
Chapter 1942 The War Resurrection 7 Old Friend

Chapter 1942
As a small border town of the Taiqing Pavilion, Xishan City did not attract the sect's attention because of its remote location.The monks sitting here are just like the monks in the late stage of transforming gods. Even in the period when the evil disaster broke out, there is a peaceful scene here.

The main battle area of ​​the evil disaster is mainly concentrated in the marginal area of ​​the three factions, which is exactly opposite to the location of Xishan City.

Walking on the main street in Xishan City, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yi Tianhui's body were disguised as an early-stage cultivator.This kind of cultivation base will not attract the attention of others, anyway, there are many casual cultivators with the same cultivation base on the street.

This time when I met Yi Tian with Yan Lei, I didn't want to bring Qing Lianyun with me, after all, she had suffered a bit of a dark loss before, so I didn't want him to be involved again.After entering Xishan City, Qing Lianyun went directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find the disciples of the sect in the city to give them face-to-face instructions.

Now that the fusion stage suddenly came to Xishan City, the monks had to make arrangements in every way, so that those sect disciples who didn't know about it would be ready.

Yi Tian sneered at this, because with Yan Lei's strength, if he didn't make a move, Qing Lianyun couldn't do anything to the opponent.When he came to the city, Yi Tian knew that it was impossible to find Yan Lei's whereabouts by ordinary methods alone. Fortunately, he also had a lot of experience in this method when he practiced the flame hell demon fire back then.

It is not difficult to find Yan Lei in the city by following the clues of the characteristics of the fire in the Flame Prison.

Along the way, Yi Tian quietly let out his divine sense to look around, and then followed the remnants of the unique spiritual pressure of the flame prison demon fire in the air.Not long after, they came to the door of a remote and quiet business inn in the north of the city.Looking up and looking over, I saw that it said 'coming and going', and thought in my heart, 'I didn't expect Yan Lei to be a person with sentimentality, no wonder he sat in the position of the superior for a long time, even if he had to find someone to negotiate, he would choose this way elegant room. '

After entering the door, the divine mind swept over and found that there are three floors here, and slowly walked up the third floor following the traces of the flames of the flames, until the door of Tianzihao elegant room stopped.

Seeing that they were cultivators at the early stage of transforming gods, the shop assistants naturally didn't dare to stop them, but Yi Tian stretched out his hand and threw a spirit stone to send them all away.

Later, he turned around and quietly knocked on the door and asked, "May I ask if Uncle Yan is here?"

"It's Daoist Yi, please come in quickly, I've been waiting for a long time." The voice from inside the door was Yan Lei's reply.

Pushing open the door, Yi Tian walked in slowly, glanced over and saw a table by the window in the room, Yan Lei was sitting on one side and turned his head sideways to enjoy the scenery outside the window.At this time, Yan Lei was dressed like a middle-aged member, no different from ordinary spiritual practice.It seems that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have been restrained, only revealing the cultivation base of the middle stage of transformation.

Who would know that under the skin of this middle-aged and wealthy Yuanwailang is actually the emperor's uncle of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, one of the seven demon clans in the demon world, and the deity of Yan Lei who fits into a middle-stage monk.Moreover, he also seemed to have used the secret technique to cover up the demonic aura on his body, and even he couldn't detect the slightest demonic aura remaining.

Knowing that he came in, he just turned his head and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, then looked at Yi Tiancai and said: "Yi Daoyou is so impressive after so many years, who would know that you in those days are now gone?" Become a big shot on the same level as me."

Although his cultivation has surpassed Yan Lei's, he doesn't seem to want to lose his momentum. The most taboo when negotiating is to be weak and let his opponent take the lead.Yi Tian is well aware of this, but it doesn't matter if his cultivation base is far superior to the opponent's now, even if he takes advantage of his tongue, anyway, he still has to rely on his strength to speak in the end.

He walked up to him and sat down in front of him, reaching out to take out a wine jug and two wine glasses.After lightly filling it up, he took one of the wine glasses and drank it all in one gulp, saying, "I'm going to show you the friendship of the landlord, and I'll do it first as a respect."

Yan Lei smiled lightly, glanced at the wine glass in front of him, stretched out his hand to take it, and drank it directly.After three breaths, he said: "Sure enough, it's good wine, I'm afraid this wine should be comparable to the royal wine of the Asura clan."

Speaking of which, Yan Lei is really a man of knowledge, this time he spent a little time in order to entertain him, and directly took out the long-reserved Asura royal wine.Unexpectedly, Yan Lei can tell the origin of this wine after drinking a glass, he is indeed a well-informed person.

Gently opened a soundproof enchantment, Yi Tian took the jug in his hand and filled a glass for the other party, and then raised his glass to invite: "Thank you, Uncle Huang, for taking care of me so much back then, this kindness will be remembered in my heart , " After finishing speaking, he drank another glass.

Yan Lei took the wine glass and drank it slowly, then sighed and said: "You are really extraordinary, no wonder I favored you so much back then. It's a pity that you are still a spiritual cultivator after all."

"The emperor has lost his face, so what's the difference if he is a spiritual cultivator?" Yi Tian replied with a smile: "I am still the Yi Tian of that year, and you are still the emperor's uncle in the past."

After hearing this, Yan Lei was taken aback for a moment, then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "It makes sense, you are still the brat you were back then. As long as you recognize it in your heart, it doesn't matter what your identity is now."

Later, the two drank a few more glasses in succession, Yi Tian suddenly said: "Isn't the emperor afraid that I will poison the wine? You must know that this is the stalemate period when the evil disaster breaks out and the war between spirits and demons breaks out. If you are captured here But it’s not a small blow to the invading army of the demons.”

Yan Lei rolled his eyes, but said with disdain: "If you really did something nasty, then I really missed my point. But I have said that Concubine Yan has always respected you, and now I am sitting firmly on Yan Lei. The Crown Prince of the Prison Demon Clan can become the first queen in the history of the Flame Prison Demon Clan only after the cultivation level has been upgraded to the fusion stage, and you have a lot of credit for this."

"Is that so?" Mentioning that Concubine Yan and Yi Tian returned to normal after being in a trance for a while, even though he used this relationship to seek shelter from the Demon Race back then, it can be said that he got along well with them.

Hearing that Concubine Yan had secured her position as crown prince, a strange thought flashed in her heart.Then he blurted out and asked: "Is she alright? I think the Devil Emperor of Flame Prison will also choose a consort for her. When she succeeds in the future, she will be promoted to the rank of prince."

"The people who proposed marriage broke through the threshold, but unfortunately they didn't make this girl look good," Yan Lei said, but there was a playful smile on his face.

Yi Tian knowingly smiled bitterly and replied: "I am originally a spiritual cultivator, and I am also a person of great status in this world. What's more, I took a monk from the Taiqing Pavilion as a Taoist companion, and the status of Concubine Yan is really different."

"Could it be that you don't like Concubine Yan?" Yan Lei asked jokingly.

Yi Tian shook his head and replied: "It's definitely not like that, but I was originally a spiritual practitioner, and I went to the Demon Race with a top-secret mission."

"Isn't it just to look for the traces left by Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil, in the Demon Realm," Yan Lei said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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