
Chapter 1972 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 8 Seizing the House 1

Chapter 1972 The Eighteen Secrecy of the Son of God
After fighting with Scarlet Eye Demon, Yi Tian had a certain upper hand, but he didn't expect that the other party would take out a single eyeball.This one-eyed eye turned out to be left by a one-eyed demon cultivator, and the strange light that this one-eyed eye cast after being activated made Yi Tian have to avoid its edge for the time being.

Yi Tian with the magic light flashing out of the magic pupil felt that the movement of spiritual power in his body was also slowed down by three points.Moreover, after being swept by this magic light, there was an inexplicable restlessness in my heart, as if there was an involuntary desire to kill.

In this way, Yi Tian had to block the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him to block the magic light emitted by the magic pupil.But Crimson Tongmo is also a veteran, seeing Yi Tian's exhausted defense, and the Heavenly Demon Blade that he sacrificed in his hand continued to greet Yi Tian.

After being hit by the Heavenly Demon Blade one after another, Yi Tian pulled back, dodged three miles away, and then sacrificed the dragon tortoise armor shield in his hand to protect himself.When the black Heavenly Demon Blade struck again, the purple flame wind and thunder fan that Yi Tian raised in his hand slammed towards the opponent.

A purple thunder flame mixed with thunder light struck in the direction sent by the Heavenly Demon Blade, and I saw two auras of light, one black and one purple, fiercely attacking together in the air.

It's just that the black Heavenly Demon Blade and Ziyan were suppressed as a whole once they came into contact. The Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan is powered by Yi Tian's natal real fire and is extremely yang. Naturally, it has supernatural powers for all evil spirits restraint.

Although it doesn't purify all the evil spirits like the Buddha's method, Lei Yan Ziyan's power becomes stronger after swallowing all the evil spirits of the opponent.Soon, the Ziyan wind and thunder fan in Yi Tian's hand stirred several times one after another, urging Ziyan to swallow all the opponent's Heavenly Demon Blade.

Later, the purple flame passed over the body of the Crimson Pupil Demon himself, and he was so shocked that he hurriedly urged the magic pupil in his hand to sacrifice the magic light to protect himself.

After Yi Tian took Zi Yan back, he found that the Crimson Eyed Demon on the opposite side had lost his momentum, obviously he suffered a lot.But Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly because of the magic pupil in his hand, and just confronted it from a distance.

All of a sudden, the Scarlet Eyed Demon screamed, and an unexpected scene appeared in front of him.The magic pupil in his hand actually came alive, broke free from the shackles, turned a few times in the air, and fell into the mouth of the scarlet pupil demon.

After the entrance of the magic pupil, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the Crimson Pupil Demon's body suddenly increased, and the strength and cultivation base also increased sharply, almost reaching the peak of the later stage of fusion.The Crimson Pupil Demon itself, which was originally three feet in size, swelled up again, and its figure soared by more than a third.

Now he looked only a quarter of his size in front of him, and Yi Tian, ​​who suddenly had a new aura on his body, put away the Lingbao, set up the dragon tortoise armor shield and stepped aside to observe the battle situation for the time being.

After the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Crimson Pupil Demon's body fluctuated violently, the whole person's aura also flourished, but Yi Tian noticed it from a distance and found that there was an aura comparable to Crimson Pupil Demon's own aura.Needless to say, there is definitely something wrong with the origin of the magic pupil. Originally, there was only one huge eye socket on the face of the Crimson Eye Demon, but now there is a thin slit on the eye socket.

After three breaths, the thin slit opened, and the same eye socket appeared in it, and the original magic pupil appeared here at this time, which made people shudder.

The original one-eyed demons now have two eyes up and down, only to hear Scarlet Eyed Demon open his mouth and say in another colloquial language: "Crimson Eyed Demon, you rebellious son, did you ever think you would have today?"

Then he heard his tone change and replied to his original tone: "I didn't expect that it was 'Dou Tong', you, an old immortal, who kept all your soul in the magic pupil, and even waited for an opportunity to take away my true deity. "

"Crimson Tongmo, if you hadn't absorbed the spiritual power of my deity, you would have cultivated like this now," Dutong's voice sounded again: "If you were not eager to deal with the person in front of you, you would not have taken out the magic eye I kept. You will give me such a chance, and killing your father was a treasonous thing back then, did you ever think that you would be backlashed today?"

As he spoke, the spiritual power on Crimson Pupil Demon's body showed a very chaotic situation. It was obvious that the two spirits were engaged in a fierce confrontation in the body, as if they were fighting for control of the body.

Yi Tian remembered that this situation also happened when he met Qian Lingzi and Luo Que in the lower realm.At this time, if he makes a move by himself, he may succeed in one blow, but it is more likely that Tongshi will encounter a joint attack by the two of them.The best way to plan for now is to wait and see how the other party will end up.

At least Yi Tian found that although the other party was two spirits fiercely fighting for control of the body, they did not relax their defenses at all.It's really not easy to say sneak attack.

Soon the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Fei Tongmo's body became extremely unstable, and Yi Tian was not sure who had the upper hand.After the divine sense locked it, he slowly touched it and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword again, and then waited for an opportunity to make a move.

Suddenly, the Crimson Eye Demon not far away opened his mouth and roared, and his whole figure shrank back to its original state like a deflated ball.At this time, the Crimson Eyed Demon returned to its original state, except that there was an extra magic pupil on its forehead.His current appearance is the same as that of ordinary people with two eyes, but his two eye sockets are arranged up and down.

The original eye is now covered with bloodshot eyes, but the magic pupil above it shows a strange aura, as if it is constantly absorbing the spiritual power of the main body.

After a while, the one-eyed person on the top stared at Yi Tian for a while and said, "Boy, I didn't expect there to be someone like you in the spirit world. You are not inferior to me in terms of strength, but today I won't entangle with you anymore." Go down. There is a secret treasure left by the devil prince Qiu Yu in this Qionghua Pavilion, let's not get entangled here, everyone can find it according to their own abilities." After speaking, the Scarlet Eyed Demon shook his body and went straight to the Qionghua Pavilion The door flew away.

I didn't expect that the other party would run away, but Yi Tian didn't want to continue entanglement, and he didn't know the situation on the other side when he was fighting Scarlet Eye Demon here.Speaking of which, the one-eyed demon elder who worried me the most was the elder of the one-eyed demon clan. He naturally had the confidence to fight one against two.

After thinking about it, he didn't catch up directly, but turned around and flew straight to where the three of them were.

After a few breaths, Yi Tian flew back in a flash, looked far away and found that there was no stone statue of the elder of the one-eyed demon clan in the air not far in front of him, and at this time Dugu Jackie stood aside, holding two The black Heavenly Demon Blade was at a loss for Song Li, the sword in front of him.Needless to say, Song Li at this time was probably taken advantage of by someone just like Fei Tongmo.

(End of this chapter)

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