
Chapter 1952 The War Resurrection 7 Meeting

Chapter 1952 The Seventeenth Meeting
Sitting in the flagship of the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian chatted with Zheng Tingyun and Qing Lianyun, and described in detail the encounter between himself and the second elder of Huangquan guards, Huo Ruilin.

The stern expression on the second daughter's face relaxed after hearing this. After all, the assistance of the Huangquan guards should not be underestimated.If it is handled well, it can save a lot of things for the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance. With the strength of the No. [-] guard of Huangquan, Nie Ruilin, I am afraid that only Yi Tian can match him in the entire spiritual world.

One more friend is naturally better than one less opponent. Now Zheng Tingyun can realize how prescient it is for Yi Tian to recommend Yu Hao Ruilin for his convenience.

Since he said that he would go to the Taiqing Pavilion to find Qin Huaige, it would be better to give him a personal favor. In the future, even on the battlefield of the evil disaster, he will avoid taboos, which will have many indirect benefits for quelling the evil disaster. exist.

The flying boat continued to fly towards the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance's residence for half an hour. Yi Tian in the cabin suddenly frowned slightly. In his spiritual thoughts, he found that there was a light that was thousands of miles away and was galloping towards the direction of the flying boat.Its speed is about the same as when I was flying at full speed. Needless to say, there must be a monk in the late stage of demon fusion coming here.

Speaking of the other party's purpose is also very clear, Yi Tian secretly said in his heart: "It is time to come to the brigade. Since the other party came here alone, he will definitely not be afraid of the large number of people on the Lingxiu side. From the fluctuation of spiritual pressure Judging from the frequency, it doesn't look like that one-eyed demon, but someone else."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also showed a serious expression on his face, and Qing Lianyun in front of him immediately noticed something was wrong and hurriedly asked: "Why is your husband like this, is there something wrong?"

Zheng Tingyun also noticed something strange and then said: "Did you find anything when Daoist Yi?"

Sighing, Yi Tian replied: "It seems that this time the fall of the darkness has aroused the attention of the monks of the Mozu, and there is a very powerful opponent coming here. You go first and I will stay and deal with it."

Hearing this, Qing Lianyun showed a look of reluctance on her face and said: "Why don't I stay and face the visitor with my husband."

Smiling, Yi Tian replied: "Silly girl, the other party's strength is far above yours, and you can't help much if you stay."

Zheng Tingyun also hastily echoed: "Yi Daoyou is right. Facing a person with such strength, if we stay, it will only increase his burden. Junior sister still has to put the overall situation first and slow down Yi Daoyou."

"Zheng Daoyou is right, and if you stay, I will be distracted and unable to fully use it," Yi Tian explained.

Such a reluctance appeared on Qing Lianyun's face, and then he could only nod helplessly.

After a while, the airship did not seem to slow down as it crossed the sky, but the cabin door shook slightly during the period.Then a figure slowly appeared above the sky, it was Yi Tian himself who had escaped from the flying boat.

After looking at the distance in a blink of an eye, a flash of inspiration appeared all over his body and greeted him.

Half a moment later, the two galloping lights met far away in the air, and the two sides stabilized after half a mile apart.Standing in the air, Yi Tian let go of his divine sense and looked at the person carefully, only to see that it was a boy-like magic cultivator, wearing a very ill-fitting robe to cover his lower body.

The spirit pressure fluctuations on the incoming person are extremely strong compared to that one-eyed demon, Yi Tian wondered when such a powerful figure appeared in the demon army, but it seems that such a powerful figure has never appeared on the battlefield before human appearance.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and suddenly the boy on the opposite side said: "I didn't expect that you, the kid, got a lot of benefits in the abyss of the demon world."

"The clone of Demon Saint Baotan actually looks like this?" Yi Tian replied in surprise.

"You are the fourth monk in this world who has seen this deity," the Demon Saint Baotan clone shouted.

"Then should I feel honored?" Yi Tian joked.

"Boy, you actually made a move to disrupt the invitational battle between the two races of spirits and demons, and even killed An Ming," the Demon Saint's violent avatar shouted.

"Senior seems to be underestimated," Yi Tian said, "The fall of Anming was planted in the hands of the Taiqing Pavilion monks, and this matter has nothing to do with me."

"Slick-tongued guy, do you think I can't see it because of my poor eyesight?" The demon saint said disdainfully: "The space secret technique you use needs to lock on the target, so there must be something on the Taiqing Pavilion cultivator." Your imprint."

Surprised in his heart, he didn't expect the Demon Sage to tell his tricks with a single word, but Yi Tian pretended to be calm and said: "I will not deny what the senior said."

"Is that an admission?" Demon Saint Bao Tan said.

"I neither admit nor deny it," Yi Tian replied as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Boy, if you say that, you are not afraid to face me directly," Demon Saint Bao Tan asked in that immature voice.

"I'm also very afraid of what the senior said, but in the spiritual world, you have made an agreement with several Mahayana monks that you will not intervene in the development of the following things," Yi Tian replied: "What's more, the devil who provoked this The real cause of the disaster is also well known to seniors, after a catastrophe, the powers of the major races in the demon world will definitely be washed again, isn't this exactly what Senior An He wants?"

The young boy in front of him had a knowing smile on his face and said: "It seems that you are also a sensible person. After reaching this level of cultivation, you can see through many things."

"Seniors praise me, but juniors can't afford it," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

"It's fair to say that the disciples trained by Wu Ye are indeed the dragons and phoenixes among men," said the demon saint violently, "I almost mistook you for the disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion. It seems that Wu Ye is going to let you You have taken over Lihuo Palace. In this way, I don't want to chat with you anymore, as long as you promise not to take any action during the evil disaster, I will let you go."

"Senior's remark is inappropriate. I think there are monks with the same strength among the demons. If I don't make a move, I'm afraid that no one in the entire spiritual world can restrain him except the three Mahayana monks," Yi Tian hurriedly distinguished .

"It seems that you have also met the Crimson Eye Demon before," the Demon Saint shouted violently.

"Not only that, but also the second elder of Huangquan guards, Huo Ruilin, is also extremely powerful. Senior invites me to agree, so it is inevitable that I will be suspected of cheating," Yi Tian said again.

"Okay, for Wuye's sake, as long as you promise to only take action against these two people in the evil disaster," said the demon saint Bao Tan.

"It's okay, but apart from these two, if there are any demons who don't have eyesight to provoke, my shot will not be considered a breach of the agreement," Yi Tian joked.

"That's their own fault. I can't blame you for not having eyes to see clearly," the Demon Saint said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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