
Chapter 1980 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 26 Reasons

Chapter 1980 The Secret Collection of the Son of God 26 Reasons
After killing the clone of Demon Saint Baotan, Yi Tian didn't feel relaxed at all, because the Dutong in front of him was also an extremely difficult opponent.

The two finally talked about how to distribute the glazed Buddha heart in front of them, which is something that cannot be avoided.After all, the main purpose of coming in this time is for it.

Although Yi Tian didn't intend to occupy what he had, he didn't want to make Dutong cheap for no reason.Afterwards, he told about the reincarnation of Qiu Yu, the prince of the Demon Saint.Who knew that Dutong was silent for a while after hearing this, and a little lonely look appeared on his face.

The scene instantly became silent and the two had no words to communicate with each other. Yi Tian just secretly took precautions for fear that the other party would explode again.

For a long time, Dutong sighed, and said with a helpless look on his face: "I was thinking about taking back half of the Buddha's heart of His Royal Highness, trying to recall his soul, but I didn't expect that he had already reincarnated into Da Lei Guang Chan The gate of the temple is closed."

"It's not worship, but the return of Shuo Ben's original source," Yi Tian corrected: "No matter how kind the devil prince Qiu Yu was to you in the past, he has returned to a precept monk today. I won't allow it." If any demon race disturbs his practice, you have to understand this point, Fellow Daoist with One Eye.”

Turning around and staring at Yi Tian, ​​he looked at Du Tong, but he smiled silly for no reason: "Well, since you and the prince have a predestined relationship in the past and present, I don't want to trouble you anymore. Enemies should be solved rather than knotted, so let's just say goodbye Let’s go, although I didn’t achieve my goal during the trip to Qionghua Pavilion, I was relieved in a disguised form.”

Seeing that he was about to leave Yi Tian, ​​he was stunned and said: "Daoyou Dutong, it seems that you and the devil prince Qiu Yu also have a past. I am very familiar with people from both camps."

"You don't need to mention it, I know it very well," Dutong turned around and used his escape technique to fly towards the direction he came from without looking back. Before leaving, he said: "That glass Buddha heart I'll leave it to you, even if I send it back to the Buddha Spirit Realm or use it up myself, I don't mind."

Seeing that he had decided to leave, Yi Tian also sighed for a while, he didn't expect that there would be such a straightforward monk among the demons.However, the half-moment glazed Buddha heart in front of him is unnecessary for his own use, and it would be the best choice if he sent it back to the Daleiguang Temple.Thinking about it, after walking around in another world, I still have some finishing work that I haven't finished.According to the definition of Buddha Spirit, one must go, not only Daleiguang Temple, but also Deminglun Temple.

Turning around, he looked at the glazed Buddha's heart on the ground in front of him. At this moment, the traces of spiritual power emanating from it were leaking out. If it could not be stored in time, its efficacy would be greatly reduced.After thinking about it, he hurriedly walked forward and took out a jade box, put half of the glazed Buddha heart into it, closed the lid and put the sealing talisman on it, and put it directly into the storage ring.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief after doing all this, and looked at the alchemy furnace that had stored the glazed Buddha heart before, and the alchemy fire in the furnace was still burning.Going forward and looking around, Yi Tian found out that the age of this object should be earlier than that of Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil.

Needless to say, this is the space courtyard opened up by Senior Feng Lingzi, and the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu just discovered this place by accident, and finally kept half of his Buddha's heart here.

There are too many unsolved mysteries here, and I haven't had time to investigate them clearly after many battles here.After thinking about it, he put a ray of divine sense into the beast-controlling bag on his waist, found the Beast Lord and asked, "Senior, I am already in the Qionghua Pavilion on the top of Tianji Mountain. I don't know what the relationship between this place and Senior Feng Lingzi is. Been here before."

A ray of spiritual light flew out from the beast-controlling bag at his waist, and fell on the ground, showing the appearance of a [-]-year-old monk.The beast king looked around and said: "There was a big battle here, it seems that you have dealt with the invading demons."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the traces on the ground in the distance, and said: "Just now, I solved the avatar of a Mahayana cultivator from the Heavenly Demon Race."

"It must be violent, there is his breath here," the Beast Lord said without hesitation: "It seems that there is also a spiritual pressure fluctuation of the demon race."

"Senior is really powerful, and there is another one who is a one-eyed demon monk," Yi Tian said: "It was precisely with that one-eyed demon that I joined forces to kill Baotan's clone."

"Actually, it's not a problem to deal with a clone of a Mahayana monk with your own strength," Beast Lord said indifferently: "But since you do this, you have your considerations."

"Here I found that it seems to be another courtyard left by senior Feng Lingzi. I don't know if there is anything special in it, so I want to ask senior to give me some pointers," Yi Tian replied.

"This world is just another courtyard opened up by Feng Lingzi to practice in the Mahayana period. I have never been to the top of Tianji Peak, but I think there should be some jade slips left by Feng Lingzi back then," said the beast king. After staring at the distance for a while, he said again: "The one-eyed demon monk you mentioned seems to have used the teleportation circle to go out," he pointed out.

Following the direction of his finger, Yi Tian found that it was the direction where Dutong left. After a moment of emotion in his heart, he said: "Let him go, since we have joined forces to deal with the clone of the Demon Saint, there will be no him in the entire Demon Realm." She has a place to stay. When he goes out, he will definitely attract the demons to hunt him down."

"Those are things for later," Beast Lord said: "In fact, the one-eyed demons and the sky demons were originally the two dominant demons in the demon world. It was once predicted that the decline of the sky demons would be caused by the one-eyed demons." It is caused by prosperity, and vice versa. After the two clans of demon cultivators meet, they will definitely fight against each other and attack each other."

"It's no wonder that Dutong said the prophecy of the demon clan, it seems that there is such a thing," Yi Tian sighed: "It's just that the number of the one-eyed demon clan is so small now, it seems impossible to overthrow the rule of the demon clan in the demon world. Very likely."

"You underestimate these demon races too much," the Beast Lord said disdainfully: "Although the small number of people is a disadvantage, it is also a very favorable condition on the other hand. I don't think the Heavenly Demon Race has been operating for tens of thousands of years without one-eyed people. The extermination of the demons shows that natural selection of these demons must have their way of survival. In time, when the number of one-eyed demon monks reaches a hundred, it will be a harbinger of another chaos in the demon world."

It turns out that a mere race of a hundred people can shake the situation created by the 10 people of the Heavenly Demon Clan for tens of thousands of years. It seems that this One-eyed Demon Clan is really terrifying.However, this matter has nothing to do with me. Now that the Great War of Demon Disaster is approaching, I am afraid that this single pupil will wait for the opportunity to sneak back to the Demon Realm to hide, and when the time is right, he will jump out again to provoke the war between the two clans.

After thinking about it, he turned around and said, "Let's go, senior, follow me to see what good things Feng Lingzi left for future generations in Qionghua Pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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