
Chapter 1969 Holy Son Secret Collection 5 Fighting

Chapter 1969 Holy Son's Secret Collection Fifteen Fights
Speaking of which, Yi Tian sneaked into it by confusing his identity, but Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li were clearly told that the other had already guessed their true identities when they met.

Originally, I didn't want to clarify the matter directly. It is much better for everyone to know and get along with each other than to be too straightforward on the surface.But now, the Crimson Eyed Demon did not play cards according to common sense, and secretly joined forces with the elder of the One-eyed Demon Clan ten thousand years ago to deal with the three of them.And even Dugu Jackie didn't expect it, although he received the instructions from the Demon Saint Bao Tan, his position seemed to have become very delicate under such circumstances.

On the one hand, he is a demon cultivator, and it is reasonable to say that he and Lingxiu cannot stand in the same camp. On the other hand, the scarlet pupil demon seems to have been at odds with him for a long time. The helper he recruited this time is extraordinary, and Dugu City also knows The icing on the cake is as good as sending charcoal in the snow.

If he teamed up with the Crimson Eye Demon and faced two Cyclops Demons at the same time, any one of them could kill him to death.Even the talisman issued by the demon sage did not seem to have much deterrent effect on them.Thinking of this, Dugu Jackie made a decision in an instant with a flash of determination in his eyes.

I saw him laughing and said: "Friend Daoist Yi, it's hard for me to hide it, but it's a blessing to be able to join hands with you, a great monk. Then let's deal with the two in front of us first and then go down to explore Let's go, Song Daoyou, how about it?"

In the end, Dugu Jackie did not forget to remind Song Li, after all, they also had a private agreement first.What he said was also to remind Song Li of their direct relationship.

Sure enough, Song Li showed a knowing look, and then faintly separated with the two and formed a corner with Yi Tian as the center.He said in his mouth: "Friend Daoist Yi really is you. I secretly guessed it in my heart early in the morning. This time we will work together, and I hope you can give me a satisfactory return after we get out of trouble."

As soon as he said this, it naturally made Dugu Jackie feel a little uncomfortable on his face, after all, it was obvious that there was something in Yi Tian's words before.If Song Li has a good way to break through the bottleneck and enter the late stage of fusion with a spiritual body, he still needs to take the risk of accepting the magic energy and using the sword to advance.

This matter is also obvious. Yi Tian pried the corner of the wall face to face, but Dugu Jackie couldn't do anything about it.After all, the Scarlet Eyed Demon and the elder of the one-eyed demon clan are the confidantes, and the three of them all know that there is no way out in the Qionghua Pavilion. To be familiar with here.

The right time and place have all been lost, and the only factor that occupies the harmony of people, so at this time Yi Tian is also qualified to challenge him as the backbone, at least Song Li's position at this time is not as firm as before.

"You three boys are good for discussion, but no matter how much nonsense you talk, you have to see the truth," said An Tong, the elder of the one-eyed demon clan, "Crimson Tong Demon, go and deal with that spiritual cultivator from Lihuo Palace. Leave the two of them to me."

"Thank you, Great Elder," said Scarlet Demon with a happy expression, "I heard that in the Lihuo Palace in the spirit world, there is a monk at the late stage of fusion in the Lihuo Palace who has succeeded as suzerain, but this person hides his head and shows his tail and never shows up in public. I just want to see if your true strength is as strong as the rumors say."

"As you wish, Scarlet Eyed Demon, I also heard that during this disaster, there was a late-stage cultivator from the demon clan who repeatedly attacked and caused the people of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to suffer. Even if you don't come to find fault, I will I will meet you in person for a while," Yi Tian replied disdainfully, but his eyes were extremely serious.

With such a poor view, there is no need to play tricks on the spot. It is the business to do it directly.After the corner of his eyes flashed, Yi Tian's figure flashed into the air, and then fled towards the distance on the right. Before leaving, he said: "Crimson pupil demon, follow, you don't want this It seems that someone will disturb the battle of the world."

"Boy, you are so brave. I think your lifespan is less than [-], but your courage is different from ordinary people. No wonder the Demon Saint Bao Tan would praise you so much in front of me," said the Scarlet Eye Demon, and his body moved accordingly. When he got up, the black magic light all over his body suddenly appeared, and the whole person rose from the ground, turned into a black light, and flew straight behind Yi Tian.

After ten breaths, the stone statue said again after the two walked away: "Okay, as you wish, the two of them went to fight alone, and then let me see how strong the monks of the Demon Race and the Spirit Race will be after ten thousand years. How much progress has been made?"

After speaking, the eyes of the stone statue flashed a dazzling red light again, and the spiritual power mobilized all over his body was no worse than that of Crimson Pupil Demon and Yi Tianlai, and it seemed faintly stronger than the two of them.

Now that Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li knew that there was no way out, the two monks in the middle stage of fusion teamed up to deal with a late stage monk who had no body.It sounds like they are taking advantage of it, but both of them have nervous expressions on their faces. Facing the old monster from ten thousand years ago, they have to go all out. If they are not careful, if the other party takes the lead, they will be doomed. the point.

In addition, Yi Tian led the Scarlet Eyed Demon away from the three of them to give them a chance. It is estimated that with the combined strength of Dugu Jackie Chan and Song Li, even if they are against him, they will have the power to fight.I know very little about that one-eyed demon elder, far less than the scarlet-eyed demon in front of me.Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle, so let the two of them be pawns to investigate first.

Looking back at the Crimson Eyed Demon who followed closely, Yi Tian showed a stern expression on his face.It is inevitable for me to fight this beast, but I didn't expect it to start so soon. Looking around, Qionghuaxie occupies a position of only three hundred miles on the top of the mountain, and I don't want to smash it to pieces. Time will bring unnecessary trouble to find the Buddha's heart of the devil prince Qiu Yu, so he can choose to fight in the air.

Although maintaining speed in the air consumes twice as much spiritual power as compared to the foot of the mountain, both sides bear such unfavorable conditions together, and it is really necessary to take a different path if you want to win a quick battle.After walking around the selected area, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, raised the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, and then turned around and shouted: "I heard that you will fight Lu Jianling and Zheng Tingyun bravely on the battlefield, today I would like to see your Is the strength as strong as they say?"

"As you wish," the Crimson Eye Demon took out a three-foot-long battle ax after stopping a hundred feet away, mobilizing the spiritual power in his body and said: "Do you choose this place as the burial place? Then I won't You're welcome."

As soon as the words fell, the Crimson Eyed Demon raised his battle ax with both hands and waved it in the air. After that, dozens of black light blades flew out and slashed at Yi Tian's position.

After the light blade crossed the void, its power was not much worse than that of his own Lingyaohua Qianshu, especially in terms of bravery and momentum.

Seeing the attack, Yi Tian waved the Taiyuan wooden sword without any fear on his face. After it spread out in the air, it split into thousands of black threads, and slashed at the opponent's light blade.

There was a loud 'Zi Zi' sound, and the supernatural powers of the two sides had already staggered in the air, and they were in a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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