
Chapter 1960 Holy Son's Secret Store 5 Space

Chapter 1960
After coming to the inner world, Yi Tian found that this place is like a paradise, not the place where the devil's bones are buried everywhere as imagined, where evil spirits are everywhere.After letting go of his divine sense, he explored for the next four weeks. Yi Tian found that his divine sense extended thousands of miles away, so he could no longer investigate.

Yi Tian tried to fly in the air and found that the gravity here is several times stronger than the outside world.If you want to maintain the speed of escape in the outside world, you need to consume about twice as much spiritual power.

Now that he is in such a situation, he can't contact those three people, but Yi Tian also feels that it doesn't matter. He was seeking skin with these three people and the tiger.

Thinking of Master Jie Ding's half of Buddha's heart buried in Yi Tian's heart, he thought about it secretly, wondering how Qiu Yu buried this half of it back then.

After choosing a direction in the air, Yi Tian urged the escape technique to fly straight ahead. During the period, he quickly glanced over the ground and found that there were many spiritual plants and creatures left in the green mountains and green waters.

Among them, many spiritual plants belong to the ten thousand-year-level heaven-level treasures, but Yi Tian dare not act rashly.If you pick them at will, you may anger the spirit beasts in this world, and these ten thousand year old treasures are in front of you, Yi Tian believes that if you take them rashly, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

After flying all the way, Yi Tian suddenly found a towering mountain in the distance in front of him, but he couldn't see it very clearly from a long distance.The purple glow flashed in his eyes, and after he cast the magic pupil, Yi Tian stared at it, took it out and looked it over carefully, and found that it was a lone peak.

Flying straight to that place, Yi Tian used all his evasion techniques and flew for a while, Shi Chen suddenly found that the distance from the mountain peak hadn't been shortened much.After thinking about it in my heart, I realized that it seems that the territory of this world is wider than I expected.With the previous escape speed, one can fly tens of thousands of miles away in an hour, so it seems that the distance between the mountain peak and this place is beyond imagination.

If he is in such a situation, the other three will also encounter similar situations. Thinking of this, Yi Tian is not in a hurry. Anyway, it is better for everyone to maintain a balanced escape speed and continue flying.You also need to reserve enough spiritual power to deal with possible crises.

After flying for half a day, Yi Tian suddenly found the wreckage of a dilapidated building not far below.This is the first time after entering Qionghua Pavilion to see such relics left.

Immediately, Yi Tian lowered his flight altitude and flew towards the damaged building above the ground. After a while, the cloud head fell and came to this door.After his feet landed, Yi Tian looked up and looked around, only to see that there were damaged relics everywhere on the lintel of the stone beam. Fortunately, the beam was still there, but it was covered with moss and it seemed that the text below could not be read clearly.

Going forward, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and swept away the thorns on the stone beam, and the three characters 'Qiong Huaxie' were revealed below.It's just that Yi Tian frowned deeply as he looked at it. These three characters were actually written in 'Golden Seal Script'.

From this point of view, the history preserved here must be earlier than that of Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil.If it was created deliberately by him, it would definitely be engraved with Mozu characters on it.

This place is getting more and more interesting. There is a temple ruins built out of thin air on the island deep in the Bowang Sea.Through the temple ruins, we came to Qionghuaxie, the Xumi space, but this place is obviously not the space opened up by the devil prince Qiu Yu, it should have been discovered during the previous demon disaster.

Walking into the dilapidated building complex, Yi Tian scanned with his mind and found that this place should be a Taoist temple, and the age of the wheel is beyond his imagination.Recalling that when he met Monk Jieding back then, he simply mentioned to himself that half of the Buddha's heart was buried in the Qionghua Pavilion, and there was no other information other than that.

If I could have asked in detail at that time, I wouldn't be so entangled now, and Yi Tian searched the damaged Taoist temple with anxiety.During the period, no special buildings were found, only a stone tablet lying on the ground was found in the damaged main hall of the Taoist temple.

This stone tablet is about seven feet high, three feet wide, and five inches thick. Look at the vaguely engraved characters on it, all of which are written in 'golden seal script'. He walked up and wiped away the ashes on the stone tablet.Yi Tian glanced at the ten lines and quickly read the above content, but after a long time, he came to a sentence: "The ruins of Luotian Immortal Palace, I didn't expect that this place would be related to Luotian Immortal Palace, and it is no wonder that it was selected by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu As the place where the Buddha's heart is buried."

But since this is the ruins of the 'Luotian Immortal Palace', it should be a corner of the fragments of the fairy world. No wonder there is such a wide boundary inside.And that towering mountain peak must have an inseparable relationship with Luotian Immortal Palace, but after reading the inscriptions until the end, Yi Tian discovered that this place is an independent space opened up by the powerful monks of Luotian Immortal Palace. It is only infused with a small amount of fairy air.

Speaking of which, this Qionghua Pavilion is not a space of fragments of the fairy world in the true sense. After thinking about it, Yi Tian is right. He once entered the fragments of the fairy world between the spirit world. Those who enter have many restrictions and constraints on foreign monks.

But even if it is not a fragment of the fairy world in the true sense, the powerful monk who opened up the space is also powerful.After cultivating the secret technique of the Taiqing Pavilion so close to the end of the world like myself, at most, it can only open up a void space, and it cannot accommodate mountains, rivers, let alone life everywhere.

If I didn't guess wrong, the secret magic power of Taiqing Pavilion should be born out of the space magic power of Luotian Immortal Palace, but I have learned less than [-]% of my strength, and even if the younger generation reaches great success, it is just a superficial appearance.The ridiculous thing is that I used to be complacent and thought that I had mastered the true teachings of the Taiqing Pavilion. Compared with the genuine exercises, it is simply that the light of a firefly candle is far from the glory of the sun and the moon.

With a serious look on his face, Yi Tian stepped forward and reached out to lift up the stele, ready to put it away for later use.Suddenly the scene in front of him trembled violently, and Yi Tian found himself in a different dimension instantly.

Looking around, there are several phantoms, and Yi Tian followed these phantoms to check the portraits that he didn't recognize.

Needless to say, these people should all be images of the sages of the Luotian Immortal Palace, but I don't know any of them.On the other hand, now that he is trapped in this space and cannot escape, Yi Tian stretched out his hand in a panic and formed a seal on his chest.

Originally, he wanted to use the supernatural power to open the gap in the space and come out, but the next scene really made him look stupid.After reaching out and touching the space, a fist-sized hole was barely opened, and within ten breaths, the gap in the space was closed again.

Yi Tian looked sullen and knew that he was in big trouble. If he couldn't decipher the space magic here, wouldn't he be locked up here for the rest of his life?

 Thanks to fellow Taoists Mingyueren, I Love Me Chirp, lmxy, and Donghua for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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