
Chapter 1976: Holy Son's Secret Collection 22 Enter

Chapter 1976: Holy Son's Secret Collection 22 Enter
After sending Song Li into reincarnation, Yi Tiancai was relieved, and he had already lost a companion after he came in after a bad start this time.Although An Tong, the great elder of the one-eyed demon clan, has been dealt with now, there is still the Crimson Pupil Demon to deal with.

Speaking of this person, Yi Tian didn't feel too anxious, he was afraid that he would not be able to protect himself if he was backlashed by that magic pupil.Turning around and looking at Dugu Jackie Chan, Yi Tian felt amused in his heart.Now that the two are still in harmony, they both know the real purpose of the other party's trip in private.Now to deal with the Crimson Pupil Demon, he still needs to rely on the strength of Dugu Jackie Chan, so it is not the time to turn his face.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said, "Fellow Daoist Dugu, shall we explore the Qionghua Pavilion together next time? It is also a big problem for the scarlet-eyed demon to escape into it. Getting out and digesting it may increase your strength greatly, and it will be extremely difficult for you and me to escape from now on."

"Didn't Fellow Daoist Yi subdue him?" Dugu Jackie asked.

"No, this beast broke into the Qionghua Pavilion directly," Yi Tian explained: "I was worried that something might go wrong here, so I went back first. I didn't expect to see such a scene. The demise of Song Daoyou was really unexpected. Let's join hands to explore Qionghuaxie, I predict that there will be a battle with the Scarlet Eye Demon in the future."

Dugu Jackie said with a solemn expression: "That's true, now our position is almost the best choice to join forces."

"I have a hunch that although it took a little time here, the Crimson Eye Demon may not find any opportunities if he takes the lead," Yi Tian said: "This Qionghua Pavilion was not built by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, there should be some The things left by the ancestors are here."

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yi is quite familiar with this. Could you introduce its historical origin?" Dugu Jackie asked.

"This place is somewhat related to my three sects in the spirit world, but the relationship is estranged. It is a relic left by the previous sect in the spirit world." Yi Tian didn't want to reveal the details here, but chose Let me talk about some non-essential information.

Just as they were talking, they suddenly heard a crackling sound coming from the depths of the Qionghua Pavilion. After looking at each other, they hurriedly used evasion techniques and rushed towards the interior.When he came to the main entrance, Yi Tian stayed and checked it. The word "Qiong Huaxie" was written in the characters of the spirit world on the top of the gate here. It seems that this is the origin of this place.

At the lower end of the right side is the word Feng Lingzi, which should be the handwriting left by the ancestor who founded Luo Tianxian Palace.After entering, the two opened their spiritual senses and explored in private, and found that the range that the spiritual senses could detect here was smaller than the outside world, only about three miles in radius, and there seemed to be many lines carved on the ground under their feet.

Yi Tian looked at it and hurriedly shouted: "We have entered the no-fly zone, and the next road can only rely on walking."

There was a slight hesitation on Dugu Jackie's face, and he flew forward ten feet away, and suddenly fell down from the air with a stagger.Fortunately, he himself was born in physical training, and after a somersault in the air, his feet landed firmly on the ground.

Although he avoided the embarrassment of landing, Dugu Jackie's face changed slightly, presumably he didn't follow his own suggestion.Without hesitation, Yi Tian walked forward with strides like flying, and at the same time spread out his divine sense to search around.

The two of them broke into the main entrance corridor and rushed towards the main hall in the distance. Suddenly, the scene in front of them trembled and the surrounding space was distorted.

Yi Tian stopped in his tracks and didn't dare to act rashly, so he had better investigate the situation before discussing it.I saw the surrounding mirrors turned into void, and under the feet were the symbols of the hexagrams on the Stone Path Continent.

"This is the Lost Formation," Yi Tian blurted out.

"On Formation Yi Daoist, all of you are experts in spiritual practice, so I don't know how to break it here?" asked Dugu Jackie, who was behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Dugu is too flattering. The formation here looks simple, but it's not necessarily so," Yi Tian sized up and said, lowering his head to see that his feet were just stepping on the gossip 'ground character'.After a sudden halo flashed in front of his eyes, Yi Tian found himself in the barren hills, and suddenly a sense of threat emerged spontaneously.

After the figure flashed quickly, he found that there was a magic spell falling on the place where he could stand, but his move was the thousands of sword threads in Lingyaohua Qianshu.If I didn't dodge in time, I'm afraid that I will be cut into pieces by the sword wire at this moment.

Then he took a closer look and saw that the person who appeared in front of him turned out to be Qian Lingzi himself, who had once fought in the lower realm.With suspicion on his face, Yi Tian found out that something was wrong, and Dugu Jackie Chan behind him had disappeared at this time.And there was another Qian Lingzi in front of him who couldn't stop talking about this matter, there must be something strange.

Immediately Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Are you Qian Lingzi or Dugu Jackie Chan?"

Hearing the words, the other party didn't intend to stop in the slightest, and then with a flash of inspiration in his hand, he once again performed the Lingyaohua Qianshu and landed on Yi Tian's face.

This time, Yi Tian didn't dodge and took out the dragon tortoise shield to block in front of him. After resisting the opponent's supernatural power later, he found that there were traces of evil spirit on his dragon tortoise shield.

At the moment, he felt a little relieved: "It seems that he has entered the space of the phantom formation, and the 'Qianlingzi' in front of him should be Dugu Jackie Chan, but how to break the formation is still a difficult problem."

Later, ignoring the other party, he stood up and looked around, only to see that there was only a road formed by an underground stone path, with the imprint of the gossip talisman on it.

The position I am standing on is the character 'Kun Di', and the 'Qian Ling Zi' in front of me is standing on the position of 'Li Huo'.After secretly thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian let go of his legs and ran forward.

I didn't expect that this is a long corridor with no limit. Running all the way seems to go for tens of miles, but there are only gossip characters appearing in circles under the feet.

Looking back at the 'Qian Lingzi' who was also chasing up at this time, the supernatural powers in his hands were ready to attack him anytime, anywhere.With a sneer, Yi Tian took out six formation-breaking awls and injected them with spiritual power, and stabbed them at the six characters on the ground.

Just listening to the sound of 'clang', the movement of the entire space seems to be fettered by some kind of force and cannot go back and forth.Yi Tian shouted, "Fellow Daoist Dugu, please wake up quickly."

The 'Qian Lingzi' who came flying from a distance was shocked when he heard the words, and then he took back the magic spell in his hand alive.After landing, he stood not far in front of him to stabilize his figure and did not move any more, just watching how he broke the formation.

After stretching out his hands to make seals, he tapped on the six formation-breaking awls in front of him, and in an instant these formation-breaking awls were covered with a cyan halo and directly submerged in the gossip characters.Shaoqing's surroundings in this space shook violently, and soon returned to the position where the two were standing before.Yi Tian found that the two of them didn't move a bit at this time, they still stood in the distance.The only difference was that Dugu Jackie was holding a magic knife in his hand, looking at him with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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