
Chapter 1971 The Holy Son's Secret Collection 7

Chapter 1971
After a fight with Scarlet Tongmo, Yi Tian relied on the Buddhist sect's skills to gain a slight advantage, but the opponent did not suffer substantial damage.It's just that after the conversation, Yi Tian suddenly became suspicious. The blood path technique was originally the peerless supernatural power that the blood corpse old devil in the Yin corpse world became famous for.

According to the analysis of the situation that Jiuduoluo explained to himself back then, Qiu Yu, the devil prince, once had four apprentices.The eldest brother, Kudhara, had already died in the abyss of the demon world under the violent attack of the demon saint.

With his cultivation base at the peak of the late stage of distraction, it was impossible to escape from it, and he himself witnessed his fall from the sidelines.In addition, the blood corpse old devil is a young apprentice. After falling into the world of corpses, he practiced blood way skills in order to extend his lifespan.

Although Kudhara knew this skill, he didn't have the ability to specialize in it, which means that there are still many disadvantages in this supernatural power. A person as smart as Kudara must have discovered the problem early on.

As for the other two people, they have already met in the Demon Realm, one died in the Dark Demon Temple, and the other died in the abyss of the Demon Realm.In front of the coffin where Master Jie Ding took off his Buddha body when he fell to the devil way.

Except for these four people, I really don't know who else the Crimson Eyed Demon can rest the blood path skills from.

So when Scarlet Eyed Demon mentioned this matter, Yi Tian immediately looked suspicious after hearing this, and responded after thinking for a while: "I have met the four disciples who sat down with Master Jie Ding, so your cultivation base and longevity can be equal." You won’t learn from anyone. It seems that you also obtained the exercises unintentionally, no wonder you use them in a formless manner but without spirit, and the power is greatly reduced.”

"That's right, boy, you actually think that it's because I haven't used my real supernatural powers," Scarlet Eyed Demon lightly said with a contemptuous smile: "Okay, I'll show you my real strength now." Don't look at your powerful Buddha sect skills, as long as my blood way skills defile your golden body, your soul will be stained and you will be enslaved by me forever."

After speaking, the one-eyed red light appeared on his face, and the Crimson Eye Demon opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.After continuously making seals with both hands, he manipulated the ball of blood essence to condense into a bullet-sized shape in the air.

A stench wafted over, and Yi Tian quickly realized that a lot of spiritual energy in the air around him had been extracted by this group of blood essence, and then condensed and compressed.

After ten breaths, Scarlet Eye Demon said, and the red light flashed in his eyes again. The ball of blood in front of him flew high above the sky and broke down into countless fine drops.A blood rain came from the head cover, facing the area where Yi Tian was located, forming an enchantment with a range of [-] feet.

After the blood and rain dripped from the inside, it hit the Jingshi Hualian and made a crackling sound, and the white Jingshi Hualian stood upright even under the heavy rain, forming a three-foot-large lotus brand to block Yi Tian's head.

It's just that the halo above became dim with the passage of time, and after ten breaths, a white lotus finally fell powerlessly.Then the Jingshi Hualian, which formed the lotus brand around it, withered one by one. It looked like it couldn't resist after being attacked by too much blood and rain.

Yi Tian found that after the bloody rain fell on the ground below, it directly corroded the mountain rocks into cavities as thick as a thumb. As more and more bloody rain fell, the underground rock surface sank [-] feet to a depth of at least [-] foot. .

Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't sit still anymore, except for the lotus brand, forcibly resisting by himself is no longer an option.Put your hands together to cast the spell seal again, and then draw a Tai Chi circle in front of your hands. After injecting two black and white spiritual powers in your hands, you muttered: "Open."

The two yin-yang fishes in the center of the Taiji diagram seemed to come alive instantly and spun rapidly, opening a void gap in the middle.

A huge suction protruded from it and collected all the bloody rainwater falling from the top of the head into the alien space.

The Crimson Eyed Demon in the distance also turned pale when he saw this. At this time, he asked with an unusually dignified expression: "This is the space magic power of Taiqing Pavilion. Why is it stronger than Zheng Tingyun's when you use it? Aren't you How can the monks of the Lihuo Sect know the unique skills of the Taiqing Pavilion and the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect?"

"It seems that you should be the one who is rare and strange." Yi Tian sneered and returned the words: "The three schools of the spiritual world are all born out of Luo Tianxian Palace, and I know the unique skills of the other two schools. It's nothing strange. If you can't come up with any powerful supernatural powers in this fight, then it's my turn."

"Hmph, don't underestimate people," said Scarlet Eyed Demon, although he fell into a disadvantage, but he was born with arrogance and would never be defeated by a few words.He took out a jade brocade box from his hand again, refreshing his spiritual power to the strongest state.

Yi Tian put away the space magical power in his hand after cleaning up the invasion of the bloody rain, and a Tai Chi pattern in the air quickly closed, leaving only a faint trace.After three breaths, this trace disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared here before.

Then he drew back and took out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan Sacrifice in his hands. Just now, the two sides attacked each other but they didn't try their best, and the other side should be similar.At this time, what the Scarlet Eyed Demon took out must not be something simple, and there must be something unexpected in the jade brocade box.

Shaoqing saw the scarlet pupil demon opened it and revealed the true face inside, which turned out to be an eyeball the size of a baby's fist.This thing seems to be similar to the one-eyed eye on the face of the Crimson Pupil Demon, and the remaining aura on it makes him feel deeply uneasy.

Crimson Tongmo stretched out his left hand to hold the eyeball in his hand, and then poured spiritual power into it crazily. A strange light flashed over Shaoqing's eyeball. After being swept away by him, Yi Tian felt in a trance for a while, as if he was about to lose his mind. look.Immediately in shock, he hurriedly lowered his head and staggered the other party's gaze, and at the same time secretly recited the Bodhi Concentrating Mantra in his heart to stabilize his mind.

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you to be really skilled. You didn't collapse directly in front of my Magic World Magic Eye," the Scarlet Eye Demon raised a black magic knife with his right hand, and then raised a three-foot-sized knife on it. The Heavenly Demon Blade struck Yi Tian head-on.

In front of the 'magic pupil of the fantasy world', Yi Tian found that he was restrained in his first action. In order to avoid another shock to his mind when confronted with him, he could only put up the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him to block his eyes.

At the same time, he completely exposed himself to the direct attack of the Crimson Eye Demon.The Heavenly Demon Blade slashed out by the black magic knife just hit the defense of the dragon tortoise armor shield impartially. After a series of "bang bang bang" sounds, Yi Tian only felt his hands go numb. Forcibly connecting the spirit body in the body like today is also a huge consumption.

(End of this chapter)

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