
Chapter 1944 The War Resurrection 9 Communication

Chapter 1944
Since Yan Lei was able to tell the origin of his identity, Yi Tian also acquiesced generously, and the two of them had a drink before returning to the topic.Yi Tian asked, "I don't know how the emperor and An Ming would attack the Taiqing Pavilion this time. You must know that the transportation of the Buddhist sect's secret treasure is an extremely secret thing, and not many people know about it."

Yan Lei laughed loudly and said, "Sect Master Yi is right. Naturally, only high-level spiritual practitioners can know about such an important matter."

"If we guessed wrongly, someone in the high-level spiritual cultivator will secretly communicate with Moxiu about the song," Yi Tian said, and took a special look at the other party, only to see that Yan Lei was listening calmly and waiting.

After a pause, Yi Tian continued: "Nowadays, there are only a dozen or so people in the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance who can participate in this matter, or are fortunate enough to hear about it. Excluding the monks from the three sects and medium-sized sects, casual cultivators can only It's just two or three people."

"How can Sect Master Yi be sure that it was a loose cultivator who revealed the news?" Yan Lei teased.

"It's a high probability event, let me guess who it is," Yi Tian said, moving his lips slightly a few times, and said the person's name through sound transmission.

After hearing this, Yan Lei didn't show any expression on his face, but his eyes were slightly startled, and then he returned to his original state.This has already confirmed the result of his guess, Yi Tian then said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I was just a nodding acquaintance with that person, but I had a life-threatening friendship with his apprentice. If it is really put on the table Once this matter is revealed, it will be difficult to stop, so let him go."

"Sect Master Yi is so kind, are you going to stop pursuing this matter?" Yan Lei was rather surprised, and then asked.

"What's the use of pursuing it, it's just increasing the dissatisfaction within the alliance," Yi Tian sighed, "and I also understand this person's temperament, he is also looking for an opportunity to break through the bottleneck."

"Sect Master Yi really has his eyes on the overall situation. If it was me, I would have to find out this person," Yan Lei said with a grumpy face.

"Actually, what this person did doesn't have much impact on the pacification of the demonic disasters. You must know the true meaning of the previous demonic disasters. The demons don't really want to occupy many territories and resources in the spirit world," Yi Tian said lightly.

Yan Lei's eyes lit up when he mentioned the true meaning of the calamity, and when he heard something in Yi Tian's words, he naturally frowned and said: "It seems that Sect Master Yi is also a person who understands, and there must be a monk of the Lihuo Sect at the Mahayana stage behind you." Shadow, it’s no wonder that it’s unreasonable for someone with your cultivation and status to not have a Mahayana monk behind him.”

"How can we younger generations speculate on what the powerful monks are talking about," Yi Tian said: "But since you and I both understand the true meaning behind this evil disaster, we naturally know what to do."

"I understand this in my heart, but I heard that there are countless unexplored secrets and ruins in the spirit world. Those are the opportunities for us to break through the bottleneck. Isn't Sect Master Yi not moved?" Yan Lei asked .

"It's natural to be excited, who doesn't want to make progress in the cultivation base," Yi Tian said jokingly: "It's just that whether you can put it into action depends on your strength. If there is a chance, I don't mind joining hands with Uncle Huang .Compared to other demons, your relationship with me is stronger."

"I happen to have a good opportunity in front of me, but I don't know if you are interested in it," Yan Lei even changed his name here.

But after Yi Tian heard it, he knew that the other party still had a good impression of his nostalgia.After thinking about it for a while, he didn't want to hide anything anymore, and said directly, "The secret treasure of Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Demon Saint, in Bowanghai is our great opportunity."

"Why do you know this too?" This time it was Yan Lei's turn to be surprised, and stared at Yi Tian dumbfounded.

Ignoring the other party's reaction, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said, "The One-eyed Crimson Eye Demon asked me to go to Bowanghai, and I knew he wouldn't just look for me."

"It turns out that you have already communicated with that one-eyed scarlet-eyed demon," Yan Lei said in a stern tone: "Then it seems that you understand the details inside, right?"

"Not only the details, but I even know what's hidden in it," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Half the heart of Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Demon Saint, I just don't know why he cut it out and left it there."

"Sure enough, it seems that the rumors are somewhat believable," Yan Lei said with a serious face, "I heard that the devil prince Qiu Yu has been troubled by the spiritual power of his own Buddha body all the time since he entered the Mahayana stage, so he put half of the One heart is excreted from the body. If you can get that half heart, it is equivalent to getting the past experience and all the experience of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, which can be said to be a priceless treasure."

"Isn't the emperor not afraid of being backlashed by the power of the Buddhist sect?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Opened his mouth and laughed a few times, Yan Lei said, "Don't think you're the only one who can pretend, kid. I'm also a spiritual cultivator now. You must know that there are very few monks in the fusion stage who can pretend to be spiritual cultivators in the devil world, but according to my knowledge I know there are still one or two people like this, and they are all in the two major races."

After what he said, Yi Tian suddenly rang out the Dugu Jackie Chan and Dugu Lonely Clone that he had met in the demon world.Speaking of which, they are all pretending to be casual cultivators in the spirit world.It was only when he used the Demon Clan Kung Fu that he really did it that he revealed his true identity.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said again: "It is said that Dugu Jackie Chan will also travel to Bowanghai this time, did he call you?"

"Dugu Jackie didn't mention it, but I was invited by the Crimson Pupil Demon," Yan Lei replied.

"Although it's not all the way, Dugu Jackie also knows something inside. He found Jue Dao Song Li to go with him. It would be interesting if he met," Yi Tian said.

"It seems that you knew it early on, kid. Speaking of this Jue Dao Song Li, he is a famous figure for a long time. Although he is not a monk of the three sects, he has a close relationship with the three sects. How could he agree to cooperate with Dugu Jackie for no reason? "Yan Lei said suspiciously.

"How is it impossible?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "When a person reaches the point where there is no way to retreat, he must only move forward, and the people he contacts are all joining hands to solve the difficulties in front of him."

Yan Lei sighed and said: "It seems that you and him should have contacted about this matter, and this trip to Bowanghai seems to be lively."

"Let me reveal something more to you," Yi Tian said softly, "It is not easy to find that secret place thousands of miles away from Bowanghai. I know that the entrance is located in Qionghua Pavilion."

Yan Lei's face was silent, but his eyes were full of strangeness, and he said after a while, "Boy Yi, you are indeed a powerful person, okay, then let's go together to see how the devil prince Qiu Yu has done for us juniors. Leave something behind."

(End of this chapter)

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