
Chapter 1950 The war started again 5

Chapter 1950 The War Resurrection Fifteen Ends
Yi Tian used the "flying thunder mark" left by Qing Lianyun to successfully infiltrate into the forbidden space where spirits and demons compete.

Mistress Anming on the opposite side suddenly saw that the opponent had changed, and her face changed drastically. When she saw the person coming, she exclaimed in surprise: "Why is it you?"

"Why can't it be me," Yi Tian snorted coldly: "Your Excellency seems to have taken action against my Taoist companion twice, and this account must be settled carefully."

Anming had already experienced Yi Tian's strength when he teamed up with Yan Lei before, and there was nothing he could do in a two-on-one situation, let alone the current one-on-one situation.

And Mistress Anming, after taking the Biluo spring water, was at best promoted to Yanlei's level.Facing an opponent stronger than Yan Lei, he naturally has lingering fears.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't allow her time to think too much, and sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand to turn it into a blue solid sword body and sacrificed it in his hand.After looking away, he didn't want to say anything more and said: "Go."

After the halo of the blue sword shadow was released from his hand, several blue threads of light circled around the arc and shot up from both sides.An Ming was shocked when he saw it, those cyan filaments of light seemed to cut apart the nearby space after passing through the air.

Wherever he went, the air around him was distorted to varying degrees. Anming is also someone who has seen the world and knows that the tricks of this person in front of him are not trivial. I am afraid that only a few big men in the demon army can compete with him.

The demonic force on her body gushed out desperately, forming a protective barrier of black light around her.The cyan light thread made a 'sizzling' sound as soon as it came into contact, and the cyan thread was immediately stuck on the black light barrier.

At the same time, the protective magic light of the Mistress of Darkness was also stuck in the middle by several black hairs, unable to move at all, let alone get away.

After trying a few times, I only heard Mistress Anming shout: "Friend Daoist is very strong, I am convinced, I just ask you to let me go, after I go out, I will definitely return to the Demon Realm regardless of the past."

"Mother Anming's words are easy to say, you are not a three-year-old child, do you think I will let you go with just a few words?" Yi Tian curled his lips and said disdainfully: "If you will ban What happened in the spiritual space is likely to cause some disputes between the two parties."

Suddenly the imprisoned black magic ball in front of her shook violently, obviously the Mistress of Darkness wanted to try again to get rid of the shackles.

Yi Tian yelled coldly: "Back then in the demon world, you wanted to kill me, but did you ever think about being restrained by me today?"

"Why have you been to the Demon Realm?" Mistress Anming exclaimed.

The spiritual power on his body quickly withdrew, and was replaced by a wave of demonic force. After Yi Tiandang used the technique of integrating spirit and demon, he transformed into his real form.After three breaths, a cultivator from the flame prison demon clan appeared in front of Anming, but his cultivation base had reached the late stage of fusion.

"It turned out to be you, didn't you already die in the abyss of the demon world?" A dark face appeared on the black magic ball, staring at Yi Tian in front of him, and said.

"It's surprising, isn't it?" Yi Tian said lightly: "I deliberately let go of the people who entered the abyss of the demon world and survived. Naturally, it is impossible to guess what happened inside with your vision. But The situation when we meet again today is the opposite of what it was back then, do you think I will let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

"I really regret that I didn't pursue you to the end, so that I missed you, but now it's in exchange for my life," Mistress Anming said angrily.

Putting away his demon body form and transforming into spiritual cultivation again, Yi Tian murmured out the eight sounds of Tianlei.After the golden light waves read from the mouth, they swept across the black light ball in front of them. Every time a golden light passed by, the enchanted space where Mistress Anming was hiding trembled.

It will be a matter of time before this continues to be breached, and it is obvious that Mistress Dark is aware of this.Immediately, a majestic demonic force gushed out from the black magic ball, and several of the cyan rays that were originally wrapped around it were suddenly broken.

Then a black light flashed in front of him, and the Mistress of Darkness escaped from the black halo barrier and flew straight towards one side of the space.But before she flew too far, she saw that Yi Tian was standing in front of her.With a shocked expression on her face, Mistress Anming took a closer look and confirmed that it was true, then hurriedly turned back and retreated from the original path.

But before she flew far, she saw Yi Tian's figure standing not far in front of her, so she knew the truth, and hurriedly shouted: "Why are you so aggressive, Fellow Daoist? Such a great supernatural power is actually displayed on me I’m afraid that spreading the word will tarnish your reputation.”

"This is a confined space, and I used the space power of the Taiqing Pavilion to trap you here. If you are stronger than me or proficient in the way of formation, you still have a chance to escape," Yi Tian disdainfully the way.

Hearing this, Mistress Anming doesn't know the purpose of Yi Tian's appearance here today, since she is not soft enough, she has to fight hard.After thinking about it, the evil force all over his body surged out desperately, and several black magic lights the size of fists stood out in front of him.Immediately afterwards, he manipulated these magic lights to bombard Yi Tian's body in one breath.

Seeing that Yi Tian was so calm, he stretched out his hands and muttered something, and then his hands turned into lotus marks.A phantom emerged from it and formed the phantom of Daojing Shihualian in front of him.

After the phantom's lotus petals opened, they sucked in all the flying black magic light bullets. When the lotus petals were closed, there was a continuous sound of "zilazila", which means that the magic force was purged. The sound made by Shihualian after purification.

At the same time, a cyan ray of light appeared out of nowhere behind An Ming, and then passed through the body of An Ming's mistress, and then emerged from the center.After her devil baby escaped from the Niwan Palace, she found a golden Buddha's light bursting out of the devil baby's body before flying far.The devil's original force on those devil babies suddenly overflowed like a flood that opened the gate.

In the end, the mother and the devil baby of the dark ming did not even say a word, and then her body softened and fell into two pieces in the air, powerlessly falling.

The invitational battle between the spirits and demons went on for several hours, and the final decisive battle was between Qing Lianyun, a newly promoted monk in the Taiqing Pavilion, and the mistress of the night demon clan, An Ming.Unexpectedly, in the end Anming did not walk out of the forbidden spirit space where the battle was invited alive, but Qing Lianyun with a pale face dragged Mistress Anming's divided body into two and slowly flew back into the camp.

This has greatly boosted the morale of the spiritual side, if you say that during today's invitational battle, the mistress of the darkness was surrounded and fell here.Undoubtedly, it was a heavy blow to the demons. In the future, the power of the night demons will definitely be reshuffled in the demon world, but this is a matter for another day.

(End of this chapter)

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