
Chapter 1966 The Holy Son's Secret Store 2 Stone Path

Chapter 1966
After driving away the white-horned rhinoceros, the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked up at the mountain peak piercing the clouds, all of them showed dignified expressions in unison.Obviously, it is definitely not an easy task to fly up, not to mention any troubles in the surrounding air, the consumption of spiritual power alone is not trivial.

The three of them have experimented before, the more spiritual power they consume as they fly higher, I am afraid that most of their spiritual power will be lost before flying to the top of the mountain.

Afterwards, everyone discussed and decided to find the way up the mountain from the bottom of the mountain. With such a big mountain, I imagine that the devil prince Qiu Yu would not be foolish enough to fly up when he climbed to the top.

He opened his mind and searched around, and soon Yi Tian locked onto the stone path beside the dense forest.Obviously, someone has been here before, and the paved path does not seem to be naturally generated.

Stretching out his hand, he said, "The right path is there, let's go." After saying that, he turned around and flew straight towards that path.
Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li looked at each other and nodded to follow.When he fell to the stone path, Yi Tian suddenly found a three-foot-high four-sided stone pillar erected on the side of the road and wrote the seven characters "Qinghua Pavilion in the Spirit World Fairyland" in "golden script".

It is expected that this must not have been written by Qiu Yu, the devil's prince. I have followed his traces for so many years and naturally kept his handwriting in my heart.The words left on the stone pillar should have been written by Senior Feng Lingzi back then, so the person who opened the stone path here should also be Senior Feng Lingzi.

Thinking of this Yi Tian also felt a sense of awe, if it was the footprints left by this legendary figure, Master Jie Ding would definitely have something after he went up in the past.It seems that this time I will definitely gain something, so I thought about it and said: "Let's go, I guess this is the only way to go straight to Qionghua Pavilion, maybe there are other tests waiting for us on the way."

After speaking, he walked up. At first, Yi Tian was concentrating on secretly raising his breath to prepare for the possible impact of the formation, but after walking up for several miles, he found that walking was no different from normal walking.

I remember that I have experienced many tests of sects. There must be formations, or the environment or doubled gravity to test the character or strength of the people on such a long walkway, but here is like a simple climbing path without the slightest It's tricky.

After walking for an hour, Yi Tiancai realized that something was wrong. The road under his feet spiraled around the mountain peak.There must be at least a thousand miles around this mountain peak, and the effort it would take to dig a road around it would be unimaginable.

Even if I just walk on it now, I can calculate in my heart that this road is at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles long.Immediately, Yi Tian concentrated and held his breath to restrain his spiritual power, and walked forward at a uniform speed.

It seems that Senior Feng Lingzi had a difficult problem for himself, and it was a monk's confidence and cultivation that was tested by walking like this.If you walk in the usual way, you must repair a pair of spiritual power halfway.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's divine sense slowly stretched out to check the two people not far behind him. At this time, they didn't realize that their movements were still maintaining the original way and quickly pedaling forward on the stone path. go.

Soon the two caught up with him respectively, and after the two missed each other, Yi Tian found puzzled expressions on their faces.I don't want to cause extra problems, but I just let the road go and wait for them to pass by, and then move forward slowly at my own speed.

The footsteps of the monks in the fit stage are extremely fast, even if they only walk on the other leg for a while, they can cover a distance of a hundred miles.It's just that the three of them walked on it for several hours and then looked around. It seemed that they were just at the foot of the mountain, and they were just getting started.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, Yitian and the three walked on this winding stone path for several days, but they barely reached the halfway up the mountain.Looking up, it seems that there is still a long distance to walk into the clouds.

Yi Tian found that the distance between the two parties was getting farther and farther in the first two days after the two passed, and the distance between them was tens of thousands of miles.But on the third day, the distance between the three of them continued to shorten, and he still maintained his original speed, while Dugu Jackie and Song Li seemed to slow down.

Needless to say, they must have consumed too much spiritual power and needed to make some supplies on the way.As he walked, Yi Tian saw Song Li's figure in the distance from the stone path.I saw him sitting cross-legged on the side of the stone path with his back against the cliff, obviously he had just taken the elixir and was refining to replenish his spiritual power.

Song Li opened his eyes after Shaoqing saw him passing by and said, "Yi Daoyou really has a good eye. You can become an outstanding figure in this world in difficult times. Your strength is far above this old man."

"Song Daoyou is polite, in fact, you are much better than Dugu Jackie Chan," Yi Tian also replied politely: "Replenish your spiritual power to the full body as soon as possible so that you can face the next challenge. Let me take my leave and go ahead."

After speaking, he strayed past him and continued to walk up the stone path. He was consuming the least amount of spiritual energy all the way to this point. If he continued walking for three days, he would still need to take a pill to replenish his spiritual energy. Li is still too strong.

Shen Nian went forward and found that Dugu Jackie Chan in front seemed to have stopped, and was half a day away from him at this time.Speaking of which, this guy is far from being as experienced as Song Li. Although his strength and cultivation base are not weak, his ability to adapt to the surrounding environment is still a bit poor.

It's not obvious that Song Li still has more strength, but he had already planned to maintain the level of [-]% of his spiritual power and started to replenish it.

But at this time Yi Tian was most worried about Crimson Pupil Demon. After coming to the foot of the mountain, he had searched all around with his spiritual sense, but he couldn't find his whereabouts.

Now the three of them walked on this rocky path for several days, looked down at the foot of the mountain and said in their hearts: "If he manages to catch up, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up with him in two or three days. It doesn't look like the Crimson Eyed Demon at all."

Then he raised his head and looked up at the top of the clouds. He didn't know what would exist in that unknown territory, and he didn't know where Qionghua Pavilion was.

Concentrating his thoughts in his mind, Yi Tian continued to walk forward, and within three hours, he saw the back of Dugu Jackie from a distance.At this time, he also noticed that he was coming from behind, turned around, looked around, and then stopped on the stone steps.After taking out some pills and knocking them down, he waited there.

Yi Tian walked forward slowly and stopped three feet away from Dugu Jackie Chan, and then asked, "Fellow Daoist Dugu, are you here waiting for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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