
Chapter 1932 Song Li

Chapter 1932 Song Li
Originally, he was escorting Monk Jie Ding back to the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm from Jiemen, but Song Li, the guardian of Jiemen, noticed his whereabouts after seeing him off.Now that the other party asked to stay, Yi Tian couldn't just leave like this, and then turned around and flew quietly towards the hill where Song Li was.

After falling down, Song Li opened his mouth again and directly pointed out that he had helped out that year. Fortunately, Yi Tian has always lived in seclusion, and even in Lihuo, there are very few people who know his existence, let alone Song Li in front of him.

After the two of them sat on the ground on the top of the mountain, Song Li first asked, "My fellow Daoist Guanyi is extremely powerful, absolutely above me. In the spirit world, people with such strength will only appear in the three major sects."

"Song Dao has good eyesight, I wonder if you can guess my origin," Yi Tian replied with a light smile.

"Zheng Tingyun of Taiqing Pavilion and Lu Jianling of Feiyu Jianzong are both in the middle stage of fusion, and they are slightly better than me in terms of strength," Song Li said solemnly: "It has been nearly ten thousand years since these two sects have had a late stage of fusion. The origin of Daoist Yi should be from the most mysterious Palace of Lihuo."

It is quite reasonable for Song Li to have such a guess, and Yi Tian naturally nodded silently in response.I saw Song Li smiled and said: "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your help back then, so that I can solve the danger of my realm gate."

"Song Daoyou is polite. In terms of strength alone, you are slightly better than Dugu Gonglong. In addition, in the spiritual world, the home battle is at the right time, place and people. With the help of the three major sects, it is not right to defend the gate of the world. What is difficult," Yi Tian replied.

"You Daoist Yi, you are polite. Even so, I would like to thank you for taking the timely action to scatter the reinforcements. Otherwise, my disciple Xi Tianying will lead the group of troops at Pojunshan into a hard fight," Song Li explained.

Speaking of Xi Tianying, a gleam flashed in Yi Tian's eyes.I remember that it was hundreds of years ago when we last met in the demon world.Back then, I specially left him a spiritual weapon, a treasured sword, and pointed him to Chi Wuji's whereabouts.

Presumably, he has also been to the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm. As for whether the two have a competition after finding Chi Wuji, it is unknown.But thinking about it, even if there was no fight, his knot should be relieved.

Seemingly aware of his strangeness, Song Li's face remained unchanged, and then his lips moved slightly, probably because of the summons.Not long after, in Yi Tian's divine sense, he noticed that Youdao's not weak spiritual pressure fluctuations were flying towards here rapidly, needless to say, it must be Xi Tianying himself.

Yao thought that when the two met, he was slightly lower than him, but now he was a whole step higher.He is in the late stage of distraction, but he has already reached the late stage of integration.

Just like the most reasonable saying in the world of self-cultivation, "Once you enter the Tao, it's as deep as the sea, and from then on, a senior brother becomes a senior nephew." 'No one can say anything about cultivation, sometimes after breaking through a certain limit, one will go forward without hesitation, leaving all monks of the same rank far behind.

A figure of Shaoqing landed in front of the two of them, and when the light faded, he appeared in the figure of Tianying.After seeing the master, Jishou saluted, then turned around, glanced at the person in front of him and blurted out: "Who did I think it was, so it's Brother Yi, you're here."

"Tianying can't be unreasonable, I haven't met Yi Daoyou yet," Song Li hurriedly stopped, frowning slightly.

Unexpectedly, Xi Tianying sat down carelessly and replied: "Master, there is no need to see outsiders. Brother Yi and I have known each other for many years. Back then, there were people in Luoxia City, Taiqing Pavilion, Langhuan Cave, and Demon Realm. intersection."

Song Li gave him a blank look, then turned around and said, "You Daoist Yi, forgive me, the villain is so dishonest all day long when he refuses to be disciplined."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "You don't need to explain, Daoyou Song. I have known Brother Xi for many years because of our similar temperament. It is also a great blessing in life to see an old friend today."

"That's right, even Brother Deyi said that, so why should Master be out of touch," Xi Tianying said disdainfully.

After hearing this, Song Li shook his head and said, "It's not what it used to be. Today's Daoist Yi is still above me in cultivation, how can you talk about friendship in the same generation."

"Is that so?" Xi Tianying's complexion changed suddenly after hearing this, he turned around and looked at Yi Tian in front of him, stretched out his divine sense and swept back and forth several times, but the expression on his face became more dignified.

After a while, he sighed and said: "Brother Yi, your cultivation is stronger than when we met in the demon world. I really don't know how you cultivated. Compared with you, I am really ashamed. I am afraid that the gap between your cultivation and my cultivation will be greater in the future. It's going to get bigger and bigger."

"Brother Xi, you don't need to be ashamed of yourself. You must know that the right way to cultivate the Tao is to be strong and self-improving." Yi Tian said seriously: "Everyone's opportunities are different, so the opportunities they can get are also different, but as long as you have a courage An enterprising heart can go on along this road. The level of cultivation can be gradually made up the day after tomorrow, but the solidity of the heart is the most important thing."

"Yi Daoyou is right. Tianying, your aptitude is not bad. What you lack is experience and opportunities," Song Li said, "This disaster is a great opportunity. If you can seize the opportunity during this period, you may soon Then you can find an opportunity to break through to the fusion stage. Qing Lianyun from Taiqing Pavilion is already ahead of your peers. I have seen her strength and there is still a lot of room for improvement. I am afraid that she will cultivate in this life The height that can be reached must surpass my master."

As soon as he said this, Tianying's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Yi Tian in front of him in a blink of an eye.He knew the relationship between the two of them very well in his heart, and then said solemnly: "Master, don't worry, apprentice, I will definitely seize the opportunity to move forward during this calamity."

"That's good, you go down first, I have a few words to chat with Yi Daoyou alone," Song Li said flatly.

Xi Tianying seemed to have thought of something, but after seeing the master's eyes, he still hesitated.After a while, he just bowed his head and said, "Yes, master."

But before leaving, he said to Yi Tian through private voice transmission: "Don't rush to leave for a while, we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, sit down and catch up when you have time."

Of course, Xi Tianying's actions couldn't be hidden from Jue Dao Song Li, but he seemed to acquiesce and didn't stop him.Yi Tian knew that the next conversation between the two was the most important thing, and he could guess seven or eight points of what Song Li wanted to say.

After the person left, Song Li opened the sound-proof barrier, then bowed his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me, but I just don't care about it all day long with this careless temper."

"Song Daoyou is polite, I think what you want to say next has something to do with Xi Tianying, I'll listen carefully," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Okay," Song Li nodded and said, "You Daoist Yi, have you ever seen how much life is left?"

"With the strength of Song Daoyou at least a thousand years, but for the monks in the middle stage of integration, the time is not too much," Yi Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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