
Chapter 1951 The Resurrection of War 6 Regulations

Chapter 1951
The invitational battle between the spirits and demons ended in a draw, but this posture seems to be a lot of advantage for the spiritual side.At least after the war, although there were injuries on the spiritual side, there were no fallen monks.On the other hand, the demons defeated Mistress Anming for no reason, and even if it was a draw, they suffered a big loss.

At least when Qing Lianyun flew out of the Forbidden Spirit Space with An Ming's corpse, it surprised the monks on both sides.In particular, the Mozu side also specially dispatched the old-fashioned fusion monk An Ming in the previous plan to target Qing Lianyun's strength.After taking Biluo spring water, his strength is comparable to that of Yan Lei who is in the middle of the fusion stage, and it is more than enough to deal with a junior monk who has just entered the fusion stage for only a few hundred years.

But what surprised people was that Qing Lianyun actually killed him with hard support, even though his face was pale when he came out, and his clothes were covered with sweat.It seems to be the sequelae caused by the excessive consumption of spiritual power during the duel, but Qing Lianyun's face still looks very energetic, after all, killing the demon monks with his hands is also a big harm to the spiritual alliance.

After returning to the Dao camp, everyone immediately cheered in unison, but only Zheng Tingyun, the leader, showed a hint of worry in his eyes.Then he turned his head and glanced in a certain direction, and saw Yi Tianzheng sitting there cross-legged, unmoved at all.

Sighing secretly, Zheng Tingyun said via voice transmission: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help. Such an invitation to fight can be regarded as gaining the upper hand."

"Zheng Daoyou is being polite, but from your tone, it seems that you are still a little worried about this matter?" Yi Tian replied lightly.

"That's true. After all, we killed an opponent's fusion monk this time, and I'm afraid it will stir up the demons." Zheng Tingyun said worriedly: "Originally, our strategy was to gradually compress the demons." The scope controlled by the monks of the family will limit it to a certain area, and then wait for the opportunity to launch a general attack."

"Zheng Daoyou is too worried. These monks who are invading from the demon race are all pregnant with their own ghosts. If they are not in the same mind, they will not be able to accomplish anything." Yi Tian analyzed: "I can fight against these monks who are in the invading demon cultivator. Face to face, they also have a last resort for invading the spirit world, and if it weren't for the demon saint driving behind them, they might not have crossed over."

Zheng Tingyun nodded and said yes again and again, and then said: "In this case, I will go to negotiate with the leader of the other party and see what the result is today."

"Dugu Jackie Chan mostly talks nonsense. This person is just the spokesperson of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely," Yi Tian replied, "That's good. After understanding the matter, we will leave quickly. This time we have cracked the opponent It won’t take long for them to make a comeback.”

Of course, Zheng Tingyun couldn't deny it, but the matter of face still had to be done.After finishing speaking, he lightly got up and flew into the air and shouted towards the opposing camp: "Dugu Jackie came out to answer."

A black magic light flew out from the opposite camp in response to the sound, not far in front of Zheng Tingyun in the air.After talking for a while, the two returned to their camps.

Then Zheng Tingyun took out a warship model and held it in her hand, gently lifted it up and threw it into the air.The warship model stretched against the wind and turned into a thousand-foot-long warship. Yi Tian raised his head and looked up. This warship should be the main battleship of Taiqing Pavilion.

The above facilities can be said to be extremely comparable to the strength of a large comprehension city. In comparison, my own car is too petty.However, this is the best warship created by the whole sect of Taiqing Pavilion, which is naturally amazingly powerful. I am afraid that only the other two sects in the spirit world can have warships of the same level.

Under Zheng Tingyun's call, the many monks who came came lined up and flew forward one by one to enter the cabins one by one. After ten breaths, the warship flew straight towards the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance's station.

In the Tianzi cabin of the main cabin, Zheng Tingyun and Qing Lianyun sat face to face.But their eyes were fixed on Yi Tian who was sitting on the side.

Just now after the army returned, Yi Tian also boarded the ship together, relying on his advanced cultivation base, he disappeared in front of everyone and followed Zheng Tingyun into the cabin.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the two of them at this time, Yi Tian asked with a relaxed face: "I don't know how the conversation between Zheng Daoyou and the other party is going, presumably this time Dugu Jackie Chan will feel guilty if he suffers from a loss and is exposed by you?"

Zheng Tingyun said with a smile: "I would also like to thank you Daoist Yi for his timely action to expose the other party's tricks. All the demon cultivators participating in this competition have taken Biluo spring water beforehand. It is a pity that my strength as a monk in the spiritual world is not in vain. I have some trump cards in the end." It ended in a draw."

"I guess it has the upper hand. This time, the other party must have suffered a dark loss when they folded a monk in the fusion stage. During the negotiation, he was suppressed by Zheng Daoyou and finally cracked his conspiracy," Yi Tian said.

"It's just a small victory," Zheng Tingyun's complexion slowly sank again at this point and said: "Speaking of which, even monks from the Netherworld and the Netherworld have joined in, this time the evil disaster wants to be in It is not easy to calm down within a hundred years."

Speaking of this, Qing Lianyun's expression on the side also changed slightly: "I think those foreign monks are not powerful, but those supernatural powers are hard to guard against. Husband should be careful when facing them in the future."

Zheng Tingyun also said with a dignified expression: "Junior Sister's words are reasonable. Even though the blood corpse old demon in the corpse world is not strong, he can deal with it calmly. But the guards of Huangquan have tens of thousands of years of background. It’s all messed up, of course we have to treat it with caution.”

Speaking of this, Yi Tian waved his hands and said with a smile: "You two don't need to worry about the Huangquan guards. I have met Han Ruilin face to face. He gave me the bottle of Biluo spring water."

As soon as this remark came out, Zheng Tingyun's eyes flashed brightly, then he looked at him and said: "Yi Daoyou really has a lot of friends, I didn't expect that even the guard of Huangquan, He Ruilin, could be friends."

With a little smile on his face, Yi Tian said again: "It's also the first time I met the other party, but I have already met with the guards of Huangquan in the demon world, and I also returned the royal genealogy of the Nether Dynasty to them, so I can sit down and have a good time with him. Let's chat. Speaking of which, Nie Ruilin came to the spirit world for other purposes, so he should go to the Taiqing Pavilion to find Qin Shouzuo in the Qingtian Pavilion."

"Why are you looking for him, not to mention that if a monk with the strength of Yan Ruilin breaks into the Taiqing Pavilion, I'm afraid it will cause chaos," Qing Lianyun who was on the side said hastily.

"Don't worry, I've already written a letter of recommendation for Yujian. With this letter of recommendation, Yan Ruilin doesn't need to forcefully break into the Taiqing Pavilion," Yi Tian said, "What's more, he has to use the wheel of time to find Qin Shouzuo."

After hearing this, Zheng Tingyun smiled for no reason and said, "So we can rest assured. At that time, the Wheel of Light needs to sacrifice the power of longevity to drive it. Presumably, the time of Ruin Ruilin will be numbered after it is used."

(End of this chapter)

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