
Chapter 1977 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 23 Searching

Chapter 1977 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 23 Searching
After cracking the phantom array on the corridor of Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian turned his head to look at Dugu Jackie looking at himself with embarrassment, but held a magic knife in his hand.

There was a faint smile on his face, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't take this matter to heart, after all, Dugu Jackie wouldn't turn against him now.His appearance also shows that the formations, especially those phantom formations, will have unexpected effects against magic cultivators.

He said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, let's investigate down quickly, otherwise it's not a good sign to let that scarlet-eyed demon take the lead."

Putting away the magic knife in his hand, Dugu Jackie replied with a solemn expression: "You Daoist Yi is right, please lead the way ahead, let me do whatever I want."

Knowing that Dugu Jackie Chan was a little bit unreasonable, his tone of voice softened three points, Yi Tian just held back his smile, then kicked his feet and ran towards the Qionghua Pavilion with all his strength.

Shen Nian leaned out slightly and found that Dugu Jackie was also following along with his feet at this time, and the two were separated by a distance of ten breaths.

Soon after entering the main hall of Qionghuaxie, Yi Tian took a brief look here and glanced at the stone murals on the wall, and found that the painting on it was a [-]-year-old monk, signed by Feng Lingzi.Presumably this should be his self-portrait, Yi Tian took a look at it and wrote down the appearance of the characters in the painting.

After passing through the main hall, Yi Tian followed the source of the previous sound, and soon locked on to a courtyard about ten miles away.

After lowering his head and passing a message to Dugu Jackie Chan, he adjusted his direction and ran towards there.Coming closer to the divine sense, one can already detect a large amount of evil energy spilling out, covering the surrounding stone steps with a layer of black spiritual power.I am very familiar with this kind of spiritual power, it is just left over from the Crimson Eye Demon who fought against him before.

It's just that Yi Tian found a simple spiritual pressure fluctuation in this layer of spiritual power, and felt amused in his heart. It is estimated that the two should be arguing.It would be the best if the single pupil had the upper hand, and it seemed that the Crimson Pupil had nothing to do with him, otherwise such a situation would never have happened.

After rushing into a courtyard, Yi Tian found the figure of the Scarlet Eye Demon in the distance.It's just that at this moment, his hands seem to be taking something deep into a certain furnace.

Seeing that he had arrived, Crimson Tongmo turned his head, and the two one-eyed eyes stacked up and down on his forehead were particularly obvious.Yi Tian found that the upper eyes seemed to be bigger than the lower ones at this time, and their eyes were piercing. As for the Scarlet Pupil Demon's original eyes, they became dim and dull, as if they were desperately holding on.

He only heard him say in another tone: "I didn't expect you to find me so soon, kid, and that dark pupil was taken care of by you, right?"

It seemed that he didn't care about his solution to the dark pupil, but the one-eyed demon of the scarlet pupil suddenly opened wide after seeing the two walking together.It seems that there is something to say but he is losing control of his body and cannot express what he should mean.

After Yi Tian stood still, he looked at it and said: "You should be a senior with one eye. It seems that your seizing the house is much stronger than that of the dark pupil. I guess it should be because the deities are all one-eyed demons, not Show your flaws like the dark eyes."

"Boy, it seems that you know a lot of the secrets of the one-eyed demon clan," Antong said, "It's so naive for the scarlet pupil demon to want to rival you." After speaking, he opened his mouth and laughed fiercely.

There was no joy on Yi Tian's face at all, instead he kept his gaze on the hands of the Crimson Pupil Demon.I saw his hands reaching into the hot furnace at this moment, as if he was taking something.

Noticing his own gaze, Du Tong didn't evade and yanked his hands and took out a one-foot-sized object from the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Yi Tian looked at it and found that the thing first showed a fiery red appearance after leaving the furnace, and after three breaths, the halo on it dissipated and returned to a gray stone color.It looks like an ordinary stone, but after the divine sense sweeps over it, it can be detected that there are slight fluctuations of spiritual pressure coming from it.

Dutong raised his head and laughed wildly: "The secret treasure that Qiu Yu, the devil's prince, kept here is finally rediscovered today, you two came at the right time, just in time to appreciate what this senior of the demon clan left behind for us younger generations. What a good thing."

Although he was told before that there might be half of Master Jie Ding's Buddha Heart preserved in it, Yi Tian was also very curious to see what this thing would look like.If it is really half a Buddha's heart, then the remaining spiritual power must be extremely powerful, and the two demon cultivators in front of them can't bear such a powerful Buddha's power anyway.

So Yi Tian was very calm at this time, as if sitting on the wall, but Dugu Jackie, who was on the side, changed his expression slightly and said: "Friend Yi Dao, stop him quickly, the things inside may be advanced Don’t you feel moved by the key to the Mahayana period?”

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Tiancaidibao is originally known by someone who is destined, since this thing is left by Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, it will naturally not be too big for me as a spiritual practitioner." The role. It should be of great help to you demon cultivators."

Just as he was talking, Dutong took out a one-foot-long iron hammer and slammed it down on the stone.Once or twice, as he raised the hammer and fell to the surface of the stone, one after another grinned, and the stone fell from it with a 'click' sound, and a colorful glass of light appeared from the inside, and then an incomparably torrential spiritual power flowed from there. The gap is slowly released.

Yi Tian didn't notice the slightest power of Buddha Sect from it, and was feeling a little puzzled when Dugu Jackie Chan who was not far away suddenly moved.He took out the animal skin talisman in his hand and spit out a mouthful of black devil blood on it, and then uttered a blunt spell.

His actions like this naturally surprised Dutong and Yi Tian in front of him, especially Yi Tian's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, and he did not know when he sacrificed the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand.

After Dugu Jackie finished reciting the spell, he stretched out his hand and stuck the animal skin talisman to his chest, a spiritual power not weaker than the two burst out suddenly.A phantom appeared behind Dugu Jackie Chan, and Dutong in the distance shouted loudly after seeing it: "Devil Saint Baobai, you are calling his clone to descend."

"It's just an incarnation of divine thoughts, why are you scared, fellow Taoist Dutong?" Yi Tian said coldly: "Why don't we join hands to deal with him, and wipe out Dugu Jackie completely before his split soul comes? "

"Okay," Dutong also gritted his teeth, and then it seemed that he had reached an agreement with the Scarlet Eye Demon, and a strange light appeared in both eye sockets at the same time, shining on Dugu Jackie Chan.

(End of this chapter)

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