
Chapter 1954 Resurrection of War 9 Reservation

Chapter 1954 Resurrection of War Nineteen Appointments
It has been more than a hundred years since the catastrophe broke out, and the spirits and demons have waged a stalemate in the border areas controlled by the three factions.The flames of war were controlled within this area and did not spread to the hinterland of the three factions of the spirit world.

But the demonic forces were naturally unwilling to be restrained like this, and secretly dispatched small groups of people to go tens of thousands of miles away and penetrate into the hinterland of spiritual cultivation from other places.Many of these people are led by demon monks in the distraction period, which caused the spiritual alliance to feel a headache in the early stage.

Fortunately, relying on the original comprehension towns, the garrisoned city lords are always vigilant, and they strictly check the monks from outside.And uninterruptedly open the defensive array to resist, so that even if the incoming demons cannot be wiped out, the stalemate can continue.

Standing firm and waiting for help, wait until the mobile troops from the three factions of the spirit world arrive, and then they can repel the invading demon monks.

This situation has continued to the area within a radius of [-] miles behind the spiritual alliance headquarters, forcing the alliance to mobilize resources and manpower from deeper in the hinterland to coordinate defense.

These trifles are nothing more than an itch for the entire battle situation. Even if the demon monk team can capture a comprehension town, it will not be able to hold it for a long time.The mobile troops of the three factions are all led by elite disciples from each sect, and all members of the team are monks in the distraction stage.

After fighting against the demons, even if the strength of the leader is slightly weaker, the overall strength of the team is overwhelming. In the next few years, the demons who fought against the demons had to adjust their strategies again to avoid direct confrontation with Lingxiu. There is a conflict.

With the continuation of the war, many monks among the three factions have also been greatly tempered, and their overall strength has improved rapidly.Especially the disciples of the Lihuo Sect, although there is no such strong figure as Chi Wuji, but under the leadership of the current Distracted Master Brother Cheng Bufan, the strength of the third generation of disciples under the sect has improved rapidly.

It can be said that as long as the demon monks face off against the monks from Lihuo Palace, they will basically lose at least [-]% of their losses. Even a fully staffed demon cultivator team cannot afford such consumption.What's more, after going deep into the hinterland of the spirit world, you will face various disadvantages. If you lose [-]% of your strength in the first battle, you will encounter resistance from other spiritual training teams on the way home. When you return to the demon camp, the casualty rate will be even higher.

Among the Demon Squad, there is such a group composed of all the monks from the Flame Prison Demon Race, and the leader is Yan Tong, a monk from the Distraction Period.Speaking of which, he is also the strongest figure among the monks in the distraction stage of the flame prison demon clan participating in the battle of the evil disaster invasion.Now even he has to lead a team to harass thousands of miles, one can imagine how difficult the situation of the demons is now under the confrontation between spirits and demons.

Ever since he went to Kuisha Grotto, Yantong has become taciturn. He only speaks a few more words when facing his brother Yanlei, a monk of the same race.

The team he leads is also different from other demon squads that specialize in plundering. They run around like shopping in the [-]-mile hinterland of the spirit world. Even if they see weaker cultivation towns, they don't attack them. Under his leadership, they wandered aimlessly.

And his actions naturally attracted special attention from the spiritual side, and the three factions couldn't stop it even with the joint efforts of the three factions.Only Li Huogong Cheng Bufan followed along with the elites of the sect.But Yantong didn't seem to intend to fight each other, and he only relied on his escape speed to gradually open the distance to maintain a distance of five thousand miles.

This provoked Li Huo Gong and the others to suffocate and vowed to deal with it to the end.

After contacting the disciples of Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, the three teams adopted a strategy of outflanking and encircling them, and gradually squeezed the activity space of this team of flame prison demon monks within a radius of five thousand miles.

It was Richeng Bufan who led the two groups of troops to continuously squeeze towards the inner circle from three directions, and when the siege reached within [-] miles, the five-man demon team was sealed off on a certain barren mountain and isolated peak. However, he noticed that the other party did not intend to panic at all, let alone attempt to break through.

Those cultivators of the Flame Prison Demon Race just set up a defensive circle on the top of the mountain, as if they wanted to stay here permanently.

After seeing it, Cheng Bufan knew that there must be something wrong because of the cause, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and then ordered the surrounding spiritual teams to stand by on the spot, and he went forward to check the situation himself.

When Cheng Bufan flew to the vicinity of the mountain for more than ten miles, he suddenly saw a ray of light flying out of the magic circle and stopped in the air not far in front of him.A voice came and said: "Are you in front of you, friends from the Fire Palace?"

Cheng Bufan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the other party, a monk from the flame prison demon clan, would be able to tell about his origin and provenance as soon as he came up. It seems that his identity is not simple.

Since the other party treats each other with courtesy, Cheng Bufan can't just shout and kill, he has to figure out the other party's intentions before he can think about countermeasures.After thinking about it, he cupped his fists and said: "I don't know why you are wandering around in the hinterland of my spirit world. You must know that now is the time when the evil disaster is breaking out. It seems that you are provocative by doing this."

After the light in front of him faded away, he revealed Yantong's appearance. After sizing up Cheng Bufan, he said: "The last time Yantong, the demon clan in Xiayan Prison, came to meet here with an old friend from Lihuo Palace. This is disturbing Ya Xing, please retreat quickly and wait for my old friend to leave on his own."

"There will be your old friend in the Palace of Lihuo," Cheng Bufan sneered, "I don't know the one in the Palace of Lihuo, and it's ridiculous for you to say that you have an appointment with an old friend. If you let me see that People must punish him for the crime of adultery with the demon clan."

After hearing this, Yan Tong not only showed no surprise on his face, but instead looked at him and shook his head, just as he was about to make a distinction, suddenly a ripple flashed in the space in front of him, and then a blurry figure slowly appeared.

Although he couldn't see the person's true face clearly, perhaps the other party could do so, but Yan Tong hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed his head to whisper a few words in private.

Cheng Bufan, who was on the side, saw that he didn't know that it was the Lord's visit, but in the blink of an eye, he saw that there was no sign of spiritual pressure fluctuations on the person who came.It was as if he had appeared here out of thin air. He was also someone who had seen the world and knew that the strength of the person in front of him was far beyond the scope of normal people.Even if they met Zheng Tingyun, the lord of the Taiqing Pavilion, or Lu Jianling, the lord of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, in the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, they were far inferior to this person.

Needless to say, there is only one person in the Lihuo Sect who can do this, and he traveled around the world in his early years and naturally made many friends.Now I heard that the flame prison demon cultivator in front of me was able to say that it seemed to be true for the most part.

After a while, I heard a voice saying: "Bufan can just send off fellow Taoist Yan for me, I won't stop if I have something important to do."

"It's the suzerain," Cheng Bufan hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, and immediately lay down with cold sweat on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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