
Chapter 1946 War Resurrection 1 Aftermath

Chapter 1946
The incident of the demon monks blocking the Taiqing Pavilion transport ship on the battlefield of the demon disaster was suppressed without any major disturbance.Afterwards, Qing Lianyun returned to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance safe and sound, so everyone was happy.

Although Qing Lianyun didn't describe the matter too much, but the disciples under him described that encounter vividly and vividly.This matter will naturally arouse the suspicion of many interested people. After all, it is an unbelievable thing that a monk at the beginning of the fusion can retreat unscathed from the pursuit of two monks.

Fortunately, Zheng Tingyun, the suzerain of the Taiqing Pavilion, personally intervened in this matter, and ordered his disciples not to make any further noises about this matter, and gradually suppressed the gossip.

As for the Jade Buddha sent back, Zheng Tingyun used secret techniques to repair it. Now that the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance has such a spirit treasure that specializes in restraining the demons, it gradually begins to launch more attacks on the front line and frequently invites battles with the demon army. up.

The level of the entire war showed an upward trend in the next few years, and every time the two armies of spirits and demons confronted each other, many monks fell before the battle.Among them, the decline ratio of spiritual cultivation and magic cultivation has reached a terrifying ratio of three to seven.

In this way, there are not many demon monks who have entered the critical state, and after continuous consumption, the area that can be controlled gradually begins to shrink.

In this way, the momentum of this catastrophe was slowly suppressed, and the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance gradually launched a counter-offensive to recover many previously lost important towns in one fell swoop.

However, the main force of the invasion of the demon army was still those monks in the fusion period. During this period, they just managed the resource territory they occupied and did not attack frequently.So the battle is still controlled at the level of distraction.

During this period, Yi Tian quietly came to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and hid in Qing Lianyun's mansion to have a good rest and wait for the next trip.

After staying for a few years, I suddenly received a message from Qing Lianyun, saying that the demon army had recently moved.Those who were dispatched were all the troops led by the monks in the integration stage.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't care about it, but in the next few days, he received frequent summons, as if the demon army on the opposite side was organizing a large-scale battle and began to expand around.

This kind of action seemed to be a situation where they were going to fight again with the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and then it turned into an invitation to fight between the two sides.It's just that this invitation to fight is for the division of some spiritual veins.Now the demon army is temporarily unable to expand its power, but the spiritual alliance does not have enough ability to drive them out of the spirit world.

The two sides are in a stalemate. I am afraid that this is also the ending that the Mahayana monks hope to see in the near future.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was originally cultivating in another courtyard, also received a Jade Amulet of Communication, and after looking at the information on it, he showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

The sender was Zheng Tingyun, the suzerain of the Taiqing Pavilion, and the content written on this jade talisman was the invitation battle of Dugu Jackie Chan, the head of the Demon Race.This time, a nine-player confrontation was proposed, and the loser would push back thousands of miles in the existing handover and stalemate area to give up the original buffer zone.

Speaking of these things is all about taking off your pants and farting. The demon army invaded the spirit world to plunder resources, but it was only mentioned suddenly that I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

During the invitational battle, Dugu Jackie Chan mentioned that the two sides each sent six monks in the integration stage and three monks in the distraction stage to compete.

The monks in the fusion stage who played in the battle were given a combination of three in the middle stage and three in the early stage, and there was no limit to their cultivation in the distraction stage.

As a result, Zheng Tingyun had no choice but to accept the matter. If she refused, she might be ridiculed by the other party and chill the hearts of her own people.But now that the other party can make such a request, they naturally know the people at the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance very well.Most of them still have Song Li's skills, but Yi Tian has already known about this before, and Zheng Tingyun also knows how to deal with this matter.

But since Yao Zhan had already proposed, she naturally agreed, and the message was sent to herself just in case she wanted to ask herself to watch over it.

After receiving the summons, Yi Tian disappeared into the courtyard in a flash, and flew to the sky of the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance in the next moment.

Quietly checked with her divine sense, this time Zheng Tingyun went out in person, bringing the elite strength of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.Those who stayed behind were Lu Jianling, the suzerain of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and the other two monks at the fusion stage.

Relying on the formation to defend against three monks at the combined stage can fully resist the siege of twice the monks of the same level, which is why Zheng Tingyun dared to lead people out.

But when Yi Tian saw the list of left-behind monks, his heart sank. He didn't expect that apart from Lu Jianling, Juedao Song Li was also on the list.Although I would rather believe that he would not do anything that would be detrimental to the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes. In that case, if there are demon monks attacking, things will be more variable.

And Zheng Tingyun is also planning for a rainy day. The jade talisman said that she has been paying attention to Song Li's movements in recent years and has not found any excessive behavior.But today is different. She didn't find an opportunity before, but now she is the coach leading the team. A problem with one of the three defensive formations left behind will inevitably lead to the implication of the other two.

The messenger jade talisman sent by the manager Zheng Tingyun is also to secretly take care of herself to see the situation at the alliance headquarters first, and then try to support her there.

Yi Tian stayed in the sky above the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance and carefully inspected the situation within a radius of ten thousand miles. For a while, he did not find any signs of demon monks approaching.Just as he was about to turn around and go to the area where the two armies invited to fight, he found in his divine sense that a transport ship was approaching the headquarters from the area where the two armies were stalemate.

Its speed was astonishing, no less than that of Zheng Tingyun flying at full speed, Yi Tian immediately frowned and thought something was wrong.This kind of person who runs the transport ship is at least as strong as a monk in the fit period, and his purpose at this juncture is self-evident.

After thinking about it, he turned around and flew straight towards the direction of the transport ship.

After a meteor streaked across the sky, Yi Tian took less than half a moment to intercept the transport ship head-on.The people in the opposite cabin also seemed to have discovered their own existence, and slowly lowered their flying speed.After three breaths, the hatch opened and two figures flew out of it, confronting each other not far in front of him.

The people who came were two monks in the integration stage, one of them was Leng Xu, a monk from the Ice Demon Tribe whom I had seen before.I haven't seen him for a thousand years and he is still the same as before. The other person is a monk full of blood and evil spirit.

Yi Tian frowned slightly when he even guessed that it might be the blood corpse old demon in the Yin corpse world.This time, I heard from Yan Lei that the Demon Race had recruited helpers from other realms to help in the battle. It seems that this will provoke an invitation to fight because those helpers must have arrived.

 Thanks to fellow daoist fshqia03, a big sun, and Mingyue people for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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