
Chapter 1941 The War Resurrection 6 Stop

Chapter 1941
After cleaning up the corpses in Yingouling, Yi Tian proposed to compete with the two demon monks.Such rhetoric seems to be normal, but Anming still follows Yan Lei's lead when facing unknown opponents.

The latter is also in the upper position for a long time, so he will not be frightened by Yi Tian's few words.Anyway, even if it is not low, it is okay to want to leave calmly, and this time it was Yi Tian who proposed to have a competition, so he naturally didn't want to lose his prestige.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly with both hands, Yan Lei came up and performed his special trick, even Anming who was beside him was moved.She had never seen Yan Lei use such a powerful kung fu and supernatural power, but she did not take too long to do so, and said softly, "Fellow Daoist, please accept my Destroyer Demon Light."

After saying that, the magic light in his hand shrunk down to the size of a fist, then he raised it up, and then hit Qing Lianyun beside Yi Tian.

With such a vision, Tian didn't show any timidity on his face, he stretched out his hands and made a seal with both hands, and behind him appeared a red corona.At the same time, a white pure lotus appeared at the foot, enveloping himself and Qing Lianyun behind him.

The word "combine" said, and the surrounding white lotus phantoms firmly protected the two of them, and at the same time, a white spiritual light shone and turned into a protective film around the figure.

With a 'poof' sound, Mistress of the Night's extinguishing magic light was bounced away as soon as it touched the white protective shield, and the black magic light scattered around, stirring up a lot of wind around, but Yi Tian had no choice but to catch it.

On the contrary, the 'Blaze Dragon' used by Yan Lei was even more powerful, and hit the Jingshi Hualian fiercely. There was a loud 'bang bang', and the white Hualian phantom shook violently.After this situation lasted for less than three breaths, the black fire dragon seemed to have broken through the defense and was about to invade, but the momentum stopped when it threatened to penetrate three inches.

Then more white lotus phantoms flashed around, and the white lotus petals wrapped it from the outside and purified it directly.

Yan Lei, who was far away, never thought that his special move would be deciphered so easily.But Lingxiu in front of him looked calm and composed, as if his strength was far more than that.

He is also a person who can afford to put it down, put away the spiritual weapon in his hand and said: "Friend Daoist is indeed powerful, we did not intend to offend Mrs. Madam in today's matter. Why don't you just stop here and decide the outcome at another day Bar."

After speaking, Anming and Anming winked, and the two hurriedly pushed away and left in opposite directions without stopping.

Although Anming didn't understand, he still had eyesight, and the obvious spiritual skills in front of him restrained the supernatural powers of the demons everywhere, even if the two continued to entangle, it would be useless.And this time it was Yan Lei who was in charge, and she had to act according to his face.

Then Anming bowed his head and asked via voice transmission: "Uncle Emperor, if we leave here, I'm afraid it will ruin Lord Demon Saint's plan."

"Didn't you see that this person is far stronger than you and me, and he is still practicing Buddhism?" Yan Lei replied angrily: "He can be so calm under two-on-one, not to mention there is a queen by his side." The monks in the Qing Pavilion did not make a move."

"What the emperor said is true, as long as we report the truth, Lord Mo Sheng will definitely not blame him," Anming said with lingering fear.

"Don't worry, it's just a coincidence that we met this person today, but our goal has been achieved. This time the Buddhist sect's participation in the war has become an established fact, so our reinforcements should arrive soon," Yan Lei replied. .

"Does Lord Demon Saint really count on the assistance from the Underworld?" An Ming asked disdainfully.

"The strength of the blood demons in the underworld is just for show. The real powerful ones are the help from the guards of Huangquan in the underworld. I heard that their strength is not much worse than that of the one-eyed demon. In the entire spirit world, only Ji Xuanyuan can compete with them." It's a pity to hear that he, the lord of the Lihuo Sect, has lost his lifespan," Yan Lei replied.

"The guards of Huangquan will also send someone, so who is coming?" Anming asked in surprise.

"It is said that he is the No. [-] person. This person has very little life left. This time he came to the spirit world to find an opportunity to break through. Otherwise, he would choose this place as the burial place, so he will definitely die with Lingxiu," Yan Lei There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth as he said: "It is estimated that there are not many Lingxiu who can deal with that Huangquan guard. Since that man is so strong just now, he will inevitably meet again on the battlefield in the future. You and I still saw the temporary avoidance of the edge." good."

After hearing this, Anming was also at a loss for words. She saw it in the fight before, but she didn't expect Yan Lei to give such a high evaluation.Afterwards, he remained silent and withdrew all the way out of the boundary of Yingouling.

Seeing the two of them leaving immediately, Qing Lianyun hurriedly asked: "Husband, these two have gone deep into the hinterland of my spirit world. If we just let them go like this, I'm afraid there will be a cat and mouse chase in the future."

Yi Tian was unmoved. After seeing them leave, he didn't answer with a smile until he flew out of the area where the divine sense was investigating: "Senior sister doesn't need to do this, these two people can't make any waves in the hinterland of the spirit world. And today I Showing a hand has already frightened them, presumably if you want to make trouble again, you have to weigh it."

"Husband, you are so sure that they can restrain themselves," Qing Lianyun said puzzled.

"It's true that we can't be so sure, but we can confirm it," Yi Tian reached out and lifted Qing Lianyun's waist, leading her into the air and rushing towards the direction she came from.

In Yi Tian's arms, Qing Lianyun smelt some familiar smells and blushed slightly, then asked again: "How is my husband going to confirm?"

"I've seen on the map that the closest comprehension town to Yingouling is the 'Xishan City' under the Taiqing Pavilion. Let's take a walk there," Yi Tian said with a smile.

But Qing Lianyun lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Husband, the strongest guardian disciple in Xishan City is only at the late stage of transforming gods. Could it be that these two monks at the fusion stage of the demon race will go there? Isn't that necessary?" It messed up the 'Xishan City'."

"It's okay, I had a private message with Yan Lei from the Flame Prison Demon Clan when we fought before, and asked him to catch up with him in Xishan City. If we think about it, we should be one step ahead of him, otherwise it will be the master's fault The friendship of the landlord is not good," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Why did your husband know that person before?" Qing Lianyun asked in surprise.

"It's not just acquaintances, but also had a lot of intersections," Yi Tian said.

"I didn't expect you, my husband, to have an affair with the demon clan," Qing Lianyun said with a slightly angry face when she heard the words.

Knowing that she has concerns, Yi Tian slowly told in detail how he sneaked into the devil world to find the master of precepts.During the period, he also disguised himself as a monk of the flame prison demon clan to enter the dynasty and unreservedly explained the intersection of Yan Lei, the uncle of the flame prison royal family at that time.

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun was naturally stunned, but in the end she was looking forward to this meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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