
Chapter 1984

Chapter 1984 The Return
The war of demons and disasters in the spirit world lasted for hundreds of years, and during this period, the two sides were still stalemate at the edge of the control of the three factions in the spirit world.It doesn't have much impact on the hinterland of the spirit world. At most, a small number of demon squads sneaked into the hinterland of the spirit world to wait for an opportunity to harass the logistics supply route of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.

However, under the collective wisdom and efforts of the three factions in the spirit world, heavy troops were dispatched to guard the major passes in the hinterland, and elite monks were organized to lead a small team to stop the infiltrating demon monks.

As for the most intense battle between the two sides, besides the frontal battlefield, it is near the gate of several realms.I don't know when the demon army will start to adjust its strategy, and a large army will be assigned to attack the gate.

Naturally, the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance would not easily give up such an important strategic location as Jiemen, and dispatched a large number of people to deploy near Jiemen.Originally, Song Li, the Jue Dao guarding the Jiemen, was the best candidate to lead the army.But this person disappeared after going out suddenly decades ago, and the Spiritual Practice Alliance had to send senior monks to sit in town again.

The fire chain of the Lihuo Palace was entrusted with the important task of becoming the new guardian of the Jiemen, and the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect also dispatched Elder Sheng Zhuangxiong as a support.One is guarding the boundary gate, and the other is stationed in Qinglong Fort in Liaofudian. The two each lead an army to support each other.

On that day, in the high sky of the spirit world, there was a Taoist light flying slowly towards the gate of the world, and the speed of escape did not seem to be very fast.But it is also comparable to the full-flying speed of a monk in the early stage of integration.

The figure slightly exposed in the escaping light is Yi Tian's true self who escaped from the Qionghua Pavilion.After coming out, Yi Tian didn't even bother to return to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to report back. He just wrote down the situation this time on the communication jade talisman and sent it out.

Now that the Demon Disaster War has lasted for so long, I have already solved the two fusion stage Demon Cultivator in a disguised form and held back the opponent's number one combat power, the Crimson Pupil Demon, so to speak, I have done enough.

After Zheng Tingyun receives the summons and understands the situation, she will know what to do next.After going through Qionghuaxie and his party, Yi Tian also had a deeper understanding of the evil disaster. Since this matter was calculated by the monks in the Mahayana period, he didn't need to deliberately disrupt their calculations.

As for the avatar of Demon Saint Baotan being destroyed, Yi Tian was not afraid at all that his real deity would come to the spirit world to settle accounts with him.At most, he would send another avatar to come, but it would never return to him.

In Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian also checked out the news, the identity of the boy who followed Feng Lingzi back then is definitely a mystery.At least I haven't found any trace of this person in the subsequent biography of the spiritual world.In short, this boy disappeared into the spirit world as if the world had evaporated.

Speaking of which, if he is the successor chosen by senior Feng Lingzi, then his strength is definitely at the same level as the founder of the three sects, or even stronger.It stands to reason that with such a powerful person sitting in charge of the 'Luotian Immortal Palace', it wouldn't be easy to disintegrate.But in fact, the sect that had been passed down for nearly 2 years finally fell into the hands of three branch disciples.

It must be that something big happened, Yi Tian has been thinking about it since he played Qionghuaxie.Those who knew back then had already ascended or fallen, and even the Mahayana monks of the three sects of the spirit world may not know much about this matter.

There are still too many mysteries waiting for him to find out. Thinking of this, Yi Tian can only put his mind away and turn his attention to the gate of the world.I was entrusted by Song Li to hand over his storage ring to Xi Tianying, that's why I went here.

It was precisely because he had a face-to-face meeting with Xi Tianying after talking with Song Li when they met at Jiemen last time that Song Li had this entrustment before his fall.

Not long after flying in the air, Shen Sense opened up and checked, and found that he had almost passed Qinglong Fort. At this time, he was only about five thousand miles away from the boundary gate.Wherever the divine mind went, it was found that the place was not very peaceful, and there were signs of demon monks invading in many places below.

Many Sanpai Lingxiu organized a large group of people to resist its attack, shaking his head and Yi Tian didn't want to interfere in this matter.The divine mind probed further and suddenly found that a large number of monks gathered at a distance of about two thousand miles in front.

It seemed that a fierce battle broke out there, even if the monks below the integration period broke out, and neither side seemed to be involved with any high-level monks.

Yi Tian wanted to miss it and fly directly to the gate of the realm, but after searching with his spiritual sense, he found two familiar auras there.They are Xi Tianying and Xiang Donghui from Taiqing Pavilion.Since he was the rightful owner of this trip, Yi Tian naturally didn't want to miss it, so he turned Feidun's direction and flew straight there.

It didn't take long to come to the sky above the battlefield, and after the divine sense fell quietly, it searched the surrounding area for thousands of miles.Now the battle situation below seems to be in a state of intense heat. The Demon Race side is led by the monks of the Flame Hell Demon Race Distraction Stage. In the team, there is actually Yang Nanny who I know, and the ranks of the team behind are uneven. There are all kinds of magic repairs, and it also comes with a lot of casual repairs from the devil world.

On the other side of the spiritual world, the casual cultivators from Pojun Mountain led by Xi Tianying and a group of monks from the Taiqing Pavilion behind Xiang Donghui formed two camps to meet the enemy.

The fight between the two sides was very lively. From time to time, someone was shot down on the spot and the cloud head fell down.When Yi Tian saw it, he sighed for a while. These monks have also been practicing for thousands of years, but they seem to be nothing in the face of the cruelty of war.

Soon the battle between the two sides attracted the attention of high-ranking monks, and there was a black light rushing in the distance.In an instant, it was already close at hand. As for spiritual cultivation, Sheng Zhuangxiong, who seemed to be far away from Qinglongbao, had not yet been dispatched, and there was no sign of coming to support after the fire chain divine sense guarding the gate of the world was swept away.

With the addition of such high-level combat power, even if the spiritual side had the upper hand, it would be in vain.After the black escaping light flew to the sky above the battlefield, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dispersed, and the two sides who were fighting fiercely separated and retreated directly to their respective camps.Everyone looked up at the sky with doubts in their eyes.

I saw that the black light faded away to reveal that the figure was Yan Lei from the Flame Prison Demon Clan.This person can be regarded as an old Jianghu, and it seems that he has not been affected at all after fighting in the spirit world for so long.

But he didn't know whether he suddenly appeared this time to disrupt the battle situation or directly kill these spiritual monks.Yi Tian restrained his breath in the air to hide his figure and waited and watched silently.To be honest, I mistrusted him last time. I didn't expect that the fire source essence he provided had hidden hands. Fortunately, if I hadn't eliminated the hidden dangers early in the morning, I might be lured into the next one. The devil prince.

I only heard Xi Tianying, who was in the spiritual cultivation of the human race below, flew out of the battle first, and said to Yan Tong above, "Why did you break in suddenly, senior? Didn't we agree that we will fight with monks of equal strength? In terms of numbers, there is no one." place of the Passover."

"Boy, you are Jue Dao Song Li's disciple, right?" Yan Lei looked at his eyes, but cast a look of disdain and said: "At this time, Sheng Zhuangxiong has been dragged by Leng Xu, and as for the chain of fire, who Xie Ruilin will restrain you."

"Could it be that senior's tricks are exhausted just to deal with me? This seems like a big deal," Xi Tianying replied neither humble nor overbearing. It is true that his words lack confidence. After all, the high-level spiritual practitioners After the monks were dragged back for a while, they couldn't cope. Now they were facing Yan Lei, who was in the middle stage of integration, and they were just manipulative arms without any power to resist.

Xi Tianying came out to argue with Yan Lei only because of his spiritual belief and tenacious spirit.

"You are just delaying time," Yan Lei said with a sneer, "I came here just to find you, as long as you hand over the key of the seal spell of the gate, you can leave straight away, I can guarantee that you will not harm anyone present."

"Senior is flattering me so much," Xi Tianying replied with a slight twitch of his eyelids, "Senior Fire Chain is stationed at the boundary gate, so why do I need to keep the key of the boundary gate's sealing spell?"

"Boy, you are still too young," Yan Lei said with a faint smile: "Do you know why I know about this? Do you think our demon army provoked this fierce battle at the gate at will?"

Xi Tianying shook his head with a livid face, although he didn't know, he had lived for so many years and hadn't seen or experienced anything.The key to the sealing spell of the boundary gate was originally a big secret, and only the guardian of the boundary gate and the suzerains of the three sects knew the details.

It must be something wrong that came out of the mouth of a demon monk today.Xi Tianying only felt that when his mind was clouded, several possibilities came to his mind, even the worst plan was considered.After thinking about it, he asked, "Could it be that my master fell into your hands, or did you design to lure him into a trap?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of Lingxiu around were shocked. If it is said that the most brilliant battle between the two sides in this catastrophe was the Jiedao Song Li and Dugu Jackie Chan's battle at Jiemen.After all, it was carried out in public, and many low-level monks witnessed the fierce battle with their own eyes.

So when Yan Lei mentioned this matter, Xi Tianying's first reaction was that something happened to the master.Such confidential information was only entrusted to Song Li before he left, which shows how important the seal of the gate of the world is.

Xi Tianying got the unblocking key in his hand, which can open the door to the devil world, so he was so nervous.

Yan Lei only heard a sneer on his face and said: "He told me himself."

"Impossible," Xi Tianying blushed and shouted loudly: "The banning of the gate is so important, it must have been planned by you to surround my master and finally force him to speak about it."

Yan Lei looked at the spiritual cultivation in the distance below with a pair of disdainful eyes, only to see that after what he said just now, it was obvious that the monks in the Taiqing Pavilion were fortunately under the leadership of Xiang Donghui. The color is different, but the morale of the army as a whole is not disturbed.

As for the group of casual cultivators in Pojun Mountain, they also showed determination on their faces. They are Xi Tianying's diehard loyalists, so they will naturally advance and retreat with him.As for the casual cultivators who came together, it was not the case. Hearing that the master of the coach had betrayed him openly, his face was more or less suspicious, and he deliberately kept a distance from the monks around him.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Yan Lei said jokingly: "You are here to fight to death, but you don't know that you were sold by Jue Dao Song Li early in the morning. At this time, he should be receiving the magic energy tank under the leadership of Dugu Jackie. Let's become a real demon cultivator."

"You are talking nonsense, my master has been guarding the gate of the realm for thousands of years, and he will never be easily lured into the devil's way," Xi Tian said angrily, his eyes showed fierce fighting intent without evasion, even in the face of Xiu Yan Lei, a middle-stage monk who was two levels higher than him, was not afraid at all.

It's just that his performance failed to stabilize the already slack army spirit. First, there was a monk in the fusion stage of the demon race, and then he heard that the long-known loose cultivator in the fusion stage of the spirit world, Song Li, became a demon.Stimulated by such appalling news, the morale of the spiritual cultivators was clearly dispirited, and many people wanted to retreat.

On the contrary, Xi Tianying who was standing in front of the formation suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, the laughter was mixed with an extremely sad meaning.This kind of action naturally attracted the attention of everyone behind him, only to hear him say in a deep voice: "Okay, no matter what you said is true or not, but the purpose of senior coming today is nothing more than the key to unlock the seal spell of the gate of the world."

"Indeed, I see that you are a man. As long as you are willing to offer the key with both hands, I can not only let you go, but also infuse you with magic energy to lead you into the magic way. Then you can meet your master again. He Le Why not do it," Yan Lei said.

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of a large number of spiritual practitioners suddenly changed, and even the monks in the Taiqing Pavilion were terrified.Xiang Donghui shouted: "You Daoist Xi, don't be deluded by the other party. Once you enter the magic way, it will be a point of no return. From then on, you will no longer be able to be independent. And the teacher just went out and didn't return. Maybe things will turn around. "

"Hehe ignorant junior, let me tell you a secret, Jue Dao Song Li is just a small person," Yan Lei said with a cold snort: "This time the target person is the No. The Devil Saint Prince, as soon as he is born, the entire battle against the devil will be reversed in an instant."

These words were like a heavy hammer hitting all the spirit cultivators present, and the morale of the demon army suddenly skyrocketed.On the other hand, everyone on the spiritual side had a bitter look on their faces, Xiang Donghui seemed to have thought of something, his face was startled, he hurriedly took out the messenger talisman and injected it with spiritual power, and sent it out.

But the magic talisman was grabbed by an invisible big hand and taken back before it flew very far.The person who took the shot was Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison Emperor, and he said with a tired face: "Why do you still want to inform the people of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to tell you that even if Zheng Tingyun and Lu Jianling join forces, it may not be the new devil prince. Opponents, I advise you to accept the demon energy tank as soon as possible and become a demon clan."

"Fart," Xi Tianying yelled in a deep voice, "We are spiritual practitioners, we will never bow our heads to the demons for mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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