
Chapter 1986 Delivery

Chapter 1986 Delivery
After Flame Prison Emperor Yan Lei left with the brigade, Yi Tian found out that there was movement in the direction of the gate.Originally, they planned to send people to delay Huolian and Sheng Zhuangxiong's movements, and then send Yan Lei to finish off all the Lingxiu fighting here with an overwhelming advantage.

It is obvious that the policy of the demon army is to attack casual cultivators in the spirit world. Often these people are the easiest to win over at a critical moment.Moreover, switching to the magic way accompanied by a large number of casual cultivators can greatly enhance the strength of the demon army.

Because the boundary gate is strictly guarded, the demon army can only come through the gap in the interface space.Among them, only part of the elite advance team can be sent to open the way, as for the large troops, they still need to invade in batches.

Yi Tian has also known for a long time that the gap between the two worlds cannot be shuttled through it all the time, and with the sudden rise of the demon army from time to time, space storms also need to choose a specific time to travel through.It is far less safe than the channel that has been opened at the gate of the boundary, allowing a large number of demons to carry ships straight in and out.

Soon in the distant sky, a red light jumped out from the direction of the gate, and then flew straight towards this place.The distance of three thousand miles is nothing more than the blink of an eye for a monk at the body-fit stage, and the fluctuations of spiritual pressure in the twilight show that there is no sign of convergence, which makes people know at a glance that it is the arrival of a high-level monk at the body-fit stage.

After the person flew not far in front of him, he paused slightly in the air.Duan Guang faded away to reveal the figure of the chain of fire, looked at him and said: "It turns out that the sect master and junior brother have arrived, what a blessing."

Yi Tian flew forward to stabilize his figure not far in front of the chain of fire, then arched his hands together and said, "I've seen Brother Fire Chain."

"Sect master, junior brother, don't be polite," Huo Lian hastily avoided and only accepted a half-respect.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking, although he was the last of the second generation disciples of Lihuo Palace, but he was the new suzerain personally appointed by Patriarch Wu Ye.To put it bluntly, once Patriarch Wuye ascends to the Immortal Realm in the future, he will still have the final say on the entire Lihuo Palace.So the chain of fire will still belong to him in the future, but to put it bluntly, he is the spiritual pet of the patriarch Wuye, of course he dare not go beyond it, and he must have the proper etiquette.

Afterwards, he briefly explained what happened here, but after hearing this, Huo Lian's face revealed a look of resentment: "These little demons are still determined to attack the gate of the world, please don't worry, master and junior brother!" It is safe for me to guard this place. This time, it is thanks to you, Junior Brother, that you arrived in time to solve this crisis."

"Brother, you're welcome, I just passed by here just in time for her meeting. Originally, I wanted to find the disciple of Juedao Song Li to hand over her relics." Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "Senior brother, guarding the gate this time is really hard work."

Huo Lian sighed and said, "I never thought that Jue Dao Song Li would end up like this in the end, but that's good, since his lifespan is less than a thousand years old, his potential has already been exhausted, so he doesn't need to suffer from the time wasting." Since there is no hope of further advancement, it is better to have long-term pain than short-term pain to escape into reincarnation and reincarnate early to rebuild."

"Brother is an open-minded person, in fact, I think so too," Yi Tian replied with a smile: "So I want to stay at the gate for a while and return to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance after finishing the trivial matters." .”

"Sect master and junior brother are serious, please follow me," Huo Lian replied with a smile.

After nodding, Yi Tian turned his head and said to the people behind him: "Xi Tian should come with me, and the others will leave first. Remember to perform their duties and not neglect."

Many spiritual practitioners present looked at Xi Tianying with envy, but the latter looked carefree.Originally, he was the leader of the distraction period, and based on his relationship with him, he would definitely become the leader of the new generation in the spiritual world.

Behind him, the disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion and the casual cultivators of Pojun Mountain all cupped their hands towards Yi Tian and Huolian Jishou and said, "Respectfully send off the two lords."

He brought Xi Tianying and the three of them back to the vicinity of the boundary gate in a hurry.Huolian returned to the temporary cave where he was stationed for a rest, and Yi Tian took Xi Tianying all the way to the gate of Juedao Songli's cave.

After sweeping his gaze, he stretched out his hand to undo the restriction on it and said in a deep voice, "Follow me, I have something to tell you." After the two hurriedly entered, the restriction on the door lit up again and sealed the cave again.

After arriving in the cave, the two walked all the way to the hall in the cave, and Yi Tian found an open space to sit down on the ground.Xi Tianying in front of him seemed to have some hesitation on his face, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Master Yi Zun, dare to ask my master to enter reincarnation as you said?"

Yi Tian said with a faint smile on his face: "Brother Xi, compared to Wei Mo, we are a bit outdated at this time. This is different from your original nature of speaking freely. Please sit down quickly Let’s sit down and talk, you are still the same as you were then, and I am also the same as you were then.”

After listening, Xi Tianying sat down slowly, but with a bitter smile on his face, he said: "I thought back then that your cultivation base was two levels behind mine, but now it is a whole level higher than me. The years really live on the dog."

"In my memory, Brother Xi's boldness is no less than back then." Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly: "It's still the same saying that everyone's situation is different, and naturally the achievements are different. But I am optimistic that you will be able to make great strides in the future." When you become one of my generation during the integration period, the responsibility of the new gate guard will still fall on your shoulders."

"Then I'll go overboard, and I'll call you Brother Yi." Xi Tianying softened his expression slightly and asked, "My master didn't cause you any trouble, did he?"

"Oh, how do you say that?" Yi Tian asked playfully, looking at Xi Tianying's face, it seemed that he knew some clues, so he tried to see if he knew something inside.

Xi Tianying sighed and said: "Everything still starts from the beginning of the evil disaster, the battle when Dugu Jackie Chan of the Heavenly Demon Clan led the army to invade the gate of the world. Afterwards, I accidentally found out that Master and the other party actually hooked up." There is a connection, so there is some faint feeling of uneasiness in my heart."

It seems that the demon monks' temptation to spiritual practice has never stopped. Dugu Jackie also discovered Song Li's most urgent problem before, so he grasped his weakness and slowly broke through his psychological defense.

Sighing, Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "You're right, Dugu Jackie saw the shortcoming of Song Li's longevity, so he lured him with money."

"Then what happened between you?" Xi Tianying asked, "I don't believe that Master will die after fighting Dugu Jackie."

"If I say that Song Li was defeated by me, will you hold grudges?" Yi Tian said lightly, but there was no slight wave on his face.

I saw that Xi Tianying stared at himself with wide eyes for a long time, and then he said firmly: "I believe you are not such a person, and even if my master was defeated by you, there must be a reason .”

Gently took out a storage ring and handed it over, Yi Tian said: "Brother Xi is worthy of being my confidant, Jue Dao Song Li entrusted this item to me when he was dying and told him that it must be handed over to you."

After taking the ring, Xi Tianying showed surprise on his face and said: "This is the 'Emerald Ring', a token of the guardian of the gate. I received the master's behest."

Sure enough, Jue Dao Song Li chose the identity of a spiritual cultivator at the last moment, and directly entrusted Xi Tianying with the responsibility of guarding the next gate.And he used his own hand to hand over the deep meaning of this, Yi Tian also understood.

After thinking about it, he said: "Brother Xi is not the time to be sad, since you have accepted Song Li's entrustment, you must take this responsibility."

"Brother Yi, what you said is that I will definitely inherit the master's last wish and regard the important task of guarding the gate as my destiny," Xi Tianying replied with a tear in his eyes: "Now you can tell me about the relationship between master and Dugu. What happened between Jackie Chan and you?"

Knowing that there was no way around it, Yi Tian sighed and told in detail how he and Fei Tongmo went to Bowanghai, and then met Dugu Jackie and Jue Dao Song Li.

Among them, the rebellion of the Crimson Eyed Demon led to the appearance of the Great Elder of the One-eyed Demon Clan, and Dugu Jackie Chan's real purpose was to be ordered by the Demon Sage to lure himself into the devil's way.

During this period, Xi Tianying also had a look of fear on his face, but when he talked about the elder of the one-eyed demon clan seizing Song Li, his face showed a look of resentment.After the final fight, Song Lilian and the elder of the one-eyed demon race, An Tong, died with endless regret on his face.

Later, Yi Tian told the whole story in one breath, but omitted the plots about Luotian Xiangong that he had seen in Neizhong.Xi Tianying finally sighed, showing gratitude, turned around, bowed his head and thanked him, and said, "Brother Yi, thanks to you for sending my master to the Dao of Reincarnation again, so that I will have a chance to meet him again when he re-enters the Dao." .”

"Brother Xi, you're being polite," Yi Tian hurriedly reached out to help him up and said, "Nowadays the catastrophe is in turmoil, and the spirit world is devastated, it still needs Brother Xi to do his best to ensure that the gate of the world is not lost."

"With Senior Fire Chain here, there will be no crisis on the side of Jiemen, brother Yi can rest assured at this time," Xi Tianying replied after getting up.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "Senior Brother Huolian was recommended by me to take over the temporary position of Song Li, and he will return to Li Huozong sooner or later. So the role of guarding the gate of the realm will definitely fall on you. "

"Brother Yi, you praise me too much. It's really inappropriate for me to take up this important position with my current cultivation base," Xi Tianying replied.

"It's okay, I will send a letter of divorce to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to inform Zheng Tingyun and Lu Jianling that you will perform the duties of the 'deputy guard' first. When the cultivation level is upgraded to the integration stage, you can use the 'deputy guard'." "Remove the word," Yi Tian said, "During this period, I will ask Brother Huolian to assist you at the Jiemen, and he will be able to return to the sect after you sit upright."

"Thank you so much Brother Yi," Xi Tianying said gratefully.

Yi Tian nodded. He was very pleased with Xi Tianying's reaction, and suddenly found in his spiritual thoughts that someone had come outside the cave.Moreover, I have seen the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the visitor before.Then a voice came from outside the restriction: "The disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion are asking to see the Lihuo Sect Master."

The voice of the speaker was Xiang Donghui, the main person in charge sent here by the Taiqing Pavilion.Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know why Xiang Donghui came to find him at this time.

On the other hand, Xi Tianying who was on the side said: "Since you are the head of the Taiqing Pavilion, you'd better meet Brother Yi, after all, they are also the main force guarding here, and they will need more assistance from Donghui in the future. "

Nodding his head, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the restriction on the cave door, and then said: "Come in."

Shaoqing saw a Lingxiu in Taiqing Pavilion's costume hurrying towards him, and when he saw him, he bent his knees as if he was about to kneel down to salute.It's just that he instantly felt that his legs were held up by an invisible force and couldn't fall down again. It was obviously Yi Tian who stopped his kneeling ceremony.

I just heard Yi Tian say: "Brother Xiang, don't come here without any problems."

"Sect Master Yi is in front of you, how can this junior be worthy of your peers?" Xiang Donghui hurriedly replied.

"In terms of identity, it seems unfamiliar. We were all brothers of the same generation back then, so it's better to be called peers," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"It's absolutely impossible. In the past, my brother and I couldn't recognize people with our eyes. Back then, we had a lot of quarrels with Sect Master Yi and Junior Brother Hua." Xiang Donghui hurriedly distinguished: "When Sect Master Yi returned to Lihuo Palace, I I saw you showcasing your divine power and fighting against three senior brothers in the same sect from far away. That scene really opened my eyes. Only then did I realize how small I am, and there is a world of difference in comparison. different."

It turned out that he still came here to resolve the grievances of the past, but he also said that his younger brother Xiang Dongcheng and Hua Yulin had a bad relationship at that time.Now the Hua family has become an important person on the stage following Hua Yuxin's entry into the Lihuo Palace as the divination words said. Hua Yulin's reputation has also risen after returning to the Taiqing Pavilion. Next, it is logical to advance to the middle stage of distraction.

Many fellow students who didn't see each other in the past rushed to the door one after another, hoping to make friends with Hua Yulin.As for the Hua family's old house in his hometown, Luoxia City, it became extremely lively, and there was an endless stream of sects who came to pay a respectful visit.The courtyard where Hua Yuxin originally lived and the Naxiu place where he worked with him were skillfully maintained as a forbidden area for the family.

Some are happy, but some are also anxious. As Hua Yulin's former rival, Xiang Dongcheng's strength is not good.And when he heard that the new acting suzerain of Lihuo Palace was the former sister of the Hua family, he couldn't sit still anymore.He told the family that he was also a wealthy family of the Taiqing Pavilion, and he had a late-stage avatar monk. Even if he could not advance to the stage of integration, as long as Xiang Donghui didn't fail, he could last for thousands of years.

But compared to Hua Yuxin, the leader of the three sects in the spiritual world, who is the acting suzerain of the Lihuo Palace, it is more than one or two points behind.That's why Xiang Donghui hastily came here to express his friendship, hoping that the relationship between the next two families could be eased through the old friendship between senior teachers and brothers.After all, going to the door to ask to see Hua Yulin is not as good as meeting the rightful owner.

(End of this chapter)

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