
Chapter 1985 Maintenance

Chapter 1985 Maintenance
Yi Tian escaped from Qionghua Pavilion, planning to go to Jiemen to find Xi Tianying to talk about the past, and hand over to him the things Song Li entrusted to him.After all, although Song Li had all kinds of faults, he had already passed away at this moment. It was concluded that this person guarded the gate for thousands of years, and his merits outweighed his mistakes.In this way, I don't need to blame him anymore. As for his last wish, Yi Tian naturally wants to be entrusted with loyalty.

Before arriving at Jiemen, he encountered a battle between spirits and demons. Based on the principle of not wanting to escalate the war, Yi Tian didn't want to intervene.After all, it would not be a good thing if a group of spiritual practitioners depended too much on themselves, because in the future, they would not be able to take care of everything.

Unexpectedly, after the battle, the Demon Clan would dispatch monks in the fusion period to join the battle, and it was Yan Lei, the emperor uncle of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison.This person's strength in the middle stage of the fusion is even capable of fighting against Zheng Tingyun or Lu Jianling, the coach of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.Yan Lei didn't make a direct move when he came to the battlefield, but first handed over the key to unlock the seal spell of the gate to Yi Daoming named Xi Tianying.

The other spiritual practitioners were all at a loss when they heard this matter, but Xi Tianying's expression tightened.Even De Yitian had never heard of such a confidential news, but after Ke Yanlei revealed it, he openly seduced Xi Tianying and promised to help him lead him into the magic way, and even personally cultivated him into a monk of the magic way.

It's just that Xi Tianying's reaction was also within Yi Tian's expectation, a character like his who is happy to be kind and enmity will definitely not be restrained by others.It sounds simple to infuse demonic energy into cultivating a demonic way, but as long as Yan Lei leaves behind a little secret hand, he can directly control people's life and death, Xi Tianying would never agree to it anyway.

Ke Yanlei revealed the demon clan's terrifying conspiracy in front of everyone, and instantly shocked all the spiritual cultivators in front of him.This time, the demon army is actually planning to lure No. 1 of the spirit world fusion period to fall into the demon way and become the new prince of the devil.

If this matter is true, it will definitely cause an uproar in the entire battle of the evil disaster.At that time, the demon army can switch from defense to offense and begin to encroach on the hinterland of the three factions of the spirit world.

After hearing this horrifying news, the entire spiritual cultivation camp fell silent, which naturally made it drop to the extreme.Most of the active casual cultivators distanced themselves from those sect cultivators and those from Pojunshan.

In their view, nothing is more precious than their own lives. If they lose this battle, they will run away immediately.The big deal is to hide in the hinterland of the three factions of the spirit world as a casual cultivator.

As for the sect disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion, they all looked fearful, and several of them had participated in the civil strife in the Lihuo Palace in the early years.Especially the leader, Xiang Donghui, naturally knew exactly who Yan Lei was referring to in the spirit world fusion period No.1.

If that person is calculated, then the entire spiritual world will really face a catastrophe.Xi Tianying replied categorically in front of everyone that he never wanted to become a demon cultivator. At the same time, he sacrificed the sword in his hand as if preparing to fight to the death to show his ambition.

Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison Demon Clan who was in the air, sighed after seeing it, and said, "That's not bad, I like your arrogance. Today's matter is all up to you to make a decision, don't you want to discuss it with the people behind you?" Down?"

But Xi Tianying spat and said: "No need to discuss, you just want to use their words to disturb my mind. Although I am not as good as you, if you think you can clean me up so hastily Such an easy thing, even if I die, I will eat a piece of your meat."

"Then you don't have to worry about me killing everyone behind you," Yan Lei snorted coldly, obviously angered by Xi Tianying's words.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, but aren't you afraid that the three factions of the spirit world will issue a death warrant afterwards?" Xi Tianying stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips and said, "You must know that even if the demon army retreats, this must be killed." The arrest warrant is also valid forever, I don't believe that you will take the risk of offending the three Mahayana monks to forcibly solve the spiritual practice here."

"What a sharp-tongued boy, if you don't meet me today, you will definitely be one of the monks in the fusion period after a thousand years," Yan Lei said with a serious face: "But it is also your doom if you meet me, we will With the agreement of three moves, if you take the next three moves, I will stop, otherwise I will hand over the key of the boundary gate sealing talisman."

"If you want to fight, then use nonsense to fight." Xi Tianying puffed up his chest and said, "Go ahead, let me also see the true strength of the demon cultivator in the middle stage of integration."

It is said that the spiritual power of the complete person has risen sharply, and at the same time his aura has jumped to the strength of the initial stage of fusion.After being injected with spiritual power, the war knife in his hand made a 'buzzing' sound.

Seeing this, Yan Lei's expression darkened, and he stretched out a hand to hold it out of thin air, and a ball of black flame prison demon emperor quietly appeared in his hand.In the next moment, he opened his five fingers and slammed down on Xi Tianying's position.The black true flame in the palm turned into a three-foot-sized fireball that fell on the top of Xi Tianying's head.

The latter had a bitter smile on his face when he saw it, let alone three tricks, it is still unknown whether he can stand up again after receiving this trick.Since the other party came down the road, Xi Tianying naturally had to go all out to make the next move, otherwise his tone was stronger than his strength and he wouldn't be a joke.

Holding the saber tightly with both hands, he swung it heavily at the falling fireball, and a white saber light flew out, draining all the spiritual energy around him. There was a 'bang' sound as the white blade light hit the black fireball and they were in a stalemate, but they were directly defeated by the opponent after a short stalemate.

I saw that Xi Tianying waved his hands one after another, and several sword lights flew out, and then hit the black fireball respectively. Although it couldn't stop its downward momentum, it could weaken a part of its power each time.

It wasn't until ten breaths later that the flame hell demon fire was defeated and dissipated after undergoing dozens of sword lights.This situation stunned all the demon cultivators present, but Yan Lei showed approval in his eyes and said: "I used eight percent of my strength just now, but I didn't expect you to be able to crack it, but I don't know what to do next." How will you deal with it?"

After speaking, the devilish aura all over his body surged, and after joining his hands together, he spit out a ball of real flames from his mouth, flew out of the air, turned into a black fire dragon, and rushed towards Xi Tianying's face.

I don't know who in the demon camp has seen such a trick, a faint voice said: "The flame prison dragon, this is the special skill of the emperor."

Everyone's eyes glanced at the leader of the demon army, and the one who spoke was Nanny Yang, the elder of the flame prison demon tribe.

On Lingxiu's side, everyone looked at the battle situation with ashen faces.You must know that this move is fierce. If Xi Tianying dodges, he will definitely hit the spiritual cultivation team behind.At this time, as long as he has a slightly different mind to give birth to the entire army of spiritual cultivation, it will be swallowed by this flame prison dragon.

Without thinking too much, Xi Tianying took out a large amount of pills from the storage bag and stuffed them into his mouth. 'Gaba Gaba' chewed it a few times and swallowed it. Then, the saber in his hand was sacrificed again and turned into a three-foot-long white sword light, which flew straight to meet the roaring flame dragon.

After the two magic spells met in the air with a 'bang' sound, the Flame Prison Demon Dragon pushed back the white sword light with an indomitable momentum.

Obviously, the gap between the late stage of distraction and the mid-stage of fusion cannot be bridged by desperate efforts alone. Xi Tianying spit out a few mouthfuls of true blood to increase his spiritual power again, which can only delay the speed of the flame prison dragon's pounce.

Seeing the black Flame Prison Demon Dragon flying towards him to devour Xi Tianying away, a red aura flashed in the air and stopped him ten feet away.He stretched out one hand to catch the black flame prison dragon out of thin air, held it in his hand and squeezed it into a ball of black magic fire.Immediately after, a green true flame flashed past and immediately enveloped it, and stretched out five fingers to gently pinch the Flame Prison Demon Dragon, which made the peak monk Xi Tianying helpless in the later stage of distraction, and was crushed alive just like that.

The monks on both sides at the scene saw with incredulous gazes that the divine sense flew past quickly and locked on the person in front of them.I saw an ordinary Lingxiu in the red light, about 20 years old.After reaching out to catch Yan Lei's move of the flame prison dragon, his face was extremely relaxed, as if it was nothing to worry about.

Later, he waved his hand to dissipate the spiritual energy and said, "Brother Xi, are you alright?"

"Fortunately, I almost lost half my life. Speaking of which, it's the first time I've fought head-to-head with a middle-stage monk. It's not a good feeling," Xi Tianying relaxed when he saw the person coming, and opened his eyes. With a big grin, he said, "I'm really afraid that what he said may be true."

It was Yi Tian, ​​who had been watching the battle in the sky for a long time, who made the rescue. He curled his lips and replied, "Half and half, at least what Yan Lei said is true. It's a pity that Demon Saint Bao Tan's plan is thorough, but the actual situation is not as good as it should be." Go in the direction he planned."

Yi Tian said these words in a flat tone, but many monks present heard them as if they were close at hand, obviously Yi Tian did it deliberately.

Yan Lei, who was in the air in the distance, also changed his face slightly, and after looking at it for a while, he blurted out: "You are fine, could it be that the Holy Master made a mistake."

"Yan Lei and we are also old acquaintances. Originally, I was here long ago, but it was not convenient to make a move. It's just that it seems a little unfair for you to bully the small. Why don't we two make a move," Yi Tian joked.

After hearing this, Yan Lei hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "Yi Tian, ​​I respect you as the suzerain, and I don't want to entangle with you any longer. Let's stop with today's matter. I will take people back and hope you don't embarrass us." After saying that, Yan Lei Lei turned around and prepared to leave.

Suddenly a voice sounded "Don't go, where is my master?" It was Xi Tianying who came forward and asked.

"You should ask Sect Master Yi about this matter, he is the person involved who knows better than me," Yan Lei replied with a displeased expression on his face.

"Juedao Songli and Dugu Jackie fought in the depths of the spirit world, and both of them died in the end. As for the Scarlet Eyed Demon, he was defeated by me. Now he has fled back to the demon world. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see him on the battlefield of the spirit world. It's gone," Yi Tian said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, the morale of the spiritual cultivator was greatly boosted, and the casual cultivators who originally wanted to slip away became excited at this time, forming a group with the casual cultivators from Taiqing Pavilion and Pojun Mountain. Not as decadent as before.

Yan Lei sized him up suspiciously, hesitant to speak.Yi Tian knew that he didn't give up, but just moved the corner of his mouth a few times and said a word to him through voice transmission.After three breaths, Yan Lei was stunned with an incredulous look on his face, then he sighed and ordered to the demon cultivators behind him: "Let's withdraw, this invasion battle will probably end soon."

After saying that, he turned around and flew towards the direction where the demon army was stationed, and the many demon cultivators behind him hurriedly followed after seeing him, for fear of offending the people in front of him by staying here too much.

On the contrary, there was a magic cultivator urging the escape technique to fly forward and stabilize his figure ten feet away in front of Yi Tian, ​​and then made a blessing with his hands on his waist, and then asked through voice transmission: "Senior Yi is in front of you, the old man has received The Patriarch entrusted me with something as a gift, senior please accept it no matter what."

Knowing that Nanny Yang recognized his identity, Yi Tian replied through voice transmission without changing his face: "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"How could it be? The only time I was mistaken after living for so many years was when I met the elders enshrined by the demon army of the Flame Prison in the demon world thousands of years ago. I believe that this time I will never be wrong again, Sect Master Yi," Yang Nanny said In the end, the words "worshiping the elders" and "Sect Master Yi" were accentuated.

"Concubine Yan asked you to bring me something?" Yi Tian said helplessly.

"His Royal Highness Concubine Yan asked me to give this item to Master Yi Tian. She said that if there is a destiny in life, maybe we will meet again," Yang Nanny said, taking out a jade brocade box and gently sending it over. .

After Yi Tian took it, he opened the lid and glanced and found that there were two identity jade badges of the Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Race, one was the coach Yan Concubine and the other was dedicated to the elders as an army.Of course I recognize my own piece, but Yanfei's piece is exactly the same in terms of style and texture.On the front are engraved with the characters of "The Concubine of the Great Commander of the Expeditionary Army" and "Elder Yi Tian of the Expeditionary Army".

After closing the lid and putting away the jade box, Yi Tian said with a gloomy face: "Okay, you can cut it back."

When Nanny Yang heard the words, she turned around and before flying far, she remembered a sentence in her ear again: "Send me a sentence to Concubine Yan, 'Life is impermanent', maybe we will meet again in the future."

After a slight pause, Nanny Yang didn't turn her head back, but she quickly followed the retreating army and left under the light all over her body.

After the army of demon cultivators left, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Xi Tianying, only to see that his spiritual power was sluggish, obviously because he had consumed a lot of spiritual power and overdrawn it before.Fortunately, the foundation was not damaged, as long as he retreated for a period of time, he would be able to recover as before.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and ordered: "You must not leak my whereabouts about today's matter. I believe the war of demon disaster will not last long, and soon the spiritual alliance will organize an army to counterattack the demon position. At that time, everyone present Great opportunity to make a difference."

The spirit cultivators present immediately became excited, and the eyes of Taiqing Pavilion and those cultivators at Pojunshan even shone brightly.The first monk in the spiritual integration period, the words spoken by the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect are naturally more reliable than those of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.

 Thanks for the strong support of Taoist friends Tiaodaodiao, baiml, book friends 20180202192431280, seamw, Mingyueren, and Wuchezi.

(End of this chapter)

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