
Chapter 1953 War Resurrection 8 Settling

Chapter 1953 The Resurrection of the War Eighteen Settlements
Unexpectedly, after agreeing to the promise of the demon sage, he left conveniently and calmly. In fact, this matter is not difficult to distinguish.If he fought with himself here with the strength of his violent avatar, he would definitely alarm the three Mahayana monks in the first place.

And he is just a clone descending, at most he can draw with himself, and it is unknown whether he can win against himself despite his scruples.

But since he promised the other party, he would no longer be able to act unscrupulously in the disaster. The other party wanted to restrict his actions through such an agreement.After all, if there is a powerful person on Lingxiu's side, the evil disaster will soon be subdued under the tilt of the strength of both sides.This is the last thing Demon Saint Bao Tan wants to see. As he said, the real purpose of the Demon Disaster is to break the inherent power composition of the Demon Race, break the original pattern and create a new one.

After the previous disasters, I have repeatedly weakened the strength of the demons. Even after the disasters, the strength of the abyss demons and the night demons among the seven major clans in the demon world will be weakened to varying degrees.Without the integration period, monks sitting in town will soon be taken advantage of by other casual cultivators or big clans to divide up the resources occupied by the clan.

Thinking of this, Yi Tiancai realized that he had unintentionally disturbed the progress of the evil disaster, and he was afraid that if this matter was finally pursued to his side, it would be impossible to argue.

From now on, at most, he can only practice with the Crimson Eyed Demon, fearing that the Demon Saint Bao Tan doesn't know whether he has a close relationship with the guards of Huangquan, whether he is a friend or an enemy.

Turning around, Yi Tian found the right direction and flew straight towards the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and returned to the station again after a few hours.

After returning, Yi Tian did not retreat again, but went to the headquarters hall to find Zheng Tingyun. Since the current situation, he still needs to explain clearly to her so that he will not be blamed for not being able to exert himself when he has to contribute afterwards.

After arriving at Zheng Tingyun's private residence in the Alliance General Forum, Yi Tian gently knocked on the door to inform him of his intentions. Not long after, the door of the secret room was opened, and Yi Tian found out that there were two people sitting inside, and the other was exactly Qing Lianyun, a newly promoted monk in the Taiqing Pavilion.

Entering the room, Yi Tian found a place to sit down, saw that he had returned to Qing Lian Yun with a happy face, and said, "Husband sent that one-eyed demon cultivator away so soon?"

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said with a solemn face, "The person who came here is not the One-eyed Demon Cultivator, but the clone of Demon Saint Baotan."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian noticed that the complexions of the two people sitting there suddenly changed, and Qing Lianyun had a worried expression on his face.As for Zheng Tingyun, she looked at her before asking: "It seems that you didn't make a move, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here so calmly."

"That's true. Demon Saint Bao Tan pointed out that I had meddled in the two races' invitation to fight this time, and the second is that I took action to solve An Ming and unintentionally broke the balance of power between the two sides," Yi Tian replied.

"These demons should have been expelled from the spirit world, and it's only natural for my husband to take action," Qing Lianyun said.

On the contrary, Zheng Tingyun, who was sitting in front of him, savored it carefully and then sighed: "I know, this time it's really difficult for fellow Daoist Yi. Let us solve the problem of how to deal with the evil disaster by ourselves."

"Senior Sister, how can you say that?" Qing Lianyun asked puzzledly: "Could it be possible that my husband will not take action in the future disasters? Now is the time to employ people."

However, Zheng Tingyun shook her head and said, "Junior Sister, you still think about the problem in a superficial way. The evil disaster is not what it seems on the surface. I also got a hint from my master before I personally took part in this matter."

After speaking, he turned his head and asked, "Did the Demon Saint Bao Tan impose any restrictions on you?"

"From now on, I can only attack monks of the same level. Counting the opponent's troops, only when I encounter the Crimson Eye Demon of the One-eyed Demon Clan and the Ning Ruilin of the Yellow Spring Guard can I take the initiative to attack. As for other people, as long as they don't come to provoke me It cannot be shot again," Yi Tian explained.

"So that's how it is," Zheng Tingyun suddenly said, "Speaking of which, there are only these two people who can let you take action in this catastrophe."

"But Lianyun, you can rest assured, the demon saint Baotan also said that they will try their best to avoid anyone who is related to me, so as not to force me to take action again," Yi Tian joked.

"Junior Sister, you will not be able to go to the front again from now on. Those high-ranking monks on the other side will definitely get wind of it. If you can avoid dragging Fellow Daoist Yi into the battle if you can," Zheng Tingyun said.

"Is the senior sister saying this to make me retreat to the second line?" Qing Lianyun asked with dissatisfaction: "Now is the critical period for the outbreak of the demons. If you let me step down, is the senior sister in the spiritual alliance? In order to take care of it, I'm afraid you will be alone."

"It's not to let you retreat to the second line, but to order you to return to the sect to cultivate immediately. In this battle, you have killed a demon monk in name, and the credit is enough to retire." Zheng Tingyun's expression changed. He said solemnly: "I will summon Zhong Liangsu to take over your position. Junior sister, don't blame yourself for this matter, let alone blame Daoist Yi. All this is for the sake of the overall situation."

It may be the first time I saw Zheng Tingyun slightly angry, Yi Tian also kept his mouth shut.Qing Lianyun is naturally used to seeing the appearance of the senior sister of the suzerain, and knows that the decision to retreat this time is already a firm matter that cannot be distinguished any longer.

Speaking of which, her ability to kill An Ming is considered unique within the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.Since the beginning of the entire disaster, only the monks of the demon race have fallen into the fusion stage. Such a huge credit is placed on her head. Even Lu Jianling, who is the deputy leader, can't question Zheng Tingyun's decision.

Later, Qing Lianyun got up and thanked Zheng Tingyun: "The order of the suzerain, the younger sister dare not disobey, I hope the suzerain will be invincible in the next battle, and drive the demon army back to the demon world as soon as possible, so as to return me to the spirit world." A peaceful and prosperous situation."

After hearing this, Zheng Tingyun knew that she was angry, so she had no choice but to comfort her softly: "Junior Sister, don't worry too much. I'm afraid this war won't end in hundreds of years. You haven't gone through a long period of closed-door training after your cultivation base has been promoted to the fusion stage. This time, I just took advantage of the good opportunity of the big victory to retire. After you have consolidated your cultivation base, you may be able to catch up with the end of the evil disaster, and it is most appropriate to come to reinforce me at that time."

Yi Tian also saw the right time and said: "Lianyun, you should go back to the sect and practice well, and strive to refine the sect's supernatural powers and secrets within 200 years, then we can use the Feilei seal to perform the hundred-mile teleportation technique to cooperate with each other .”

Qing Lianyun gave Yi Tian a blank look when he heard the words, blushed slightly and said angrily: "You know how to cooperate with each other. I don't know what's going on in your mind."

One sentence choked Yi Tian into speechless, so he could only comfort himself with an apologetic smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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