
Chapter 1961 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 7 Senior

Chapter 1961
In the Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian accidentally found a Taoist relic, and after in-depth exploration, he found that it was inextricably related to Luo Tianxian Palace.From the incomplete remains of the main hall of the Taoist temple, Yi Tian found a stone tablet engraved with golden seal characters.

After reading through the above text, I found out that the space magic power preserved in the Luo Tianxian Palace back then is definitely much stronger than the space secret magic power of the current Taiqing Pavilion 'Close to the End of the World'.

Originally, I wanted to put the stone tablet in the storage ring and check it carefully when I got out, but what I didn't expect was that after I lifted the stone tablet, it was sucked into the space created inside for no reason.

Yi Tian saw several phantoms here, but unfortunately he didn't recognize any of them. Thinking of getting out of trouble first, he used the supernatural powers that are close to the horizon, but the gap in the space that can be opened is too small and closed quickly.If you can't find the right way to get out of trouble, wouldn't you have to be trapped here for the rest of your life until your life energy is exhausted.

At this point, Yi Tian also showed some unnatural expressions on his face. After trying the magic seal of 'So Close to the End of the World' several times, he found that the effect was worse each time.

After a few times, Yi Tian also stopped first, then turned around and looked at the phantoms in front of him again.There were seven in total, all of them looked like immortals, and their attire was quite different from that of spiritual monks.Yi Tian's mind started to run quickly after that, and after ten breaths, he found a jade slip from the storage ring, spread it on his hand, and searched carefully.

What he holds in his hand is the chronicle of the spirit world and the "Luo Tian Xian Gong Wei Wen Lu" carved from the library of Jiuxian Mountain in the demon world.From this jade slip, we can find the corresponding description. It turns out that the clothes worn by the cultivators of Luotian Immortal Palace are similar to those of the phantom in front of them.Needless to say, the people in front of you should be the seniors in Luo Tianxian Palace.

If we only talk about the origin, Luotian Immortal Palace can be regarded as the source of his own orthodoxy, and the three schools of the spiritual world are all born out of it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian straightened his clothes and walked forward once again, starting from the first phantom to pay homage.In front of every phantom, Yi Tian knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, paying homage to the disciples of later generations, and at the same time muttering: "Disciple Luo Tianxian Palace, a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, has seen the ancestors of the sects of all dynasties. If you are stuck here, please ask the ancestors of the sect to point out the way to break it out. After going out, the disciple will definitely try to find the ruins left by the Luotian Immortal Palace, and further rebuild the majesty of the Immortal Palace in the past."

Although this is what I said, whether it can be done or not is still another matter, but I will say it first and express my heart before I can say it.

After the worship was over, Yi Tian got up and sighed, shook his head slightly and didn't know what to do next.

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the pitch-black space: "So you are a disciple of Luo Tianxian Palace, why do you have the characteristics of demons on your body?"

"I don't know who it is senior?" Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "What I am performing is the integration of gods and demons. At this time, I am present in the body of a demon, but the deity is a body of spiritual cultivation."

After speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and formed a seal on his chest, saying: "Change," all the evil spirits on his body were withdrawn in an instant, and replaced by pure spiritual power.After recovering his true self, a strange color flashed in Yi Tian's eyes and looked around the surrounding space, but he couldn't find the source of the voice.

After a while, the deep voice sounded again: "Sure enough, you are a disciple of the younger generation who has cultivated the unique knowledge of the Immortal Palace. Your cultivation level is even worse than that of the person who came in last time."

"Last time, could it be Master Jieding or Prince Qiu Yu," Yi Tian said in his mouth, "May I ask what you call Senior?"

"My name is 'Beast Lord', and I fell from the Luotian Immortal Palace in the upper realm to the spirit realm," the voice replied.

"Senior Beast Lord is polite," Yi Tian thought inwardly: "It seems that I have met a nobleman, it seems that this senior is proficient in Luotian Immortal Palace's Xumi space supernatural power, which is much better than myself. And it is Coming from the Upper Immortal Realm, he naturally knows a lot, and if he can guide him to advance to the Mahayana stage, it will be just around the corner."

"Lun Shouyuan, I can be your senior now. I see that you are of the same clan and have performed three kneeling and nine kowtowing ceremonies to the ancestors, so I will let you go." A gap seven feet high and three feet wide.

It was obvious that this was going to drive people away, Yi Tianxin was taken aback and knew that if he didn't show his heart at this time, he might miss this opportunity.But the exit is right in front of you, if you don't know what is good or bad and insist on staying, you may be trapped here forever.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and bowed to the void beside him, saying: "If you dare to invite Senior Beast Lord to show up, this junior will also be able to see the true face of senior."

"You can see it after you come out," the deep voice sounded again.

Speaking of this point, Yi Tian couldn't stand to stay any longer, and then he turned around and jumped out of the space gap.After coming to the outside world, I found that it was still back to the original location of the stele.The surrounding scene did not change at all, Yi Tian took a step forward and looked at it before asking: "Senior Beast Lord, don't you know if you are still there?"

"Boy, you stepped on me," the Beast Lord's voice came again.

Yi Tian was confused, and hurriedly took a step back, looking down to see that he seemed to be stepping on the stone tablet before.After reaching out to lift the stele up, Yi Tian hurriedly said twice: "Where are you, senior?"

"There is a hidden compartment in the middle of the stele. Open it, and my body is in it," said the Beast Lord.

Yi Tian looked along the lines of the stele and found a palm-sized area in the middle of the stele that was slightly different from the surrounding stones.

Stretch out your hand to inject spiritual power and press it lightly, only to hear a 'click', the stone at that place popped out, and a half-foot-sized stone drawer appeared.

A golden aura within flew out and circled cheerfully in the air, and then slowly landed in front of the air and stabilized.Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that it was a stone tiger statue the size of a fist, with the word "Beast King" written in gold seal script on its forehead.Presumably this is the body of the voice, and the voice came from it.

The next moment, the spiritual light on the stone tiger statue shone again, and the figure changed into that of a normal monk in an instant.After the halo faded, a thirty-year-old monk slowly fell to the ground, turned his head to look at himself and said, "I am the Lord of the Beast, you should be punished severely for breaking into the Patriarch Hall of Luo Tianxian Palace for no reason. But now the Immortal Palace has long been disintegrated, and the disciples under the sect have long since disappeared and I will not pursue it anymore, just go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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