
Chapter 1979 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 25 Ended

Chapter 1979 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 25 Ended
The avatar of Demon Saint Bao Tan is not weak, but it is a pity that the two of them interrupted the ceremony in advance before he fully descended.The present Demon Saint Violent Tan avatar is just a continuation of the strength of Dugu Jackie Chan's real body, and naturally they can only be beaten under the cooperation of the two.

What's more, Dutong is also well aware of the weakness of the Sky Demon Clan, so if he doesn't make a move, he will just point to the vital point. Using the one-eyed Demon Clan's innate supernatural power 'Magic World Magic Pupil', he directly destroyed the eyes of the Demon Saint Violence's avatar.

Such a sneak attack naturally dealt an indelible blow to the Demon Saint Baotan's avatar. Yi Tian also found that the wound could not heal completely after being hit by the 'Magic Eye of the Magical World'. It overflowed directly from the empty eye sockets.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't miss such a good opportunity, sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, urged the power of the Buddha sect to infuse it, turned it into thousands of filaments, and hit Baotan's clone directly.

The power of the white Buddhist sect that remained on him continued to purify the evil spirit in his body, making his already falling momentum even more urgent.

Seeing Dutong in the distance, he hurriedly shot again, drawing a circle on his chest with both hands, and then raised two black light wheels one foot in size.Then he waved his arms and manipulated the supernatural spells to fall on the back of the Demon Saint Bao Tan.

There were two sounds of 'click, click', and the two black light wheels were directly stuck on the back of the demon saint Baotan, and it was difficult to get any more than half an inch after penetrating five inches.But this was enough, a large amount of black devil blood splashed out and covered the ground three feet behind him.

Wherever those black devil blood went, they corroded the ground into three-inch-deep depressions.

I only heard the demon saint Bao Tan screaming wildly: "I have written down the two of you. Even if you succeed today, wait until you go out to meet the endless pursuit of my demon army."

"It's not your turn to worry about it," Dutong said coldly, "and in this space, even if your main body feels that the clone is destroyed, it won't know the exact situation."

"Oh yes, it seems that Fellow Daoist Du Tong still knows a lot about Demon Saint Baotan," Yi Tian asked hurriedly after hearing this: "That means we can let go of it here and directly destroy it." killed."

"It's like this," Dutong said with a cruel smile, "And it seems that the Buddhist martial arts that you performed, Yi Daoyou, are constantly eroding the demonic energy in Bao Tan's body. I didn't expect Bao Tan to plot against you in every possible way. In the end, it fell into your hands."

Surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Dutong to see the opportunity. He was right. This trip to Qionghua Pavilion was obviously planned by the demon saint Bao Tan early in the morning, but he didn't expect to encounter the rebellion of the scarlet pupil demon on the way.He asked Dugu Jackie Chan to come here for the purpose of supervising the battle, but he didn't expect that he would strike first and deal with his clone directly.

After a pause, Yi Tian said bluntly: "Then what are we waiting for, let's deal with him first." After speaking, he controlled the Taiyuan wooden sword to fly back to his hand again, and the sword silk dispersed and solidified before turning into a sword The three-foot green blade ruthlessly pierced the head of the Demon Saint's violent clone.

At the same time, most of Yi Tian's divine sense was used to lock Du Tong's movements. The power of the 'Disillusionment Demon Pupil' he just cast is really amazing.It's a last resort for me to join forces with it, and now even if I have the upper hand, I don't dare to relax in the slightest.

Du Tong showed a look of disdain in his eyes, and then stretched out his hand to make a seal, and the two pupils on his face exerted force at the same time, and the two beams of golden light shot out again and directly penetrated the head of the demon saint violent avatar, especially Du Tong. It went straight through his Niwan Palace.

Shaoqing saw the violent body of the demon sage falling down weakly, and the real body of the great demon on his body faded away and directly returned to the appearance of Dugu Jackie Chan.At this time, the soul of the demon saint Baotan and Dugu Jackie Chan's soul were all wiped out, and what was lying in front of him was just a corpse of a dead demon cultivator who could not die again.

Dutong stepped forward, but once again sacrificed a cluster of magic fire to directly set his body on fire, burning for half a minute before finally destroying the corpse.Then he turned his head and looked at Yi Tiandao who was in front of him: "I know you are a monk from Lihuo Palace and the successor of Wuye. I didn't expect such a powerful figure to appear in Lihuo Palace after Ji Xuanyuan. It seems that this time The invasion of the demon army will definitely not be as smooth as last time, and your appearance has shortened the duration of the disaster by more than double."

"Fellow Daoist Dutong has won the award." Hearing the other party's praise, Yi Tian replied without changing his face: "There is no need to mention some gossip. Now there are only you and me left here. I don't know what you will do next." What are you going to do?"

Speaking of the topic, the single-eyed pupil also looked serious, and after thinking for a while, he said: "It seems that you also know my current situation. Although suppressing the scarlet pupil demon is by no means a long-term solution, I have to find a place to digest it properly. OK."

"I'm afraid that the one-eyed fellow Taoist will become the No. 1 demon monk in the Mahayana period," Yi Tian joked: "Then you said, should I stop it now or let you go?"

But Dutong raised his head and laughed loudly: "I guess you will let me go with your thoughts, I wonder if my guess is right?"

"How can you see that?" Yi Tian asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"There is a saying in your spiritual practice, the enemy of an enemy may not be a friend, but as long as they have a common situation, they will not become enemies," Dutong said.

"You're talking about killing the demon saint's violent clone?" Yi Tian pouted and said, "That's true, I don't mean to deal with you."

"It seems that Daoist Yi still has some reservations. I don't know if it's because of the secret possession of the devil prince Qiu Yu?" After speaking, Dutong stretched out his hand and pointed to the stone on the ground far away.At this time, the cracks around the area became bigger and bigger, and finally the stones fell down one after another, revealing a fist-sized colorful colored glazed jade inside.

This is half of Qiu Yu's Buddha heart, and Yi Tian felt a burst of emotion after seeing it.It seems that after tens of thousands of years of calcination, the Buddha power in it has been completely lost, leaving only pure spiritual power.

It is said that the spiritual power left in the Buddha's heart cannot be directly absorbed by the demon cultivator, and it needs to be demonized before it can be used.And since he practiced all the way, he has accepted the legacy of many precept masters, and he has no desire to covet the half of the Buddha's heart left by him.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, take that half of the Buddha's heart away, anyway, the devil prince Qiu Yu has been reincarnated as an adult, and I have sent his reincarnated body back to the Buddhist Daleiguang Temple. If you want to cut off the karma, these things from the previous life are better than giving up."

"You have already found the reincarnated body of His Royal Highness, and you sent it to the Buddha Spirit World?" Du Tong blurted out.Seeing that his surprised face didn't seem like a fake, Yi Tian simply explained the cause and effect of this time.

(End of this chapter)

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