
Chapter 1923 Conspiracy

Chapter 1923 Conspiracy
Unexpectedly, the two monks in the late stage of fusion failed to stop the resurrected six-eyed demon wolf.It's not that the strength of the two is weak, the Crimson Tongmo used his innate supernatural powers, but Yi Tian didn't make a move with all his strength when he deliberately avoided it.

In addition, I also wanted to take the opportunity to see how strong this one-eyed demon was. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to at least see the innate supernatural power of the opponent.

Although the six-eyed demonic wolf slipped away, it was something that could be recovered after a trivial matter.In addition, Yi Tian also found something interesting. The collar on the Jie Demon Wolf's neck should itself be a Buddhist spiritual weapon. The aura in the body.

I have already realized that there is a lot of Buddha power contained in that aura, which cannot be controlled by demon monks.

It doesn't matter if he is let go, even if he is allowed to stay, Scarlet Eyed Demon may not be able to control him.Shaoqing saw that the scarlet pupil demon's face was full of anger, turned his head to look at it, and then said: "I don't know when I will meet it after letting it run away this time."

"It's okay, the outside is the territory of spiritual cultivation, and this six-eyed demon wolf will be targeted soon after it goes out," Yi Tian said lightly.

Crimson Tongmo turned around and stared at Yi Tian for a while, but the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "I don't know Yougao's name, but I think the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison is just your cultivation level, I don't think you should He is an unknown person."

Unexpectedly, the Crimson Eyed Demon was still vigilant towards himself, and he wanted to get to the bottom of this question.

After thinking about it, he replied: "In Xia Yitian, I was born in the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, but it is inextricably related to the Demon Clan of the Sky."

This kind of rhetoric was also thought out in advance, after all, when he made the move, he also used the Heavenly Demon Clan's Curse Heaven Demon Sound technique.And from the very beginning, it was under the banner of Dugu Lonely, so it was possible to bluff the Scarlet Eyed Demon for a while.

Seeing the other party's expression slowed down a little, he stared at him a few times and then asked: "I don't think Fellow Daoist is like Dugu Lonely's subordinate, maybe he got here when the gap between the two worlds opened."

"So what?" Yi Tian teased, but in fact he knew in his heart that the other party probably also used a method to sneak into the spirit world.

After hearing this, Scarlet Eyed Demon's face darkened, and then said: "In this case, we have the prerequisites for cooperation."

"Oh, I don't know what you plan to cooperate with Yi Mou?" Yi Tian asked.

"Is there any interest in the treasured Taoist friends that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, has kept in this world?" Feitong asked demonically.

"Qiu Yu's secret treasury in this world," Yi Tian paused and said, "It is said that ten thousand years ago, he once dominated this world for thousands of years and occupied Qingfeng Old City in Taiqing Pavilion, and most of the resources he collected were taken away by others. Stored there, don’t fellow daoists want to explore Qingfeng Old City?”

Crimson Tongmo sneered at this and said: "Of course not, there is another secret treasure kept by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, which is located in the depths of the spirit world. Do fellow Taoists feel moved after hearing this?"

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said with a surprised expression: "It is possible to say so, but I don't know where you found the news? If you don't have the exact source of the news, it's hard to convince me. of."

"My ancestors used to be the right-hand man of the devil prince Qiu Yu. After coming to the spirit world, I learned that Qiu Yu left a certain treasure in a certain store deep in the spirit world for long-term plans," Scarlet Eye Demon explained. .

It turned out that, after hearing this, Yi Tian quickly thought about it in his mind, if Qiu Yu, the Prince of Warcraft, can use it as a treasure, it must be infinitely powerful.It’s just that there was a problem with him abandoning it back then, and there must be the shadow of the Great Leiguang Temple in it.

Since it was so easy, Yi Tian was quite interested, and then pretended to be indifferent and said: "Since this is the case, I don't know if you have the key and clues to open the secret?"

Scarlet Eye Demon shook his head and said: "I just heard what my ancestors said, and there is no key to open it. But I can be sure that this decision is not made up. My ancestors kept this secret until the life energy was exhausted. Tell me it must be true."

"But Fellow Daoist now has no clues and doesn't know the exact location, so how can I help," Yi Tian asked.

"In another 30 years, the time will come when the spirit world will look forward to the great tide of the sea. At that time, we will be able to search in the depths of the sea, and we may find unexpected discoveries," Scarlet Eye Demon said.

"Bowanghai," Yi Tian muttered a few words, and then quickly searched for this place name in the map of the spirit world, but after ten breaths, he did not find such a sea area in the known exploration area of ​​the spirit world.

After seeing it, Fei Tongmo smiled and said: "That's a place name ten thousand years ago. I guess you can't find the source. But since you have a name and a surname, you can naturally find opportunities from clues. I just want to One copy of 'Falling Dark Eyes' from Qiu Yu's secret stash is enough, and nothing else will be taken."

"I'm afraid that the most valuable thing in the secret collection is the 'falling dark pupil'," Yi Tian sneered, "If there is nothing else at that time, wouldn't it be a waste of my trip?"

"It's absolutely impossible," the Crimson Tongmo hurriedly distinguished: "I heard that besides the 'falling dark pupil', there is half of Qiu Yu's demon heart in it. I am afraid that this thing is only from the sky demon or the flame prison demon." Clan monks have the ability to refine."

"Why is it half a devil's heart? Why did Qiu Yu leave half of his heart in the spirit world?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Speaking of this, I am also very puzzled," Scarlet Demon frowned and said, "My ancestors were also worried about this. If Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, hadn't left half of his heart in the secret treasure of the spirit world The next invasion battle will not fail, you must know that this demon heart contains a quarter of its own mana, and ordinary people will never do this."

"That half of the heart should be the heart of Buddha seed," a thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and then he understood.No wonder the Crimson Eye Demon couldn't figure it out. If he knew Qiu Yu's past and future lives, it would be easy to think why he gave up a quarter of his mana back then.

From the perspective of others, this is an incredible thing, but from the perspective of Qiu Yu himself, although his strength has been weakened after giving up the heart of the Buddha Seed, he can make up for these cultivation bases through continuous practice.At the same time, without the hindrance of the Buddha-seeded heart, his practice of the magic way will naturally make rapid progress.

Now I am quite interested in this relic left by Qiu Yu. If I get it from the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddhist Spirit World, it may be of great help to Chi Wuji.

Immediately replied: "Okay, then let's make an agreement to explore the secret treasure of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, but before that, you and I should contact in private so that no third person can find out. It's not beautiful."

"Okay, then we'll make a deal," Crimson Tongmo replied.

(End of this chapter)

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