
Chapter 1927 Siege 2

Chapter 1927 Siege II

In the five-spirit trap, Yi Tian took a small trick and entangled the six-eyed demon wolf. In fact, it would take some effort to deal with the opponent if he wanted to deal with it honestly.But the current purpose is not here, just need to besiege it.So before making the move, Yi Tian thought about what kind of magical powers and secrets he should perform.

These ghost-faced flower vines have been carefully cultivated by themselves for hundreds of years, and they already contain a lot of spiritual power.I drove them directly into the underground veins to absorb part of the power of the veins to maintain the crazy growth rate.No matter how strong the destructive power of Jie Demon Wolf is, it cannot break through such an iron barrel-like siege.

What's more, Yi Tian didn't fight with him, but just kept him here by delaying.

After being entangled on its hind legs by a ghost-faced flower vine, Jie Demon Wolf's mobility was greatly reduced.No matter how it swayed and retreated, it couldn't break free from the shackles of the ghost-faced flower vine.Moreover, the barbs on the flower vines deeply entangled the Jie Demon Wolf's ankle, and then cut several slender cuts in its flesh.

The green venom on the flower vines followed these wounds and directly entered the Jie Demon Wolf's body, causing it to cry out in shock: "Boy, if you have the ability to do it in a fair and honest way, is it possible to use such an unsightly move? Is it the way of doing things from the Fire Palace?"

Yi Tian ignored this at all, and said lightly: "You are a demon pet and dare to talk to me about being fair and aboveboard, let's see how I will trap you alive here."

After saying that, he pointed at those vine veins with seals on his hands again, and in an instant, the ghost-faced flower vines that had been entangled with Jie Demon Wolf grew crazily again.The slender branches quickly trapped one of its backs tightly and wrapped it tightly like a rice dumpling.

Although Jie Demon Wolf is not weak, he has never met an opponent as difficult as Yi Tian.After being entangled and unable to break free, he stretched out his hand and made a loud noise with his spiritual power, and the billowing black air leaked out, polluting the surrounding ghost-faced flower vines into black.But even so, the flower vines did not wither as expected. On the contrary, these ghost-faced flower vines absorbed a large amount of demonic energy, and after the ends, dark red coquettish buds appeared.

After several "bang" sounds, the flower buds opened, and the ghost-faced flower core with fangs and sharp teeth surrounded Jie Molang.

Yi Tian also wanted to see if it had any other means, and kept manipulating the ghost-faced flower vines to surround it.The encirclement became smaller and smaller, and soon swallowed up his figure.

Suddenly, several black magic lights came out from the gaps in the flower buds, and a large amount of magic energy overflowed and made a 'crackling' sound.Those Mo Guang Yi Tian had seen the halo flashing from its six magic eyes before.

Later, I saw those besieged flower buds hang down weakly one after another, as if they were directly defeated under the influence of the magic light.A black figure appeared in front of Yi Tian again after rushing out from the siege of the buds.

It's just that at this time, the six eyes of Jie Demon Wolf flashed a strange green light, but his body got spiritual pressure fluctuations, but it looked very unstable from time to time.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew in his heart that the innate supernatural powers of the six-eyed demon wolf could not be used at will, and his appearance was probably due to excessive spiritual power exhaustion.

After thinking about it, he sacrificed the aura again in his hands, and the surrounding ghost-faced flower vines swarmed up again, covering the head of the six-eyed demon wolf.Yi Tian found that there were still many wounds on the hind legs of Jie Demon Wolf. Although the wounds healed quickly after being moistened by the evil spirit, the whole hind legs were still dark green, which was obviously poisoned.

In this way, Yi Tian found that the aura of the six-eyed demon wolf was not as strong as before, and he secretly said in his heart: "As long as we delay a little longer, we can wait for this monster to die."

Suddenly, the six-eyed demon wolf's body shrank a little under the radiance of magic light all over him, and his body also stood up.After turning into a human figure, Yi Tian took a closer look and looked like a bald and blind evil monk, with green auras flashing in the six ring scars on his head, which were formed by his six magic eyes.

I saw him staring at himself with a fierce face and said: "Don't push people too much, even if you are strong, you will have to pay a price if you want to keep me."

"Oh, yes, I want to see what you are capable of as a demon monk. How about we make a bet that as long as you take my trick, you can leave calmly anyway?" Yi Tian changed the subject.

"In terms of cunning, you are more cunning than Wu Ye. If you think about it, this trick is definitely not easy to follow," said the six-eyed demon wolf, "But your spiritual cultivation also keeps your word, I accept this bet, but You have to swear by your heart demon that as long as I take the next move, you will let me go."

"No problem," Yi Tian said and quickly raised his right hand to make the oath.Then a corona appeared behind the palms together, and a lotus imprint was quickly formed in the hands, forming a white phantom of Jingshi Hualian around.

Before he started, who knew that the bald, blind, and evil monk in front of him changed his expression and shouted anxiously: "This is the Jingshi Hualian from the Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain, and the golden body of the sun crown from the Daleiguang Temple. Are you going to do this?" my life,

Before he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away under the flash of inspiration all over his body.Yi Tian was also taken aback, but suddenly realized that since this bald, blind, and evil monk was able to explain the source of his skills in one word, he knew that he was the natural nemesis of the demons.He just said that he couldn't take it, but he already realized that it was a fatal supernatural power, so naturally he didn't dare to make too much of it.

It's a pity that he didn't have the final say in this five-spirit trap, and the demon wolf rushed to the edge of the trap in an instant.Facing the white light film directly in front of him, the light bullets condensed by the magic spirit in his hand bombarded desperately towards it.

After a series of sounds of 'bang bang bang' came, the entire light film of the trapped formation shook violently, and Yi Tian was startled. He was really afraid that the five people outside would not be able to maintain the formation and let him break through the formation and escape.

Fortunately, after a violent shake, the light film quickly twitched the spiritual power of the main vein to maintain it.Seeing that he couldn't escape, Jie Demon Wolf shouted in shock: "You despicable and shameless guy, it seems that you planned to keep me here early in the morning."

"Fellow Taoist is too far-fetched, I just want to keep you for a while, and only old friends will come to see you later," Yi Tian said with a smile: "But before that, I still want to take over my Jingshi Hualian." Mark it, the evil spirit on your body is too strong, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recognize the old man when we meet again."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Jie Demon Wolf, and the white phantom Jingshi Hualian immediately flew out of his hand into the air.A white light shot out and shone on the Jie Demon Wolf to draw out the original power of Mosha.As the white lotus fell, it became bigger and bigger until it had a radius of one zhang and fell on the body of the Jiemo werewolf, completely enveloping it.

Only the sound of screams came from Jingshi Hualian, and the intensity of the sound became more and more urgent and smaller.Suddenly a voice came from the air in the distance: "You Daoist Yi, for my sake, please stop and spare his life."

Yi Tian found that there were three spiritual pressure fluctuations flying towards him, two of which were as strong as in the middle stage of integration, and one was in the late stage of distraction.

(End of this chapter)

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