he doesn't want to let the Crimson Eye Demon get his hands easily, at least he has to pay a high price.

Guessing that the magic voice of the sky curse was slightly slowed down by six gaps to give the six-eyed demon wolf a chance to counterattack.Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed from his neck to protect his whole body, the black light waves of the Curse Sky Demon Sound were directly blocked by the spiritual light, and the spiritual light irradiated by the Scarlet Eyed Demon's special skill "Desperate Magic Eye" was also isolated from the outside up.

Without the bondage, the six-eyed demon wolf immediately regained its clarity, and then glared fiercely at the two people in front of it, then ran away and rushed out through the light gate with a few flashes from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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