
Chapter 1943 The War Resurrection 8 Detailed Chapter

Chapter 1943 Eight details of the resurgence of war
I met Yan Lei in Xishan City, but fortunately he just came lightly and didn't bring the former Mistress of the Night, An Ming.After Yi Tian met him, he didn't hide too much, and at the same time revealed his identity indirectly.

During the happy conversation between the two, they also mentioned the current situation of the royal family of the flame prison demon clan. Concubine Yan, who was assisted by Yi Tian in the demon world at that time, had already established her status as the heir to the royal family.From Yan Lei's mouth, it seems that Concubine Yan is still obsessed with her, but it is a pity that she is always a spiritual practitioner, and the relationship with Concubine Yan can only go so far and cannot be further deepened.

Then Yi Tian mentioned that he had other missions to go to the Demon Realm back then, but Yan Lei explained the purpose of his itinerary in one word, which made Yi Tian feel embarrassed for a while.

Shaoqing only heard Yan Lei say: "Actually, don't be surprised. I have doubts in my heart since you insisted on entering the abyss of the devil world."

"Then why does Uncle Huang still help me?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Because of your personality and what you have done, I see that you are different from the other juniors in the clan," Yan Lei replied solemnly: "Especially after the flame prison demon clan has lasted for ten thousand years, the entire royal clan It's because you don't want to make progress, and you look completely lifeless. And your appearance is like a clear stream that promotes the development of the royal family."

"Uncle Emperor, you're being polite," Yi Tian replied in embarrassment. He didn't expect that he would inadvertently promote the reform of the royal family and the royal family. It was an unintentional mistake.

Yan Lei said cautiously about this: "Speaking of which, I gave you the convenience of going to the abyss of the demon world, which is a kind of recognition for you. To put it bluntly, Brother Huang once asked me to investigate your details secretly. You Guess what I found?"

Yi Tian was startled, if he had entered the field of vision of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison early that year, it would definitely not be a good thing.Being able to retreat completely in the devil world is due to Yan Lei's protection. Since he has said all this, he must have found something, but he asked without changing his expression: " I wonder if Uncle Huang found any clues about my whereabouts?"

"You infiltrated the army of the flame prison demon clan from the corpse world and returned to the demon world. In the corpse world, Yanlong, the prince of the flame prison, must have had an inseparable relationship with you," Yan Lei said with a smile.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from him, Yi Tian nodded his head as a tacit consent.I only heard Yan Lei continue to say: "Actually, Yanlong is just a branch of the clan and wants to get involved with Dabao. Brother Huang disliked him early in the morning. If it wasn't for the consideration of unity within the royal family, he would have taken action to destroy him. He went to the Yin Corpse Realm to take the opportunity to let Buddhist monks attack him, after all, the second ancestor has never seen a real big battle, and if he meets a powerful Buddhist monk, he will never return."

Yi Tian took a breath of cold air and started to run in his mind quickly. He didn't expect that the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison had already thought so far.I had unintentionally helped the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, that's why they turned a blind eye to their identity.

"Then what else?" Yi Tian asked.

"Next, you assisted Concubine Yan to seize power many times in the demon world, and you opened up the situation in two battlefields so that the flame prison demons could get real benefits," Yan Lei said: "Speaking of it, even if you know that your identity is different, but What you have done has helped the royal family a lot, and if you take action against you, it will definitely not be the emperor brother and concubine Yan who will benefit."

"So that's the case, it seems that Emperor Shishi has found out the details of my identity a long time ago," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"That's natural. A distracted cultivator suddenly appeared in the demon army of the Flame Prison, and he was so close to Concubine Yan that he couldn't escape the eyes of the emperor's eyes," Yan Lei explained: "Later, I found out that you have been talking about it several times. The investigation was all about finding the clues left by Qiu Yu, the devil prince, so I guessed your general identity."

"Then why didn't you attack me?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Well said, in all fairness, with your existence, the Royal Family of Flame Prison has taken on a completely new look, so why should you be removed?" Yan Lei smiled and said: "We only need to monitor and let you continue to guide Concubine Yan to sit still. The position of crown prince is enough. In fact, there are not many people in the entire royal family who can sincerely consider the interests of Concubine Yan. You are the only one who can remove those old and ineffective people. Since the emperor wants to use you, why should you Expose your identity."

It turned out to be the case, but fortunately, I helped Concubine Yan step by step to ascend to the position of Crown Prince by giving advice to Concubine Yan, so I was able to exchange for a smooth transition. Otherwise, there was a monk of a foreign race by the side of the Crown Prince of the Flame Prison Royal Family, and the Demon Emperor would have made a move a long time ago. up.

"Then why did Uncle Huang conclude that I came here to find clues to the Devil Prince Qiu Yu?" Yi Tian said.

"At first I was just skeptical, but I couldn't be sure until you insisted on going to the abyss of the devil world." Yan Lei replied: "I have discussed this matter with Brother Huang for a long time. The royal family works."

"If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll be at the end of my life soon," Yi Tian sighed.

"I insisted on letting you go back then, so it was a compliment to your past in the Demon Realm," Yan Lei explained, "Besides, entering the fusion period with your strength is a sure thing. It’s better to be a monk of the same rank than to form an indissoluble grudge.”

"Is this what the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison meant?" Yi Tian said.

"That's what I mean," Yan Lei said with a smile: "It seems that my decision back then was not wrong. You are indeed stronger than I expected."

Hearing this, Yi Tian felt relieved. Speaking of which, he and Yan Lei also had some intersections, although the majority of them were benefits, but everyone was very happy to cooperate, at least it was mutually beneficial.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "In fact, I can be regarded as a person of some status in this world. In the future, I will not bear to meet the emperor's uncle on the battlefield of evil disasters."

"Let me guess your identity." Yan Lei blinked meaningfully and said, "Your strength is still higher than mine, I'm afraid you have already reached the state of late fusion."

Yi Tian nodded and signaled him to continue, Yan Lei then said: "I have met Zheng Tingyun from Taiqing Pavilion and Lu Jianling from Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and they are about the same strength as me. But I can see that you used The tricks you have are not considered special skills, so you should not be a member of Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect."

"That's true," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Since this is the case and you can get Qing Lianyun, a female cultivator in the Taiqing Pavilion's fusion period, as a Taoist companion, then you can only be the most mysterious disciple of Lihuo Palace," Yan Lei analyzed: "I heard that Ji Huo, the patriarch of Lihuo Palace Xuanyuan Shouyuan was exhausted decades ago when he was sent to reincarnation, and now Han Liu, the acting suzerain of Lihuo Palace, is just a monk at the early stage of fusion, and I heard that the new suzerain is still in retreat in the sect."

"Uncle Huang seems to know the internal situation of the three factions in the spirit world," Yi Tian said indifferently.

"Sect Master Yi can call 'Uncle Huang' if he can, it's because of Ruoda's fate," Yan Lei took another jug ​​and filled it with wine and toasted, "Come on, let's have another drink."

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and had to smile wryly: "Please, uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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