
Chapter 1967 The Holy Son's Secret Collection 3 Journey

Chapter 1967
Walking on the winding stone path, Yi Tian caught up with Dugu Jackie in front, and saw that the other party blocked in the middle of the mountain path and seemed to have something to say.Yi Tian didn't want to force his way through, so he stepped forward and stopped in front of him.

With little love, Dugu Jackie Chan said: "You Daoist Yi, who has a high level of cultivation, sighs that I am not as good as this."

"Fellow Daoist Dugu, you're being polite. I'm just restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations to get here at the cost of consuming the least amount of spiritual power," Yi Tian replied.

After Dugu Jackie Chan finished his compliment, the next moment he looked solemn and said: "But since we have come here, is it true that Fellow Daoist Yi is not at all curious about the movements of the Scarlet Eyed Demon?"

"I also think there is a problem, but I can't find out his real intention for the time being," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Based on our current position, it will take at least three or four more days for him to catch up with our progress, but I am also very curious since he asked you to come and explore this place together, why he has not shown up for a long time," Dugu Jackie Said: "Or when we reach the top of the mountain, we will find the Scarlet Eye Demon waiting there."

"What is Fellow Daoist Dugu trying to say?" Yi Tian said with a solemn expression. His words were tantamount to sowing discord, but they were reasonable.And his intentions can be guessed by himself, but he needs to express his opinion in person.

Dugu Jackie said seriously: "In terms of strength, Daoyou Song and I may not be able to win Daoyou Yi. In this situation, it is the same when facing the Scarlet Eyed Demon. So if there is a quarrel between the two of you, it is best for us But that's all."

"That's true, but does Fellow Daoist Dugu really think so?" Yi Tian joked.

"I did have such an idea before," Dugu Jackie said without hesitation: "But now it is completely gone."

"Why is that?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"The items kept in this Qionghua Pavilion are the things left here by the former devil prince Qiu Yu. Even if I get them, it may not be useful, but since this Qionghua Pavilion can be used as a collection place, there must be something unique. , That's why I thought of seeing if I could have a chance to find other good things." Dugu Jackie said: "Our goals are different, and there is no conflict of interest, so there is no need to be hostile. On the contrary, there is a possibility for everyone to join forces. Maybe in the future I need Daoist Cheng Yi to take care of me."

Yi Tian's complexion didn't change when he heard this, but he secretly became suspicious in his heart, there was something in Dugu Jackie's words, and it didn't break through.At the same time, he seems to have a very delicate relationship with himself, being able to get close while keeping a distance.Especially the last sentence that I have to take care of but I don't know what it means.

After thinking about it, he still bite the bullet and said: "As Fellow Daoist Dugu in the Heavenly Demon Clan, I don't know what else I need to take care of. Fellow Daoist praises you."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you are being polite. Among the monks at the Mahayana stage, you and the Crimson Pupil Demon are the strongest among the demon clan, and you two are the monks who have the best chance to advance to the Mahayana stage," Dugu Jackie said: " The position of Demon Saint Prince has been vacant for many years, and we and the Heavenly Demons naturally do not want to see a one-eyed Demon occupying this position. Compared with Yi Daoyou, a monk from the Flame Hell Demon Race has inextricable connections with my Heavenly Demons relationship, we naturally look forward to your success in taking over the position."

My heart tightened, I never thought of getting my hands on the position of the Demon Saint Prince, but what Dugu Jackie Chan said was right, the Scarlet Eyed Demon is a loose cultivator demon clan, if he succeeds in ascending to the position, he doesn't know how to deal with the Demon Saint Bao Tan good.

After thinking about it, he smiled and replied: "It's too early to talk about the matter of advancing to Mahayana, and it won't be too late to wait until the time is right. But the thing about the Scarlet Eye Demon you mentioned is indeed a problem, but everything still depends on the situation." It’s up to you, let’s talk about it after reaching the top of Lightning.”

After finishing speaking, he continued to walk forward. When he passed by Dugu Jackie Chan, he retreated to the side with a respectful look in his eyes and then returned to his original state. Yi Tian did not doubt that he missed him and continued to walk forward.

After passing halfway up the mountain, I still kept moving forward at a constant speed. At the same time, my spiritual sense leaned back and found that the two behind me also set off soon.This time they have learned how to be good, not blindly rampage, but like drawing a gourd, restraining their spiritual power and walking up at the cost of consuming the least spiritual power.

Not long after, Yi Tian entered the stage surrounded by clouds, and suddenly felt that the spiritual power around him was much thinner than that at the bottom, and it seemed that the higher he went up, the less spiritual power he could replenish.After taking out the bottle of spirit wine and drinking it, you can feel the burning in your stomach, and soon a surge of spiritual power gushes out, Yi Tian hastily worked silently to refine this spiritual power while walking.

This can also just make up for the unfavorable factor of thin spiritual power, and the scene in front of him is bright again after walking for about a day and night.Yi Tian realized that he had walked out of the cloud-wrapped area, and he could already see the outline of the mountain top when he looked up, and it would take about two days to get there.

Looking back, there was a vast expanse of white clouds and mist under his feet. His divine sense couldn't penetrate it, so naturally he couldn't detect the positions of the two behind him.In that case, Yi Tian was not in a hurry, so he just found a place on the stone steps and sat down, took out the elixir, took it, adjusted his breath and practiced his skills.

Seeing that he was about to come to an end, but this time was different from the past, if he was too anxious, it seemed that he was a little bit relying on his advanced cultivation to clearly suppress those two.As Dugu Jackie said before, he is definitely not as good as himself one-on-one, but if he joins forces with Song Li, he has to carefully consider the consequences.

It's better to join hands in the investigation than to fight to the death and the net is broken. The most disturbing thing is the Scarlet Eyed Demon.After several days of observation, no traces of people coming before were found during the climbing process.

Yi Tian would not be so stupid as to believe that Scarlet Eyed Demon would miss this excellent opportunity, and secretly felt that the other party seemed to be hiding something from him. Don't tear yourself apart with Dugu and Jackie Chan.

After sitting and waiting for half a day, in his divine sense, he found that the two of them walked out of the clouds and mist below with an hour's difference between them.Obviously they didn't expect that they would be waiting not far above.

Soon Song Li arrived first, followed by Dugu Jackie.After everyone arrived, Yi Tian smiled and said: "When you two arrive, let's set off. It's only a few days' journey from the top to the top of the mountain."

"I didn't expect that Daoist Yi is also a wonderful person. I thought that the demon monks only cared about their own interests. It seems that I still have some misunderstandings about the demons," Song Li joked.

But Dugu Jackie was stunned for a moment, then said with a haha: "Yi Daoyou is the leader of my demon clan, and one of the strong candidates for the next generation of demon saint prince, and his mind and spirit are naturally comparable to others."

Listening to Dugu Jackie Chan's praise, Yi Tian secretly laughed in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "I don't think you two need to stop to recover your spiritual power, let's go to the end at once."

(End of this chapter)

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