
Chapter 1968 Holy Son's Secret Collection 4 Confrontation

Chapter 1968
It took the three of them two and a half days to walk along the winding mountain road, and they finally reached the end. When they stepped on the top of the cliff, their eyes lit up.The spiritual sense was released to explore the surrounding area of ​​the top of the mountain, which is [-] miles in size, among which pavilions, terraces, pavilions and other courtyards are arranged in layers.If it wasn't in the secret treasure of the Demon Saint Prince, he would probably think that he had returned to a small town of cultivation in the spirit world.

In front of him is a wide continent leading directly to the main entrance here. Zimang flashed in Yi Tian's eyes and he used the magic pupil to check it. The main entrance was about three feet high, and on the lintel was written the three words "Qiong Flower" pavilion'.

Finally came here, Yi Tian's complexion eased and he found that the two behind him were also relaxed.It seems that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, buried half of the Buddha's heart here, and it seems that he chose an excellent place.

When the three of them were about to move forward, suddenly Yi Tian frowned slightly, and found a strange feeling in his spiritual sense.Turning his head and looking at the open space in front of the main entrance in the distance, he noticed two phantoms hiding there after performing the magic pupil technique.

Immediately, Yi Tian looked unkind and said: "Since you are here, why do you still hide your tracks? Besides, it seems that you are not the only one there. I don't know when you found a helper."

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li behind them changed slightly, and they stretched out their spiritual thoughts to check, but they didn't find anything unusual.It's just that they stood not far from Yi Tian's sides with the idea that they would rather believe what they had or not, and quietly raised their spirit weapons in their hands to be on guard.

Since Yi Tian said that the Crimson Eyed Demon brought people to come, he must be strong. In today's situation, the opponent is waiting here and waiting for a rabbit, and he has no good intentions.Moreover, the three of them had just walked up the winding mountain stone path, and there was no reason for them to retreat again.

Soon there was a loud laugh, and the outlines of two figures not far in front of them changed from virtual to reality and finally revealed their true colors.The three of Yi Tian were shocked when they saw it, and the laughter came from the mouth of a stone statue.

Hearing a voice of yin and yang, he said: "What shall I say, there is indeed a powerful person among the three who can see through our disguise at a glance, and you have an opponent this time, Scarlet Eyed Demon."

"The Great Elder's lesson is that I was negligent this time, and I didn't expect that the other party would train the Heavenly Demon Eye to the level of mastery," the Scarlet Eyed Demon replied respectfully.

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of Yi Tian and the three of them changed slightly. Since Scarlet Eye Demon called that stone statue the Great Elder, it shows that its history of existence is far beyond my imagination, and it may be a figure from ten thousand years ago. Maybe.

Dugu Jackie walked up to him with a bitter expression on his face, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know who the senior is, but Dugu Jackie is the vanguard official of His Majesty the Demon Sage."

"Don't scare me with the title of Devil Saint Violent Tan. No one in this world can make me feel reverent except His Royal Highness Prince Qiu Yu. This old man is one-eyed demon with dark pupils," the stone statue shouted at Dugu Jackie Chan's words Then he said again.

As expected, he was a person from ten thousand years ago, Yi Tian was stunned, his eyes turned and he exchanged glances with the two people on both sides respectively.At this time, you can see that Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li also have inconceivable surprised expressions in their eyes.It's just that the other party hasn't clearly expressed their intentions yet, and everyone just secretly raised the level of defense, waiting for the follow-up development of the situation.

Yi Tian opened his mouth and asked: "Crimson Tongmo, it seems that you came prepared and deliberately waited for us to walk out of this winding mountain road. I didn't expect your speed to be much faster than I expected."

"Boy, do you really think that I will be so stupid as to climb the mountain like you?" The Scarlet Eyed Demon said disdainfully, "Qiu Yu, the prince of the Demon Saint, discovered the problem of this mountain early in the past, so he set up the teleportation circle early in the morning. It’s just a little bit of light.”

"Then you come here with this stone statue, even if you are possessed by the spirit of the one-eyed demon senior, do you really think that you can eat us?" Yi Tian looked at it and joked.

"Although your strength is not weak, we have not formally fought against each other. It is impossible to know who is stronger or weaker," Scarlet Demon said with a solemn expression, "But I have no interest in the position of Prince Mo Sheng at all. Tan is just using me as a pawn."

"Since this is the case, I also feel the same way as Fellow Daoist, so why are we still so hostile?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"Because you are the next prince appointed by the Demon Saint Baotan, so I naturally want to come and see the strength of the third Mahayana cultivator in the future Demon Realm," Scarlet Eye Demon shouted: "After all, I also want to advance Mahayana, but now that you have become a stumbling block on my path to advancement, naturally I have to get rid of it quickly."

During the conversation with Fei Tongmo, Yi Tian deliberately paid attention to the two people standing beside him. When he heard that he was the next prince appointed by the Demon Saint Baotan, Song Li obviously gave a pause, and he could Moved a few steps away to maintain a distance.But Dugu Jackie was unmoved at all, obviously he should know more news, Yi Tian could understand why there was a glint of awe in the other party's eyes during the conversation with Dugu Jackie on the mountain road before .

If this is the case, then the trip to Qionghuaxie this time is really interesting, Mo Sheng Bao Tan never dreamed that the scheme he planned would be interfered with by the Scarlet Eyed Demon.He also brought out a great elder who was a one-eyed demon group ten thousand years ago. After Yi Tian glanced over, he was surprised to find that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were not weaker than his own, and even though the body was destroyed, the soul stored in this statue might be able to display more power. Powerful supernatural powers and secret techniques are also possible.

If you take a closer look at the Crimson Pupil Demon, if you have been being plotted by the Demon Saint, then the abnormality in your body pointed out by the Beast Lord found in the Taoist Temple of Luo Tianxian Palace before is the dark hand that restrains you.

Fortunately, that thing has been cleared by me, and now the two of them really think that they are possessed by the violent way of the demon saint, and I'm afraid they will watch it after a while.

With a firm mind, Yi Tian simply didn't play cards according to common sense.According to my previous assumptions, Demon Saint Bao Tan would definitely think that he was fighting the Crimson Pupil Demon with the body of a demon body, and then sacrificed that ray of magic flame to completely enter the demonized body.But I wanted to do the opposite. I wanted to let go of the evil force around my body and quickly contracted back, and then the spiritual energy in my body was transformed, and a blue-red light appeared around my body.

In an instant, Yi Tian appeared in front of the four people as a spiritual cultivator, raised his head and laughed loudly: "You are right, Fellow Daoist Dugu, this scarlet-eyed demon is indeed a different kind of demon. This time, you will follow the previous agreement." Daoyou Song and I worked together to eradicate it. Afterwards, we found the secret treasure of the devil prince Qiu Yu and shared it equally. Daoyou Song also came together. As long as you solve the problem in front of you, I will also promise to help you. Find a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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