
Chapter 1965 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 1 Convergence

Chapter 1965
In the depths of the Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian rushed to the Tianji Mountain Peak, but was subsequently attacked by an inexplicable tree spirit and wood monster.Fortunately, his strength was so high that he immediately took action to treat him in the same way as he did. He also found the roots of those tree spirits and wood monsters with the wood and rattan technique, and then cut off their roots with the fire of the flame hell.

The big fight naturally exposed his position, which attracted Jue Dao Song Li to join him.Not long after the two met, there was a strange roar on the other side of the mountain. Needless to say, someone must have encountered trouble there.

The two of them used the escaping technique and flew in the air for half a moment before they circled to the other side of the mountain. From a distance, they saw someone casting a spell in the air, and opposite him was a white-horned rhinoceros.The body of this beast is five feet long and its head is more than twice as big as a normal ground dragon rhinoceros.

Needless to say, the things seen in this space are at least ten thousand years old, and to grow so big, their spiritual intelligence has developed and their strength is comparable to that of a mid-stage monk.

Yi Tian observed in the air and found it strange that this white-horned rhinoceros could only scurry around on the ground, facing the intruders in the air, he could only raise his head and spray blue light bullets from his mouth to fight back.The most important thing is that it can't fly in the air, and it doesn't have the appearance of a human.

Several thoughts flashed through my mind quickly, and after three breaths, I figured out the situation inside.This white-horned rhinoceros is powerful, but it has not been baptized by the real thunder, and its bones have not been refined. At the same time, its spiritual intelligence is not fully developed, so it has some strength but cannot exert its due power.

It's just that the white-horned rhinoceros forcibly resisted the opponent's supernatural attack by relying on its rough skin and thick flesh, and waited for an opportunity to fight back.It is difficult for both sides to quickly tell the winner when the supernatural powers and spells are intertwined.

The two of them fixed their eyes and saw that the man in the air was Dugu Jackie Chan. At this time, his face was twisted, holding two demon thorns on his hands, and he raised up, and cast black magic lights on the head of the white-horned rhinoceros to greet him.

Apparently, Dugu Jackie also quickly noticed the arrival of reinforcements. Seeing this, he slowly loosened his energy and shouted loudly: "Two fellow Taoists are here, please help us out. We can solve this problem as soon as possible." up the mountain."

Hearing that Song Li turned his head and looked at Yi Tian, ​​both of them nodded their heads and took out the spirit weapons in their hands to surround them.What Yi Tian took out was a four-foot-long and five-inch-wide magic knife, and the flame prison demon fire in his hand wrapped the whole knife after the sacrifice.

Later, when he flew not far behind the white-horned rhino, he stretched out his hands and waved the knife in the air several times.The black flame hell demon fire transformed into the shape of a ten-foot-long sky demon knife in the air, and slashed at the white-horned rhinoceros' buttocks.

Ripples of space appeared on the path of the flame knife flying, and the space around the blade immediately became violently distorted.

Dugu Jackie, who was originally confronting the white-horned rhinoceros, was also taken aback at this time. He was all too familiar with such a move, which was the supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the Great Heavenly Demon Sword.It's just that it's a different scene in Yi Tian's hands. After merging the supernatural powers of the Flame Prison Demon Fire, it is several times stronger than the genuine Sky Demon Sword he cast.

Dugu Jackie could feel that the spiritual pressure fluctuations produced by the flaming magic knife splitting the void had already exceeded the power of his trump card tricks.At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart how wise the decision of Demon Saint Bao Tan was.There is no such person in the entire demon world who can compete with him head-on. As long as he is allowed to fall into the demonic way and cultivate into the second demon prince, even if the invasion of the spiritual world fails, they can calmly fight against it. Return to the devil world.

Thinking of this, Dugu Jackie's heart was also agitated, and naturally he no longer reserved the exercises in his hands.The two celestial thorns were replaced with a celestial demon sword with a slight flick, and after holding the sword in both hands, they danced quickly in the air, using the celestial demon sword technique, which is also the unparalleled technique of the celestial demon clan.It's just that the momentum of his magic knife that day is nothing compared to Yi Tianzhen's.

Jue Dao Song Li's skill is also on the saber. He took out a five-foot-long saber, and then swung the saber in the air, where a thick white blade appeared.It seemed a little less powerful than the two's Heavenly Demon Saber, cutting through the void and hitting the white-horned rhinoceros.The three supernatural powers hit the monsters on the ground from three different directions one after another. Unexpectedly, Song Li's kung fu was first to come first, and he was good at speed, and his saber strength had traces of cyan spiritual power to take the lead. Breaking through the white-horned rhino's defensive cover, it accurately hit its back.

On the other hand, although Yi Tian and Dugu Jackie Chan's tricks are powerful, they seem to have no restraint on monsters in terms of attributes. After hitting the protective shield, they got stuck on it.It wasn't until Song Li's saber force invaded that the supernatural powers of the two found a breakthrough, and they broke through the yellow protective shield in one go and hit the white-horned rhinoceros hard.

In particular, Yi Tian's technique set the white-horned rhino's tail on fire while breaking through it.The flame prison demon fire is not so easy to extinguish, and then Yi Tian put away the magic knife and did not intend to chase it down.After all, these days are not for hunting animals, but at this time the key figure, Scarlet Eyed Demon, has not yet arrived, and I feel a little uneasy in my heart, so it is better to leave everything in front of them to the two of them.

After a howl, the white-horned rhinoceros on the ground turned around and dragged its injured body into the depths of the dense forest.It's just that its burning tail is very obvious, and it will ignite the flames of the flames wherever it goes, and soon there will be a black sea of ​​flames below.

Ignoring these things, Yi Tian turned his head and asked, "Both of you are here, did you meet anything special along the way?"

Song Li shook his head, while Dugu Jackie said: "After I came in, I realized that this place is different. From a distance, I thought it was a lonely peak and cliff, but I didn't expect to arrive after flying for several days. I see Prince Mo Qiu Yu's secret treasure should be hidden on this mountain."

Song Li echoed, "Brother Dugu is right, what do you think, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

"I also think this is the most likely place. It's just that Fellow Daoist Crimson Eye Demon has not arrived yet. Should we wait for him first?" Yi Tian changed the topic.

In fact, it is relatively reliable for three people to go together. Although everyone knows some details secretly, it is because of this relationship that everyone is more polite when getting along.It's just that Yi Tian thought that he had to wait for Crimson Tongmo and the shit-stirring stick to muddy the water. Without him, it would become a matter of course, which was definitely not his original intention.

After three breaths, Dugu Jackie said: "I don't know what the Scarlet Eye Demon was delayed by, let's go up first, I think it will take a lot of time to reach the top of the mountain, maybe that guy is already on the mountainside It's gone." After speaking, he looked up at the towering mountain peak, only to see white clouds lingering thousands of feet above his head, blocking his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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