
Chapter 1973 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 9 Seizing the House 2

Chapter 1973

The fight with Crimson Pupil Demon did not expect such an ending, Yi Tian calculated that it would be best for Dutong and Crimson Pupil Demon to decide the outcome.In my heart, I really hope that Dutong can devour the soul of the scarlet pupil demon. This Dutong will naturally behave differently after suffering the disaster of being betrayed by his parents and children.

The killing wasn't my own wishful thinking. Although it was my goal to kill the Crimson Eye Demon, if the Dutong Tongshe was successful, maybe there would be a new situation in this catastrophe.At least with the disposition of such a thousand-year-old demon, he would never be willing to be manipulated by the demon saint Baotan.

As for the secret treasure of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil in Qionghua Pavilion, I have long known it well, even if the other party gets it, I can't use it easily.

Returning to the ground where Yi Tian met before, he found that the elder of the one-eyed demon clan had disappeared at this time.Only Dugu Jackie and Jue Dao Song Li were left in front of them.But now Song Li, Juedao, has a lot of demonic force, and it is obvious that he has been tricked.

After seeing him coming back, Dugu Jackie looked overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "You Daoist Yi is back, this one-eyed demon elder, An Tong, is powerful, and his methods are a bit weird. After the fight, he found the right opportunity to escape from his soul and directly invaded Song Lidao friend's body."

Needless to say, Yi Tian also saw it. At this time, Song Li seemed to be taken advantage of by the opponent's spirit just like the Crimson Eyed Demon before him.

The spiritual power in the whole body is constantly changing from spirit to demon. Needless to say, this is because the two spirits in the body are constantly fighting for control.

At this time, Dugu Jackie's face also showed extreme hesitation, and he didn't know how to start with the Heavenly Demon Blade sacrificed in his hand.Facing his gaze, Yi Tian replied in a deep voice: "Similar things happened on the Scarlet Eyed Demon's side," and then briefly described what he saw.

Dugu Jackie also had a dignified look on his face when he heard this, he thought for a while and said: "It seems that the situation we will face next is extremely serious, so what should Fellow Daoist Song do?"

"Song Li, stop arguing with the other party," Yi Tian said without reason: "The power of the soul of these one-eyed demon monks is by no means comparable to what you are now. It is better to be swallowed by him To escape as soon as possible, you must know that it will be more beneficial for you to recover in the future if you keep an extra portion of Nascent Soul spiritual power."

But Song Li opened his mouth and shouted: "If I escape from Yuanying and give up directly, even if I seize the body again, I will not be able to cultivate to the next level according to the only remaining lifespan."

"That's better than your Nascent Soul being devoured and destroyed," Yi Tian said disdainfully, "I saw the Scarlet Eyed Demon father and son fight each other before, and his situation there is worse than yours. These one-eyed demon monks They have undergone special training on the spirit and soul, so it is easy to take away others."

There was a strong black evil spirit on Song Li's face, and then he spoke back, but this time it was the voice of Antong, the elder of the one-eyed demon clan, who only heard him laughingly: "Boy, do you mean alone?" It's not easy for him to be able to endure it after such a long time. Scarlet Tongmo is also a waste, and he took out his father's pupils to win. This is his own fault, and he can't blame others. "

"You one-eyed demons are all prolonging their lives by seizing other people's bodies and devouring their souls. Such actions are really worse than dogs," Yi Tian said angrily.Immediately after raising the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, he couldn't help but strike at the opponent's body.

Suddenly, a golden aura emerged from Song Li's forehead, and within the halo was his Nascent Soul spirit body.At this time, Yuanying's complexion is decadent, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are extremely unstable. It can be seen that a lot of life essence has been extracted by someone.

And above his Nascent Soul, there was actually a trace of undetectable black spiritual light that was pulling it. Before his Nascent Soul flew three feet away, the black spiritual light suddenly flashed and wrapped around his waist tightly. .

Then a black Nascent Soul protruded half of its body from its forehead and quickly pulled it back with both hands.

After Song Li's scream, his Nascent Soul was pulled back into the forehead Niwan Palace again.At the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body soared and directly broke through the boundary of the mid-stage monk of the fit and entered the late stage.

It is self-evident what happened, but Yi Tian's magical power is even more urgent.Countless filaments surrounded the body of 'Song Li' and fell down suddenly.

But after a black body-protecting aura suddenly appeared, these attacking black hairs were forcibly blocked out.After three breaths, when Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread was exhausted and revealed his true face again, Yi Tian found that the person standing in front of him was already a pure demon monk.But what is different is that the left eye of 'Song Li' flashed a gleam of light, but his right eye left a gleam of clarity.

After countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Yi Tian immediately shouted: "I didn't expect you, Antong, to leave a big hole after you seized the house."

"Why, fellow Daoist Yi, what did you discover?" Dugu Jackie Long who was at the side hastily asked.

"It should be a natural characteristic of the one-eyed demons." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed: "Look at his eyes, it is obvious that Daoyou Song's soul has not been completely swallowed, and it is now stored in the position of the right eye. The one-eyed demon The clan is born with one eye and never thought that it would be like this because of the incompatibility between the soul and the body when seizing a normal person, An Tong, you can't escape today."

After Dugu Jackie Chan's divine sense came out, he also found the problem, and then a look of joy naturally appeared on his face.To deal with such an old monster, there is usually only a strong opponent. If the opponent can reveal its flaws, then the chance of winning will be even greater.

Thinking about it, Dugu Jackie joined his hands together, and instantly the Heavenly Demon Blade, which was about the size of Zhang Zhang, came and hit the opponent's body.

At this time, it is the best policy to act resolutely before Antong's spirit and body have reached a perfect fit. Once his spirit adapts to the new body, it will be much more troublesome to deal with.

Yi Tian raised the Taiyuan wooden sword again, condensed into a three-foot-sized green front, and hit the opponent's front door.Although the move just now was huge, it also dispersed its power, and it was far less powerful than it is now.

After An Tong saw it, he knew that the two people in front of him had murderous intentions, so he didn't dare to hold back his hands, and quickly formed seals with both hands outstretched.A strange light suddenly flashed in the left eye, and a beam of light was shot from it to meet the Demon Blade, and then directly fixed it in the air.

Seeing this, Dugu Jackie hurriedly increased the output of demon power and forcibly manipulated the demon blade to break free from the opponent's restraint, and directly attacked An Tong directly.

But the huge Heavenly Demon Blade was resisted by a thick sword light, only to hear Antong laughing: "I didn't expect that the spiritual power contained in this spiritual body is not low. There are many good things in my hand. It's just a daydream if the Heavenly Demon Blade wants to hurt the old man."

"It's Jue Dao Song Li's special skill. I didn't expect this old ghost to be able to manipulate it so quickly," Dugu Jackie exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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