
Chapter 1926 Siege 1

Chapter 1926 Siege One
Hearing Qing Lianyun's words of concern for him, Yi Tian's heart warmed, and he described in detail the last time he accompanied Patriarch Wuye in black back to Lihuo Palace.Such a situation is naturally more exciting to tell from the mouth of the person concerned than to hear it from heretics.

Qing Lianyun listened intently and frowned slightly when he talked about being besieged, and his face also showed a look of worry, and his brows eased a little when he mentioned breaking the three-talented formation of the senior brothers.

After talking about the whole thing, Qing Lianyun asked: "Has your husband reached the late stage of fusion after leaving customs?"

Nodding his head, Yi Tian replied with a smile: "Now my cultivation base has made great progress compared with the Lihuogong War, and I am in the late stage of fusion."

"That husband can be said to be the No. 1 Mahayana monk in the spiritual world," Qing Lianyun asked.

"Why do you care about a little fame?" Yi Tian said disapprovingly: "I have met the one-eyed Crimson Pupil Demon, a demon cultivator who invaded this time. This beast is so powerful that I need to use all my strength to suppress him. In the future, you Don't be careless when you meet this beast on the battlefield, especially be careful of his one-eyed 'Death Magic Eye', it is not something you can handle at your current level."

"Is it really that powerful?" Qing Lianyun asked in surprise.

"Of course, such supernatural powers can even control the six-eyed demon wolf, the demon prince Qiu Yu's demon pet, for a moment. What do you think is the power?" Yi Tian said with a serious look on his face, and then he said : "You have to remind Zheng Tingyun if there is a chance, I guess she has a very high chance of meeting the Scarlet Eye Demon in the open."

"That's that, the demon army is aggressive, especially the one-eyed demon with his own army, and the senior sister has to take action to defend against their invasion," Qing Lianyun said without worrying, "I will definitely tell you about it afterwards. Senior Sister asked her to pay attention to this."

"Don't worry, I will take care of this one-eyed demon clan myself. It is estimated that 30 years later, I will go to the depths of the spirit world with him to jointly investigate the secret treasure of the demon prince Qiu Yu. This time, I will let him go and never return." Yes," Yi Tian said, a gleam flashed in his eyes, but Qing Lianyun beside him was full of worry.

She knew that the things Yi Tian decided could not be changed, and this one-eyed demon was indeed the strongest figure in the demon army's invasion of the spirit world.In order to quell the evil disaster, it must be cut off. Even if it is placed in the spiritual headquarters, it is listed as the top priority.Although Zheng Tingyun never mentioned it, a few leading figures would have already made a conclusion.

Later Qing Lianyun came back to his senses and saw four beams of light shooting up into the sky, and then hurriedly sacrificed the formation foundation in his hand to the nearest node spirit vein to place it.Yi Tian took out the array disk in his hand, raised his spirit light and hit it.I saw five beams of light being drawn by the formation plate and directly laying down the five spirit trapping formation.

Sending the array disk in his hand to Qing Lianyun through the air, Yi Tian said through voice transmission: "I will go in and restrain that monster first, and you will control the array disk. Wait for the precept monk from Daleiguang Temple to come later." Then you open the gate and let him in."

"Who is the Jieding monk of Daleiguang Temple?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"It's Chi Wuji, Zheng Tingyun will escort him then," Yi Tian said, turning around and flying directly towards the depths of the valley in front of him, leaving behind Qing Lianyun with a surprised face.

With the blessing of the big formation, Yi Tian was determined. Now that he found the six-eyed demon wolf, what he was most afraid of was that the other party would forcefully break through and run away.

After restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, Yi Tian slowly flew forward and used his divine sense to reach out and sweep across the mountain in front of him, and quickly locked on the position of the six-eyed demon wolf.I saw that it seemed to be full now, and was sleeping soundly among the bushes.

Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on its body, it seems to be slightly stronger than when it just escaped from Kuisha Cave.Needless to say, it must have been the consequence of devouring a lot of demon repairmen to replenish themselves after raiding the demon stronghold.

Yi Tian slowly lowered his figure, took out a piece of sacrificial green net and poured it with spiritual power, and covered it with the six-eyed demon wolf.

This net is made of 'bilin silkworm' silk, and it will be a heavenly spirit weapon after the sacrifice.After throwing out his hand, the one-foot-sized silk net spread in the air and turned into a three-foot-sized silk net, covering the six-eyed demon wolf.Before it fell down, the six-eyed demon wolf lying on the ground and dozing suddenly opened its eyes suddenly, and jumped up from the ground with all four legs, narrowly avoiding the net bag under the head cover.

Then he grinned and turned his head to stare at Yi Tian for a while, opened his mouth and said, "It's you again, although you have changed, I know it's still you, that's right."

"Nie Zhan, you, as the spiritual pet of the Master of Precepts, fell into the devil's way, you should have been shattered by Patriarch Wuye, why did you still kill innocent people after resurrection," Yi Tian shouted coldly.

"So you are Wu Ye's disciple," the six-eyed demon wolf raised his head and howled wildly, "He thought he had shattered my god spirit back then, but he didn't expect that I would have cultivated the body of immortal soul long ago, even Even if there is only a trace left, you can rely on ten thousand years of cultivation to restore the appearance of the deity."

"I'm afraid that your original deity should look like the favorite of the Buddha in the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist Spirit World," Yi Tian said disdainfully, "Although you have fallen into the devil's way, you still have your original heart, but it was buried deep in your heart and sealed. stand up."

"Don't speculate, I am no longer the Buddha's favorite of Daleiguang Temple after being infused with devilish energy, and don't pretend to be hypocritical, if you want to subdue me, you must have this ability," Jie Molang shouted road.

Yi Tian still had some scruples before, after all, this matter still has to wait for the monk Jieding to come in person to solve it.But since this demonic wolf is uttering wild words, I have to teach him a lesson, otherwise I can't bear the prestige of Lihuo Palace.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and took out two seeds to sacrifice in his hand. After lightly popping out, he sank directly into the depths of the spiritual vein on the cliff.

Jie Demon Wolf smiled disdainfully: "Is this your supernatural power? It doesn't look very good."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a slight vibration under his feet, and the Jie Demon Wolf hurriedly jumped up into the air and turned back to look at the position where it was originally standing. At some point, several green branches grew.As Yi Tian continued to practice magical spells with his hands in seals, the branches on the ground grew faster and faster.

The Jie Demon Wolf, which was writhing in the air, suddenly found that these vines were growing wildly to surround it in a radius of one mile around it.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that if it waits for a while, it will become a situation of catching a turtle in a urn, and it flies up, only to see Yi Tian holding a silk net on top of it to seal off the escape route.

"You forced me to do this," the six-eyed demon wolf let out a deep roar again, and then rushed towards a tall wall in the clouds and fog.When it got close, the two front paws slashed fiercely towards the vine wall, and the sound of "click" opened a hole in the vine wall in front of it. With a sound of '嗖', the Jie Demon Wolf turned into a light and shadow and was rushing through it, and it was about to break out of the encirclement.

Suddenly, his body sank, and at some point, a rattan that was as thick as a thumb was wrapped around his hind legs, tightly entangled him.The rattan is also strong enough that no matter how the Jie Demon Wolf struggles, it cannot be torn off.

(End of this chapter)

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