
Chapter 1948: War Resurrection 3 Arrives

Chapter 1948 The War Resurrects Thirteen Arrivals
After talking with Yan Ruilin, Yi Tian knew the purpose of the elder guarding Huangquan in front of him in coming to the spirit world.As he himself said, what is there for a dying person to look forward to, what he can't let go of is nothing more than the things he values.

For Xi Ruilin, the most exciting thing is the future of the Huangquan guards and the training of the Nether Crown Prince.These things are related to the overall situation in the Netherworld in the future.

But speaking of the Wheel of Time in the Taiqing Pavilion, most likely it should be in the first Qinhuai singer in the Qingtian Pavilion. If Han Ruilin goes to the Taiqing Pavilion, he will definitely find him.Thinking of the identity of Yan Ruilin, if he went to Taiqing Pavilion like this, there would be some big news, Yi Tian immediately took out a jade letter of recommendation, wrote the information in it, and handed it over from the air: "Senior, with this letter of recommendation, you can Zheng Daguang went to Taiqing Pavilion Qingtian Pavilion to look for Qin Shouzuo, I think he will be willing to help after reading the jade slips."

After receiving the jade slip, Xi Ruilin opened it and quickly read it through, and then said with a smile on his face: "It's still Daoist Yi who has considered it carefully, and I can save a lot of trouble with this recommendation book."

"So I wish Senior Lun all the best," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"The old man is fine here, but your spiritual companions are a little troublesome." He Ruilin blinked and said: "This time Dugu Jackie set up a game to attract Zheng Tingyun to the competition, he naturally has no good intentions gone."

"I don't know what's wrong with this?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"The old man brought the blue spring water guarded by the Yellow Springs. Those monks who take the shot will stimulate [-]% of their potential after drinking it. If they are against spiritual cultivation, they can form an overwhelming advantage for a quarter of an hour," Xi Ruilin explained.

So, it's no wonder Dugu Jackie Chan would attract Zheng Tingyun to come, presumably he has done enough preparations.

But I don't know much about the function of the blue spring water. Such a spiritual thing that stimulates the monk's potential must have many sequelae.Presumably he turned around and cupped his hands and said, "I would also like to ask my senior to advise me, I don't know what restrictions and limitations there are on this thing."

Xi Ruilin caressed his beard and smiled, "Since Daoist Yi is destined to be the guard of Huangquan and has helped me a lot, the old man naturally wants to show you some kindness."

After finishing speaking, he took out a Haina bottle and sent it over: "This thing contains Biluo spring water, which is enough for three people. People who drink it can gain power beyond their own level in a short period of time by overdrawing their potential. The higher the effect, the more obvious the sequelae.”

"I don't know what sequelae will be caused after drinking this water?" Yi Tian asked.

"It will take at least a thousand years to repair the foundation. During this period, there will be signs of regress instead of an inch of cultivation," Han Ruilin said: "This is the thing that kills eight hundred enemies and destroys one thousand. It even kills me. The guarding monks will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

After putting away the jade bottle, Yi Tian cupped his hands in thanks and said: "Thank you so much for your guidance, senior. I'm going to go to the place where the appointment is made to support, so I don't have to accompany you so much."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, please go ahead, the old man is leaving for the Taiqing Pavilion, I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future," After saying that, Ruilin turned around and left in the direction of the Taiqing Pavilion sect.

After bidding farewell to Nie Ruilin, Yi Tian felt very anxious. If it was true that those demon monks had taken this water first before coming to the appointment, as he said, the winning rate would be more than [-]%.

In this way, I am afraid that Zheng Tingyun is on the right track this time, not to mention losing the contract, there will inevitably be some casualties.The consequence is that the strength of the demon army will expand in the spirit world at once.These are the worst results, and Yi Tian is thinking about how to end this disaster as soon as possible, instead of procrastinating and becoming a meat-grinding battlefield.

Yi Tian's escape speed is extremely fast, but in order to avoid being noticed by others, he restrained his breath and flew rapidly at high altitude.After less than half a moment, they were already close to the place where the two sides were about to fight. Looking from a distance above the sky, they could only see several streaks of spiritual light and bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations appearing thousands of miles away.

When Yi Tian saw it, he was suspicious. He didn't expect that the ten duels would be held at the same time, and then a flash of light flashed through his mind, and he understood that those who took Biluo spring water were all time-sensitive. The follow-up people have passed the effect of the medicine.Only ten matches at the same time will have the strongest effect.

Thinking of this, I also deeply admire Dugu Jackie Chan's calculations. A coach like him really doesn't take his subordinates seriously.However, he didn't know who was going to fight, so Yi Tian hid his figure in the air and flew towards the source of the spiritual pressure fluctuations.

After ten breaths, he was the first to discover the location of the spiritual cultivation camp in his eyes. After his eyes flashed, he found that there were about [-] spiritual cultivation people who came this time.Among them, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on eight or nine of them seemed a little weak, and most of them had participated in battles.

But none of these people saw Qing Lianyun, but he remembered that she came with Zheng Tingyun.

After quietly lowering the head of the cloud, he came to the vicinity of the spiritual practice camp, and stopped when he approached ten feet away from Zheng Tingyun.Relying on his own cultivation level, Yi Tian approached grandly, but none of the monks standing on the top of the mountain noticed his arrival.

Lowering his head and slightly parting his lips, he whispered to Zheng Tingyun via voice transmission: "How is the current battle situation, fellow Daoist Zheng?"

In the spiritual camp, Zheng Tingyun, as the coach, was naturally standing in the middle, when he suddenly heard the sound transmission behind his ear, his body froze slightly and returned to normal.He turned his head slightly to look at the source of the sound transmission in the distance, frowning slightly on his face.

This is also the first time Yi Tian saw Zheng Tingyun face to face, and saw that she was dressed as a woman, about 25 or six years old, with her hair tied up in a bun behind her head.He was wearing a pink gown with the Taiqing Pavilion logo sewn on the cuffs.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have subsided, and he looks no different from ordinary people.

After hearing the voice transmission of the question, Zheng Tingyun moved the corner of her mouth slightly and replied: "You Daoist Yi came just in time, this time we have fallen into a bitter battle with the demon monks, and now we have two wins, one draw and four losses in ten games, falling into an abnormally passive position situation."

"What about Lianyun, has she not yet decided the outcome with the other party?" Yi Tian asked.

"Junior Sister and the Mistress of the Night, Anming, are fighting in the Forbidden Spirit Space at this time, and we don't know how the battle is going," Zheng Tingyun said.

"Forbidden spirit space," Yi Tian twitched slightly and turned his head to look at the battle in the distance.I saw two huge black spheres floating in the air. Needless to say, there was the spirit-forbidden space inside.My own naked eyes can't see through the situation inside, so naturally I don't know what happened during the period.

(End of this chapter)

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