
Chapter 1931 Trivia

Chapter 1931 Trivia
After listening to Monk Jieding's words, Yi Tian also fell silent. The Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit were originally mutually balanced planes, and both were indispensable.If a certain realm is suppressed too much, it will inevitably affect the balance of the remaining realms, so it will definitely cause a series of chain reactions.

As for the frontal conflict between interfaces like the evil disaster, it is rare to say that, according to the current situation, it is limited to two planes and does not involve several other interfaces.

But for example, the Buddha and Spirit World will also fight at the right time. Today's Yizhen monk coming to the Spirit World is an obvious statement.Yi Tian would not think that Yizhen, as the abbot of Daleiguang Temple, would be easily dispatched, even if he escorted the monk Jieding to the spirit world this time, it was just a matter of convenience.

Forgive me for not seeing him leave with Zheng Tingyun, most likely because he will go to the spiritual headquarters to discuss how to deal with this evil disaster.According to the wishes of the three monks in the Mahayana period, they wanted to limit this evil disaster to a certain extent. They could not fall to Qingfeng Old City, one of the main cities of the three sects, as they did last time.

After talking with Monk Jieding, Yi Tian benefited a lot, and after a while, the two slowly flew in the direction of Jiemen.This time, it is decided that the monk's affairs in the spiritual world are over, so he is going to return to the sect to cultivate and strive to improve his cultivation to the Mahayana stage as soon as possible.

Along the way, Yi Tian acted as a guard, restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to that of the late stage of transformation.When he got near the Jiemen, Monk Jieding said, "It is necessary to say goodbye after sending you off for thousands of miles. Master Yi can stop."

"I don't know when we can meet again today. It's a shame that I don't know how to repay this achievement thanks to the guidance of the master for the next thousand years," Yi Tian replied.

Talking about the monk Jie Ding, he sighed and said: "Actually, there is still a troublesome matter around me. If Master Yi is interested, please help solve it."

The matter that even the monk who got the precepts felt troublesome naturally left Yi Tian with lingering fears. It seemed that such matters could not be resolved by fighting.Yi Tian now feels more and more that there are many things around him that cannot be solved by force, which are troublesome things.

After listening, he opened his mouth and replied: "Please also give Master Jieding instructions, if I have time, I will try my best to help you out of trouble."

"Actually, the cause of this matter has nothing to do with you." Monk Jieding shook his head and said, "You led me into the Taoism in the demon world, but then you pushed Ji Xingzhu into the Daleiguang Zen Temple in the Buddhist spirit world. Now she Although temporarily staying in the temple will not affect others, it will always be a hindrance to the view. Master Yi should understand what I mean."

"Understood, understood," Yi Tian nodded dully, thinking in his heart, "It's still the same things back then. I didn't have a good time to ask him about the specific situation when I saw Han Liu before. It's really a mistake."

Speaking of Ji Xingzhu's special status, she is the granddaughter of the elder brother Ji Xuanyuan. Although Ji Xuanyuan is gone, as the new helm of the Lihuo Palace, he always misses the old feelings, and he really has no choice when talking to Ji Xingzhu.

But now that Monk Jieding has opened his mouth, he has promised that this matter must be resolved.After thinking about it, he hurriedly replied: "Now the spiritual world is facing a catastrophe of evil spirits. When the matter is nearing the end, I will find time to go to Daleiguang Temple to pick up Ji Xingzhu in person. During this period, Master will take care of you."

Monk Jie Ding also nodded helplessly and said: "Speaking of which, this is also my destiny. Ji Xingzhu's previous life must have been the devil girl 'Wei Hailan', who followed me to the spirit world when the evil disaster broke out last time. And she It was at the hands of fellow Daoist Ji Xuanyuan who killed her, and it is estimated that she was directly thrown into reincarnation back then, and after experiencing dozens of reincarnations in the spirit world, it is really a twist of fate that she would become his granddaughter."

"It turns out that there is such a thing in it. It can be seen that the senior brother Ji Xuanyuan was also a fierce person back then. Unfortunately, he still did not escape the reincarnation of heaven, and he must know the origin of Ji Xingzhu. He feels that he owes something to future generations. 'Wei Hailan' has been taken care of in every possible way," Yi Tian suddenly said.

"That's right. Ji Daoyou is also a great monk. Naturally, he has been able to gain insight into the reincarnation of later generations, but in many cases there is no way to do it. Naturally, what he did back then needs to be made up for." Monk Jieding explained: "This is The cause and effect mentioned by the Buddhist sect is just like the meeting between you and me. The various clues and traces left in the worlds in my previous life have guided you on the path of practice, and when you are successful in cultivation, you will also feed back to my future life. This is in line with the Buddha’s principle of cause and effect.”

Speaking of this, Yi Tian was waving goodbye to the monk Ji Ding, and Yi Tian felt relieved after seeing his figure enter the gate.Although he promised Monk Jieding to take care of Ji Xingzhu's matter, he still delayed as much as he could.At that time, Qinglianyun and Hanliu will be invited to accompany the group to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddha and Spiritual World.It's best if you can talk about it, if you can't, you have to tie him back.

After thinking about it, he turned around and flew towards the hinterland of the spirit world. Suddenly, a voice rang in his ears: "Fellow Daoist is here, please stay. I have no chance to thank you in person for your help."

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, stabilized his figure, and then stretched out his divine sense slightly to sweep around the boundary gate.I saw a middle-aged monk on a certain mountain top bowing his hands towards him.That man was Jue Dao Song Li, guarding the gate of the spiritual world.

I remember that before I accompanied Patriarch Wuye back to the spirit world, I helped him solve the magic cultivator who came to reinforce from Canglong Castle.It was just a short shot that time, and I didn't expect that the frequency of my spiritual pressure fluctuations would be remembered by the opponent.This time I escorted Monk Jie Ding to this time, I didn't want to cause extra problems, but I didn't expect Song Li to see through his identity.

Today is different from the past, I used to be a casual cultivator, and I can do whatever I want.But now he is staying in the Lihuo Palace in a serious manner. Although he has not announced it to the world, the high-ranking monks in the spirit world will more or less hear about it.So Yi Tian naturally didn't want to do something disgraceful, so he turned around and flew slowly towards the hill where Song Li was.

A moment later, his figure fell in front of Song Li, and Yi Tian bowed his hands and said, "I have seen Song Daoyou face to face."

"Yi Daoyou seems to be unfamiliar, but judging from your aura, you should be the one who helped you back then," Song Li said after looking at him.

The Jue Dao Song Li in front of him is almost in the mid-stage of fusion. I remember that when he fought Dugu Jackie Chan, he had already judged the strength of the two in his heart.

It is estimated that the two can't do anything to each other when they fight each other, and Dugu Jackie can't forcibly seize the important place of the gate of the world without reinforcements.Afterwards, the three major sects must also send heavy troops to assist Song Li in martial law for thousands of miles around the gates.

(End of this chapter)

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