
Chapter 1947 The War Resurrection 2 Mixed In

Chapter 1947 The Resurrection of War Twelve Influxes
He intercepted the transport ship of the Demon Race in the air, and then found that the people who came out in front of him were all monks in the fusion stage that he had seen before.

I remember that I still looked up to them back then, but now I have left them behind.Leng Xu is only as good as he was at the beginning of the fusion, and he is far from his opponent in terms of strength.As for the strength of the blood corpse old devil, although he was in the middle of the fusion, Jiu Tuo Luo had mentioned to himself the situation of his junior brother in the early years.So Yi Tian still knows a thing or two about his strength, plus he knew his details back then.Don't look at the aggressiveness of the blood corpse old devil, but he is only as strong as Leng Xu when he really fights.

If these two people wanted to attack the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, it would be too disrespectful to the three factions of the spiritual world.

Even with Song Li as an insider, if he wants to break through the formation defense of the alliance headquarters, it will take some tricks.Yi Tian moved his mind slightly and found that there seemed to be one person in the cabin in front of him who hadn't moved.I think that is the real master.

Then he slowly flew forward and shouted: "Why did the two demon monks come here uninvited? Please also invite the fellow Taoist in your cabin to come out and meet."

"Who are you, how dare you block the way here," the blood corpse old devil shouted.

"You invading demon cultivators are still so arrogant. If you didn't estimate the rules established by the Mahayana monks in the two realms, I would have taken action to solve you early in the morning," Yi Tian said coldly, "Just rely on your blood The strength of the corpse old demon is not enough to come forward to talk, let Leng Xu of the Ice Demon Clan come up and answer."

After all, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were released, and at the same time, purple light flashed in his eyes, and he was instantly stunned after skipping the blood corpse old devil.

In any case, Yi Tian overwhelmed the blood corpse old demon in momentum, but Leng Xu behind him had a troubled expression on his face.But since everyone has already named him and asked him to come up, he can't lose his name.

Later, I saw him slowly flying forward and staring at Yi Tian for a long time before blurting out and asking: "Have we met before? Fellow Daoist looks familiar, but unfortunately I couldn't remember the exact situation for a while. "

It is estimated that he remembered the situation when he met himself in the abyss of the demon world.Yi Tian didn't want to make more arguments, but turned his head and joked: "What is the intention of the two of you driving an unmarked transport ship to approach my Spiritual Alliance headquarters? It doesn't look like you are here for shopping, right? "

"Fellow Daoist, you look like a monk in the spirit world, but in terms of strength, you are not any one I have ever seen. I didn't expect that there are people like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon like you in the spirit world alliance," Leng Xu sighed.

"Let's stop talking nonsense and let the real master in the cabin come out," Yi Tian said, then withdrew his divine sense and locked on the transport ship again.

At this time, an old voice came from the cabin and said: "Leng Xu, the blood corpse old ghost, you two go back for now. Since our sneak attack has been seen through this time, there is no point in continuing."

"It's too late for you to take care of such a trivial matter as Senior Hin. You should rest first and wait for the two of us to take action and understand the person in front of you before going to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance," Leng Xu said bitingly. Tooth cried.

The old voice came out again: "You two don't know what to do, the person in front of you is a man of great background in this world. As for his identity, I am inconvenient to say, the answer is for you to find it slowly in the future. Then It is no longer something that you can intervene in, let me ask this fellow Taoist for advice to see how strong the inheritance of the Luotian Immortal Palace, which has shaken the spirit world for thousands of years, is."

After speaking, a gray light and shadow flew out of the cabin and stopped not far in front of him.

Yi Tian took a closer look and found that the death energy on this person had overwhelmed the anger, obviously he was the kind of monk who was about to run out of life.

After thinking about it in his heart, he can conclude that he is one of the two elders behind the Huangquan guards, but he doesn't know which one it is.After thinking about it, he bowed his head and said through voice transmission: "Senior should know Wan Zhongliu."

As soon as the words came out, the person in front of him couldn't see anything unusual, but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.Then he shouted in a deep voice: "Leng Xu, isn't the blood corpse old ghost still leaving?"

Now that they have already spoken out to drive them away, the two of them naturally dare not stay any longer.The blood corpse old devil returned directly to the transport ship without looking back. In an instant, the ship turned around in the air again and flew towards the direction it came from.

Leng Xu looked at the person in front of him with deep meaning, then cupped his hands and said: "Senior, I'm sorry, I'll go back and report to you later." After speaking, he turned and flew towards the transport ship, and the two of them met each other after a short while. He left here in a car, leaving only Yi Tian and the elder guarding Huangquan in the air.

Shaoqing saw the other party cupping his hands and saluting, "Old man Ning Ruilin has seen fellow Daoist Yi."

Since the other party treats Yi Tian with courtesy, he is not a person who just shoots and shouts to kill, at least on the surface, there is still a basis for talking, so there is no need to directly fight with each other.

He clasped his hands and replied, "I've seen Fellow Daoist Huan, so you should be the second elder guarding Huang Quan, right?"

"It's the old man," Yin Ruilin replied, "Yi Daoyou found the long-lost royal genealogy for my Huangquan guards in the demon world. Wan Zhongliu has already informed me of the details. So the new Crown Prince of the Nether Royal Family Being able to confirm it smoothly also allows me to wait for this old bone to rest for a while."

"Fellow Daoist Huan is over-rewarded. Speaking of which, I did it unintentionally. Since Fellow Daoist Wanzhongliu can support the new Crown Prince of the Netherworld, it must be limitless in the future," Yi Tian replied.

"We can't see what will happen in the future. It will take at least four to five thousand years for the new crown prince to grow up. By then, I'm afraid my old bones will have been buried in the loess long ago," Xi Ruilin said.

"How could it be? Senior is too polite. With your strength, if you stay in the headquarters of Huangquan Guards to practice in seclusion, it will not be a problem to continue for another thousand years. Why bother to go to the spirit world to wade through this muddy water?" Yi Tian asked.

"Yi Daoyou is a real person, and your words are true, but I also have my own reasons and the purpose of coming to the spirit world," Xi Ruilin said, "I originally wanted to use the demons to invade troubled waters, but now that I have seen You and I naturally have other ideas."

"Can you tell me what you think after seeing me, senior, and see if I can help?" Yi Tian said.

"I came to this world to find the secret treasure time roulette lost by Luo Tianxian Palace. It is said that it was collected by the monks of Taiqing Pavilion more than ten thousand years ago," Yan Ruilin said.

"Senior, do you want to inquire about your own longevity through the time roulette?"

Xi Ruilin shook his head and said: "What are the people who are about to enter the tomb to ask? I want to ask about the future situation of the guards in Huangquan and the future of the Nether Crown Prince Xie Wenjing."

(End of this chapter)

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