
Chapter 1975 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 21 Seizing the House 4

Chapter 1975 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 21 Seizing the House IV

After fighting against Antong, Yi Tian and Dugu Jackie finally broke through the opponent's defense together.After the Taiyuan wooden sword was sacrificed, it directly pierced through his head, only half of his head was destroyed, and a corner of the Niwan Palace on his forehead was also exposed.

Yi Tian's sharp eyes saw that the magic baby with dark pupils in Niwan Palace was dragging Song Li's spiritual baby.The Nascent Soul of the two seemed to be partly fused into one, while Song Li kept moaning but was powerless.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian and Dugu Jackie were indifferent, at least Yi Tian felt extremely regretful, and with a sigh in his mouth, he manipulated the Taiyuan wooden sword to fall again and stab at the position where the reason for the two of them was.

The dark pupil's devil baby and Song Li's spirit baby all looked shocked when they saw this, and then shot two Nascent Soul spirit bodies and four arms at the same time, trying to resist it for a while.Unexpectedly, the spiritual power in the body of the two of them at the same time became extremely chaotic. It can be seen that the magical powers cast did not receive enough spiritual power, and the two protective shields sacrificed were like paper.

Two films of light appeared in front of the Taiyuan wooden sword, but they shook violently for a few times before being directly breached.

With a 'click', the spirit sword pierced through the body again, this time it pierced through the heart of the left chest and left a white spirit power on the body.

Antong instantly sensed the problem, and the spiritual power in his body was extremely difficult to mobilize, and then the magic baby shouted: "It's the power of the Buddha Sect. I didn't expect that such aura can be integrated into your sword moves."

"Times have changed, you old man always look at things from the past with the eyes of the past, today you have to blame for your failure here," Yi Tian replied coldly: "You shouldn't have taken someone's body Second, you shouldn’t treat today’s monks in the same way as ten thousand years ago, and third, you should never have offended me.”

As soon as the sound of flowers fell, a black light wave fell vertically above Antong's head, leaving a deep and visible bone scar on his body.It was Dugu Jackie Chan's Great Heavenly Demon Blade, and An Tong, with his weak spiritual power, naturally could no longer resist the fierce offensive attack.

With a sound of '嗖', the Niwan Palace was cut open, and the two connected spirit infants were directly cut into two halves. The dark-eyed magic infant occupied most of the spiritual power, and flew out of the Niwan Palace at this time. He ran away in a hurry behind him.

Little did he know that the white halo flashed again in front of him, and a white phantom of pure lotus was pulled down from his head to cover it alive. It was Yi Tian's Buddha sect kung fu.

"Ah" screamed from the Jingshihua lotus, and countless black evil spirits rushed out from the gaps in the lotus petals.With the sound of screams, it became more and more easy to realize that most of the spiritual power on Antong's body was drawn by Jingshihualian, and now the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on Yuanying's body is almost as strong as the later stage of the avatar.

Even so, the expression on Yi Tian's face did not show any slackening. Facing such an old guy, he was able to hide in the stone statue for thousands of years.The centipede is dead but not stiff, and Yi Tian made up his mind to kill the grass after seeing Song Li's appearance.

After Shaoqing waited until only a small amount of demonic evil energy was released from the Jingshi Hualian, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and urged the Taiyuan wooden sword into a sword thread to surround Jingshi Hualian from all directions, and then said with five fingers together, "Go. "In an instant, the cyan sword silk will fall down one after another, penetrate Jingshi Hualian, and beat the magic babies inside into a sieve.

After taking care of the dark-eyed devil baby, Yi Tiancai put away his skills and Taiyuan wooden sword, turned his head and stared at Song Li's remaining body in the distance.I saw that his body was jet black at this time, which should be the result of his body being filled with a large amount of demonic evil energy.With his original appearance of spiritual cultivation, he was unable to recover from this catastrophe. The most terrible thing was that the spirit baby was damaged. A large amount of spiritual power overflowed from the wound of the spirit baby, and it seemed that it would not take long to fall here.

Seeing Yi Tian turning his head to look at Song Li, Yuan Ying opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please give this object to my apprentice Xi Tianying, please."

After speaking, a starlight flew out, and in the halo was a storage ring.Yi Tian took it away and put it away, then nodded and replied: "I will definitely live up to my trust."

Jue Dao Song Li's Nascent Soul showed a rare smile and then regretted: "I really regret it. If I knew it was so dangerous, I wouldn't have gone through it."

"It's too late Song Daoyou to regret at this time," Yi Tian said indifferently: "It is the obsession in your heart that gives Dark Tong an opportunity. It seems that you can't escape the ending of falling. Whatever last words you want me to convey, you just say it."

Song Li nodded and replied with a dejected expression: "You Daoist Yi is right. People who cultivate the Tao have a life and death. Since they can't go further on the road, they can only enter reincarnation so that they can enter the Tao again in the future."

"Does Fellow Daoist Song want me to lead your reincarnated body into the Tao?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's nothing to worry about, Fellow Daoist Yi, let my apprentice Xi Tianying worry about it," Song Li sighed, and then Lingying's lips moved slightly, and he sent a voice transmission to inform him: "Friend Daoist Yi, do you know that you are also in the same place?" In a dangerous situation, Dugu Jackie has a secret treasure delivered by the demon saint Baotan in his hands to lure you into a demon. They hope that you can follow in the footsteps of the demon prince Qiu Yu and become the new devil prince. This is all I can say about how to deal with yourself Please make your own choice."

Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly: "Sure enough, the ray of fire essence from the demon world that I absorbed before is the introduction, and with Song Li's remarks today, it seems that this matter is definitely planned by the demon sage. It's a pity I have eliminated the hidden danger hidden in my body, and then I just need to greet Dugu Jackie well."

But his face was full of seriousness and he replied: "I know the concern of Song Daoyou, so you can go at ease, I will use the power of the Buddhist sect to get rid of all the evil spirits on your body, and then send you to the road of reincarnation with my own hands. .”

Song Li's complexion sank, then he sighed and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, I don't have anything to worry about so far."

After hearing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form the seal, and several white lotus flowers appeared and wrapped Song Li's body.At the same time, the remaining demonic force on his body was released one after another, and after ten breaths, the remaining black on the spirit baby disappeared.

Immediately, he shot again and opened a gap in the void as if in the air. Song Li's Nascent Soul nodded slightly when he saw it, and then jumped into the gap in space. After a while, the gap in the void closed again and disappeared without a trace. .

After finishing these, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Dugu Jackie Chan in the distance.At this time, he has returned to his original appearance, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are slightly worse than before.It is estimated that he used the secret treasure to display his supernatural power just now, which also consumed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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